17 Replies to ““No Guns, No Violence””

  1. Tuesday morning quiz. How can you tell when a lefty is being a hypocrite?
    Give up? Ok, the answer is that he is talking.

  2. I think a new map is in order.
    Gun free zones, on google.
    In other news, the editor of the newspaper who published the original gun-owner map in NY has been receiving death threats and packages of poo in the mail.
    Now let us compare and contrast for just a moment the actions and re-actions here.
    Nutjob kills people, little CynDee decides its a good opportunity to attack some people she fears and hates, namely gun owners. Who did nothing, but she fears and hates them so its all good.
    She reveals their names and locations, setting them up for robbery. Through her agitation network called the MSM she supports crooked politicians and sets the gun owners up for visits from the cops who will come and take their stuff. So cops AND robbers, basically. Cops are a lot scarier, for my money.
    Response so far, she receives poo in the mail. Seems a little anemic, you ask me. Wouldn’t it be better if somebody found a way to have cops come to HER house and take HER stuff? Fair’s fair, right?
    Incidentally to all you Americans: welcome to Canada. Before you start whinging, we still have worse taxes and worse gun laws than y’all. So yes, it will get worse.

  3. Or writing, Ken (Kulak). Or even living, for that matter. After all, euthenasia is at the core of their beliefs. As long as it is the Right People who are eliminated…

  4. That Toure guy from MSNBC is an actual douchebag, he doesn’t just play one on TV. Seriously watch the clip and listen to him.

  5. Aging hippies… But what they are saying is very scary.
    On the same level as Billie Ayers’ weather underground program of action (25 mil Americans ditched in gulag and stuff).
    This ilk will use US military against US people as in 123. Nukes included.
    And you still believe they are simply those who hold a different POV. Right, yeah, but only till they usurped the power. Then they will send food confiscation crews after you and you’ll recall that 454guy warned you, but it will be too late.

  6. Yep, because without guns Cain wouldn’t have killed Abel, Julius Caesar would have died of old age, the four Knights wouldn’t have killed Beckett and on and on.
    Those are some heads desperately in need of a cluebat.

  7. I like the idea – give these chickenhawk gun grabbers a bit of their own spitefulness, except do it like the left always does, don’t ask for permission just publish lists of gun free homes/businesses and imply that non-gunowners are as low as pedophiles and need to be “outted”, licenced and put on watch lists – like they propose for gunowners.
    BTW _ a related tidbit of news revealing the hypocrisy of the chickenhawk gun grabbers – the gun grabber-in-cheif, just signed a law giving himself armed security protection for life at the same time he is crafting laws to take your armed protection away.

  8. “Is that the doorbell, call the cops”
    If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever

  9. Good mock gun-control promo, but they tip their hand when they use the phrases “undefended house” and “defenseless”. Real gun controllers don’t like addressing that much, or try to confuse the issue with claims about gun accidents in such households, etc.
    Better to pitch it as “proudly proclaim this a gun free zone” and other positive phrasing. No point in being obvious when you intend to troll these hypocrites.

  10. Half way through a very good series on the Roman Empire.
    They had many parallels on where we are heading in our society today. Fat, lazy,contempt for their enemies, superiority complex, diversions to mask reality, corrupt government and weak leadership. Sound familiar ? The POTUS is commander in Chief so that should put any fears to rest. No ?

  11. More like No Guns So There Will Be Violence! Obama and his ilk know that gun free zones attract mass murderers. Thats why the left created them. Cause the massacres, sensationalize them through the media, and then use draconian measures to “solve the problem” that they created. Those who can’t see through the left’s lies and are onboard with legislation that will stomp on citizen’s rights are the useful idiots who are too blind and stupid to see they are being used.

  12. Great job by those kids exposing the hypocrisy of the anti-gun crowd,BUT I have to ask the A-G bunch, do you really think the police can get to you in time if a criminal type decides to enter your house?
    Is the basis of their anti- guns a belief that the cops will rescue them in time,or do they think the odds of it happening to them are so great as to not have to worry about it?
    Surely they don’t imagine that they can negotiate with a possibly drugged-out and armed criminal in the dead of night?
    I live in a relatively crime-free area of the Country,but there have been break-ins and thefts, as there are in any other place ,and I wouldn’t feel safe without a gun in the house. I suppose the anti-gun people would say I’m paranoid.

  13. Memo: At any time, in any place let it be known that when the words “WE must do something” dribble from the mouth of any other soul, whosoever; the translation of that mutter is “YOU (meaning thou) must do something – it shall come from something thou gives up or money from thou for something dribble lips wants or supports but , the very important BUT, does not wish to do him/herself or to finance from his or her pocketbook. Just say ‘no’. The word no is underused as the line in the sand word. ‘No’ leaves no wiggle room.
    I have found my cigarette habit very helpful for shutting up people who want me to ‘help’ – I tell them I smoke and that I will not ‘help’ unless I can smoke while I am ‘helping’.
    This is an excellent video exposing the spineless, lazy, msm freaks who do not ‘practice what they preach”.

  14. Rather than asking these people if they want the “Gun Free Zone” signs, show them the same respect they show us: force the signs on them. Let them wake up to a large:
    Gun Free Zone
    Safe, target rich environment
    sign on their front lawn, or perhaps a burgler in their house might make them aware of the consequences of their choices before they see the sign.
    After all, they use the power of the state to force their views on us and it’s time for some pushback.

  15. The homeowners in the video remind me of Canadians who spew anti_American and anti-military rhetoric, but then claim the Americans will help us or we simply have to ask the Americans to help us out militarily if we ever get in a bind.
    I believe gun sales would increase 1000 fold if some new maps were ever to surface displaying all the non-gun toting households in pretentious leftist neighborhoods.
