38 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. The last line — ” But one fact remains – one cannot talk away a fire.”
    Also,in the last paragraph they talk about the “need” for a diverse force because some communities do not like firefighters. I say ‘then let them burn’.

  2. From the same country that periodically attempts to use the force of law to make men sit to pee. It is confusing to my tiny little mind.

  3. I would rather that I not be called a bigot than save lives. I say let the chicks be firemen. The same goes for community organizers and presidents. Even if they are unqualified, we must let them learn on the job.

  4. Of course, fire departments are caught in the middle when the Human Rights Commissions get involved. They must choose between mandatory diversity and competence. If we can’t get rid of them, can we hold them liable for the consequences of their decisions?

  5. “As the case was settled out of court and Södertörns Brandförsvar was forced to pay Skr 100,000 (€11,600) in compensation (a large figure by Swedish standards), we thought that the emergency services would reconsider the matters,” says Peter Bergh.
    Get out of here… The union actually backed a white heterosexual male in his lawsuit against discriminatory hiring practices?
    There must have been some kind of huge freaking mistake – long winter nights or sumpting messing with their social programing.

  6. Isn’t it strange.
    When a situation revolves around only life and death, gender equality matters. (Fire Department, Infantry)
    When a situation revolves around only money, gender equality isn’t even considered. (Professional sports)

  7. The British Army conducted a study and found that only 1% of females have the same strength as the average male. Feminists live in a delusional world where quotas are more important than results.

  8. I just retired after 32 years in the fire services, the last 17 as a career Fire Chief. During that time, I hired numerous women into the departments and felt they generally were a positive contribution. The fallacy often spouted was a 100 lb. women couldn’t carry a 200 lb man out of a burning building. That’s probably true, but if I saw one of my male firefighters doing it, I’d fire them on the spot. You drag, victims in a fire, if you lift them, you put them into superheated atmospheres. My mother was a 100 lb nurse who hauled lots of 200 pound men around, and was able to move much larger patients. Women can and often contribute much, in areas of medical care ( the largest call volume that departments respond to) they are frequently more agile than men and can access, people trapped in car accidents, that men cannot. The 2 best apparatus operators I’ve ever seen were women firefighters. Where they fall short is the ability to handle very heavy tools, and tasking which require brute strength, they simply can’t do it. What largely destroys a female firefighters career, is children, and climbing onto the feminist bandwagon, where they start looking for something to feel like a victim.

  9. You drag, victims in a fire, if you lift them, you put them into superheated atmospheres.
    Yes, obviously a 100 lb woman can drag a heavy weight just as easily, and fast, as a 200 lb man. Give us a break…
    Kinda like the police chiefs and their propaganda about gun control.

  10. And the female firefighters can just drag them to the top of the stairs and push them down…just like the male firefighters do?
    How is a female who weights 100 lbs. and then has another 50 lbs. of gear on going to stop somebody from tumbling down the stairs who weighs 200+ lbs. Once the momentum starts, there will be a lot of bumps and bruises and the very high probability of broken bones.
    Affirmative action is there to make common sense not so common.

  11. I didn’t say they could haul victims as fast or as efficiently, but it can be done..
    By in large, you get two types of female applicants to the departments, first is the health nutter, weightlifting, type who see the job as a challenge, and tend to be trauma junkies, who like the action. They are generally accepted and integrate well, the second type are proto-feminists, who develop into full fledged screamers, after they have been in for a while. Strangely, the feminists tend to bond with male firefighters who subsequently develop, numerous health issues, (job related of course).
    I, have given you my opinion based on my time in, I expect there’s some who will disagree with me on the physical ability thing, however I’ve been as objective as possible.

  12. I didn’t say they could haul victims as fast or as efficiently, but it can be done..
    By in large, you get two types of female applicants to the departments, first is the health nutter, weightlifting, type who see the job as a challenge, and tend to be trauma junkies, who like the action. They are generally accepted and integrate well, the second type are proto-feminists, who develop into full fledged screamers, after they have been in for a while. Strangely, the feminists tend to bond with male firefighters who subsequently develop, numerous health issues, (job related of course).
    I, have given you my opinion based on my time in, I expect there’s some who will disagree with me on the physical ability thing, however I’ve been as objective as possible.

  13. So Chief was your mother actually dragging her 200lb patients down the hall? Or were they on a hospital gurney with WHEELS?! Your post wreaks of an progressive agenda. What municipality did you work for? I’d like to know the stats on how many people perished or were fatally injured due to sending women into a burning building or were they outside operating the apparatus?

  14. If men and women burn to death in equal numbers, equality is achieved.
    FYI: the Canadian Forces is implementing a physical fitness test that’s the same across the board for everyone, no male, female or age considerations.

  15. Have to feed the monster.
    After all, Stalin achieved full equality for women in the gulags, digging tank traps, in lumbering, heavy construction, city works crews, and yes, even in the mass execution graves.

  16. You just gotta love how a bunch of amateurs try to tell a 32-year professional about his business. In case you missed it, he’s WORKED with both men and women in firefighting. He’s speaking from direct experience; are you? Maybe you homies might just check your agendas at the door next time before you embarrass yourselves any further.

  17. Actually here in Canada the time to force a security door does not matter.
    Forcing your way into a fire is now a job safety violation.
    Unsafe work practise, so in the interests of team safety we will now just let security minded people burn.
    Face it, if people can afford a security door they are probably productive members of society, therefore enemies of the state.
    I wish this was sarcasm.

  18. My girl is a nurse, and way more qualified than me to move a large person, without doing either of them harm.
    Strength is fine, strength and technique is better.

  19. Had firefighters show up at 3:30 in the morning because our very old and tired hardwired smoke-detectors went off in -35C temps as we thought it might have been a C02 thing.
    The fire-crew showed up and it was the Mutt & Jeff show.
    He was 6’5″, she was 5’5’…maybe. She had trouble getting up the stairs with ALL the gear and apparatus on. He had a hard time fitting through the doors. She could have gotten the little kids out, but my 220 lbs would have made it pretty tough for her to take me out without the gorilla’s help, I be thinking.
    When seconds count in a fire, I think leaving it up to a small woman to put my life in the hands of, is a great risk.
    When better qualified and better physical specimens are overlooked for the PC Police, our society is no longer better, just tolerable.

  20. Thanks for your commentary robins111.
    Always good to hear from someone that’s had a role in actually dealing with this.

  21. One cannot change the dynamics of a job (or the unnecessary rudeness of people who think comments amount to agendas, apparently). The majority of women cannot do the work required and no ideology will make it so.
    That being said, my mum was an obstetrical nurse who had to haul several pounds of pregnant female from here to there, among other things. Technique is probably what keeps one from straining one’s back.

  22. What I’ve found interesting is the differences in fitness levels required in firemen where I currently live (very few highrise buildings) and Vancouver. In Vancouver, part of the test was how fast one could run up stairs with all ones gear – makes sense in highrise fires. Where I currently live, there is more of an emphasis on strength but not so much on ones stair climbing ability. Of course, when fighting forest fires, ability to run up steep slopes with ones gear is an asset. I’d have to train for quite a while to meet the Vancouver standards. My role in this is to look at an applicant for a fireman’s job and make a medical decision about whether the guy is capable of enduring the physical test without danger to their health. Most of the guys I see (and I’ve never had a woman come into my clinic wanting to be a fireman) are ridiculously fit and the only thing that would make me say the guy was medically unsafe would be a heart murmur or family history of sudden death in young people (those I’d investigate further).
    I suspect that statist “safety” regulations are going to make physical strength irrelevant and, in the future, firemen’s jobs will likely stand around watching people burn to death “safely” while they ensure that no-one endangers themselves by running into a burning building to save someone. That’s what happens when one enforces “diversity” in hiring
    As far as nurses lifting patients go, recently the BC WCB has mandated that nurses can’t lift patients from their beds. Instead there’s a mechanical lift that uses a sling to lift the patient into a wheelchair to go for an xray, etc. Before, to save time, I’d just lift one end of the patient and the nurse would lift the other and the process was far faster. Considering that I’ve had to catch 250 lb guys fainting in my office, without injury I might add, I consider the use of a mechanical lift on a 150 lb patient ludicrous. I can carry most of the weight and just need a nurse to lift the legs while I do all the heavy lifting. Now the worthless commie bastards no longer allow this and what would be less than a minutes work becomes a 10-15 minute exercise in using a mechanical lift to lift a weight which I would have considered to be a nice light starting weight for benchpress. Fortunately, as a self-employed contractor, I have no limitations on what I can and can’t do by the worthless commie bastards of BC.
    All this means is that we’ll be over run by tiny Chicoms who, in a male dominated society, we’d be able to kick the crap out of but given the decreasing emphasis on physical strength in favor of “safety”, there will be no reason for men to get fit if they want to become firemen. Similarly, once the primary hiring criterion for policemen was the ability to wade into a bar fight and be the only one standing at the end of it – when I see a 100 lb RCMP member, my initial reaction is to laugh as I’d very likely be able to knock her out with one punch before she’s had a chance to reach for her gun – were I so inclined.

  23. If women ran the world,we would all be fubared.Oh wait.What about pansy men,and I use the term “men” lightly.

  24. Robins, I do not doubt your points on what a value women can be to a department, however you do NOT address their ability to use brute strength to force themselves into secure building as was the point of the post.
    11 minutes is not acceptable. Is there not equipment that can assist the forcing open of a door? If we have the jaws of life to open cars at accident sites do we not have something that would work?

  25. Grey Lady, I won’t disagree with you regarding the brute strength and 11 minutes, .. however the testing scenario in question usually involves a 10 lb sledgehammer and/or a battering ram. In most cases women do not have sufficient upper body strength for these tasks. However technology and hand hydraulics has responded with a thing called a Rabbit Tool, which can open most locked doors in about 20 seconds.
    Ladders which used to take 2 men to place, are light enough now for a small framed male to erect, auto extraction tools are 20% the weight of the first ones, and the list goes on. The fact is, that men will always make up over 90% of the front line fire services, simply due to desire, this in spite of the fact that fire related, call volume typically makes up about 5% of the runs.
    A typical firefighter likely responds to 80% medical calls, with geriatrics and cardiac care as the most likely incident.

  26. Robins,
    I sort of suspected as much.
    One has to wonder at exposing such disparity in the effectiveness of the sexes using outdated technology? I am sure women may also come up short filling the trebuchet during the middle age sieges, but whats the point or relevance to todays job requirements or reality? It seems not so much……

  27. But the beeb says the future is female.
    The future is female, BT predicts
    We have had the industrial age, we have had the information economy.
    But now for something different: “the care economy”, predicts BT’s Ian Pearson.
    And, says Mr Pearson assuredly, women – not men – are best suited for this shift.
    After years of so called soft skills – such as communication – being sidelined, they will now play centre-stage.
    “People will have to focus on being people, using their emotional skills,” asserts Mr Pearson – with male confidence.
    And, he insists, women are instinctively good at this.

  28. However technology and hand hydraulics has responded with a thing called a Rabbit Tool, which can open most locked doors in about 20 seconds.
    Heh, with a man to carry it, along with all the other paraphernalia. Water in a hose is the same weight it always was…

  29. Robins111 – What’s the rate of divorce with female firefighters. I know they are high with the males, not being home often, or during the days off they are so inclined to find other means of satisfaction if the wife isn’t home. Hense the need to get two jobs.

  30. Johnbrooks, I can’t speak to all departments, but in the two I was involved with, when the women were involved with committed relationships, they tended to leave the service. This was because of two factors, pressure from their spouse, and having children. The latter was almost a given.
