22 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Emily of Naked DC: “No, Lena Dunham did not call Republicans Nazis, or “This Is Why We Lose.”
    Related: Mark Steyn’s What is the Future of Conservatism?.

    We have all the talk-radio shows and cable networks we need, and the rest of the country is happy to leave us walled up in those redoubts. But culture trumps politics, and not just in the movies and pop songs, grade schools and mainline churches, but increasingly in the boardrooms, too. Instead of giving your hard-earned dollars to help drag some finger-in-the-windy squish with an R after his name over the finish line every other November, conservatives need to start fighting on the turf that matters. We risk winding up like the Shakers–dependent on conversion while eschewing all effective means thereof.

  2. OK, here is one of those juxaposa thingamigs.
    Last Friday, Calgary got hit with a snowstorm that resulted in a no parking order over designated roads. However, a bunch of people forgot about it or did not hear about it, or maybe did not notice the posted signs.
    City issues hundreds of tickets during Friday snow route parking ban

    As of 9 p.m. Friday, the city of Calgary had given out 757 parking tickets to motorists for leaving their cars on designated snow routes during a parking ban.
    The city’s snow route parking ban was put in place on Friday (Jan 11) at 6 a.m. MT after Calgary got hit with a blast of winter weather.

    No considering, no looking at – just write a ticket to any car parked along snow route at the time.
    On the next day on Saturday, Jan 12 there was a “peaceful protest” that happened to block traffic and close down a bridge in downtown Calgary.
    Charges considered after Idle No More protest shuts down city bridge

    A police spokeswoman said charges under the Traffic Safety Act are being contemplated against those who blockaded the bridge. Officials are looking at whether there are any criminal code or bylaw violations.

    So far I have not read any reports of tickets issued or arrests made.
    Hint to police: Look at the video to see if there is any evidence of violations of any kind.

  3. Here’s a discussion between Glenn Beck and Adam Carolla. It’s not brand new but I’ve preset it to start playing at the point where Carolla describes a conversation he once had with his mother. Just watch it for a minute. What he says is soooooooooooooo OBVIOUS but just imagine the negative reaction his words would get from wealthy Leftists throughout Canada. The fact that they’re unwilling to budge on their clearly destructive views towards poorer folks is arguably one of the very worst problems in Canada today.

  4. It is time to Juxtapose
    — In 2006, Obama said that raising the debt limit was “a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills.
    — In 2013 (yesterday to be precise), Obama addressed the nation and said the debt ceiling must be raised so that the USA can pay its own bills

  5. re: US debt ceiling ( “line of credit”)
    somebody’s momma din’t teach their chillen to say “NO”.

  6. Robert, exactly. If people followed Adam’s advice the left would loose control of them.

  7. From the EcoWArriors’ AGW Journal: Update.
    “Arctic Blast Set to Freeze New York and Chicago This Weekend”
    “Arctic air promises to grip the U.S. Northeast and Midwest starting this weekend, sending temperatures below freezing from Chicago to New York City.
    Lows are expected to fall to 3 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 16 Celsius) in Chicago on Jan. 22 and the next day New York may fall to 16, while Boston reaches 12, Philadelphia 15 and Washington 18, according to MDA Weather Services in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
    Temperatures are forecast to be 8 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit (4.4 to 8.3 Celsius) below normal across the Midwest, Northeast, Ontario and Quebec from Jan. 20 to 24,…”.
    “Private Equity Flees Clean Energy as Investment Falls”

  8. Harper’s war on capitalism continues apace.
    Prime Minister Stephen Harper revealed Monday the outline of a plan for the $400-million his government earmarked in last year’s budget for the support of private sector investment in early-stage companies.
    Our housing crash is happening.

  9. Illegal quips:

    Six years ago police tried to prosecute Oxford student Sam Brown after he said to a mounted officer: “Excuse me, do you realise your horse is gay?” Mr Brown, who made the comment during a night out with friends in Oxford after his final exams, was arrested under section 5 of the Public Order Act for making homophobic remarks.
    However, after he refused to pay a £80 fine, the Crown Prosecution Service declined to pursue the case.
    The following year Kyle Little, a 16-year-old from Newcastle, was fined £50 with £150 costs for saying “woof” to a Labrador dog in front of police officers. Eventually the magistrates’ decision was overturned by a crown court. He had been arrested and charged under the Public Order legislation.

    Now, finally, the law is about to be changed, and the word “insulting” removed from Section 5 of the Public Order Act.
    Good. Still not sure, though, how saying “woof” to a dog is insulting.

  10. Mao Stlong*s War on Canada and USA.
    Mao say, goo-day Canadian suckels.
    “Fake parts in Hercules aircraft called a genuine risk – Canada …
    “Firstpost | Fake Chinese parts in US-made arms leave India at risk”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  11. The OPP have released a you-tube that tells us why they will not explain their reasons for not enforcing the law equally.
    We are too simple to understand the complexities of dealing with aboriginals. He also concedes that they have the power to shut down the country. He does not explain how he manages such good posture without a backbone.
    The G&M article here;

  12. Mao Stlong* is an enemy of Canada.
    *Ex-Liberal leader Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.
    “‘Why the hell didn’t I know about this?’: Plucky Montreal student paper brings down suspect Chinese homestay program”
    “In an extremely rare coup for a student newspaper, an investigation by Concordia University’s The Link has prompted the Montreal university to sever ties with a recruiting company accused of mistreating Chinese homestay students.
    Last September, the paper published a 3000-word expose on the Concordia China Student Recruitment Partner Program, a university-affiliated program in which third-party contractors were tasked with attracting and housing Chinese foreign students.
    Pulling together a month and a half of background research, writer Riley Sparks revealed a program where students are charged exorbitant fees amid promises of language classes, regular meals and English-speaking homestay families.”

  13. Liberal Irony/Hypocrisy Show: the “protest fast”.
    Liberal Ad$cam MartinJr of the Mission of Inspiration and “former govenror” confess/display their idiocy.
    MartinJr chokes: ““I think she has accomplished a great deal,” Martin,” told MSM.
    Chief Spence should end hunger strike, former prime minister, former govenror …
    Vancouver Sun – ‎10 minutes ago‎
    Paul Martin and Michaelle Jean are the latest prominent Canadians calling on Chief Theresa Spence to end her protest fast. “I think she has accomplished a great deal,” Martin, a former prime minister, told Postmedia News on Tuesday.”

  14. Spence HAS accomplished a lot,only NOT what she intended,which was to deflect attention away from her corrupt handling of the Band she dictates over.
    Spence has also fired up media people such as Ezra Levant,and inspired them to expose the AFN Chiefs for what they really are, a bunch of self-serving politicians who don’t give a damn about anyone but their family.
    Yep,Spence HAS been “an inspiration”! Paul Martin is finally right about something.

  15. Mohammed The Cannibal’s Gunless Massacre.
    Look O! No guns!
    “Explosions kill 83 at Syrian university as exams begin
    Reuters – ‎25 minutes ago‎
    By Mariam Karouny. BEIRUT | Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:34pm EST. BEIRUT (Reuters) – Two explosions tore through one of Syria’s biggest universities on the first day of student exams on Tuesday, killing 83 people and wounding dozens, a monitoring group said.”
    “Obama to Unveil Gun Measures on Wednesday
    Wall Street Journal”

  16. The lying and cheating about Our Immigration Policy bothers me because I went through the legal path to citizenship.
    The Dream Act follows the compassionate theory that the children of the illegal where in affect abused by thier parents. We are to make things right by providing a path to Citizenship.
    The activists never mention the status of the BAD parents who spent all that time stealing without paying Taxes. Education, Health & welfare was provided to these fake American Citizens
    Well we now know they are still illegal and most likely abusing Grand Children. This is a story about a mother who was arrested and released by OBAMA the lizard

  17. The natural end result of narcissism: The Savile of bicycle racing in spandex.
    Doping, MSM said.
    “Lance Armstrong admits doping: Can his personal brand recover?
    Toronto Star”

  18. Thanks for the reminder about Bob Lae’s uncle, Mo Stlong, lest we forget what wankers both of them are.
