8 Replies to “Blue State”

  1. So the politicians and “civil” pukes bring in millions of dollars in the lottery,and can’t pay out a grand? So who is stealing the bucks? It wouldn’t be the DemonRats,would it? And are they bouncing the checks to the Chinese? Oh wait. That would be the Obummer.

  2. How typically myopic to blame the US’s woes on one party.
    It took a countless number of politicians from both parties many decades to bring the pinnacle of freedom in the world to it’s knees. I wish I could live forever just to see how history is written on this period of utter irresponsibility.
    Me thinks the Bushes, Obamas, Cretiens and Harpers of this world will all be considered traitors for squandering our wealth and futures while pursuing mainly partisan goals.

  3. “Me thinks the Bushes, Obamas, Cretiens and Harpers of this world will all be considered traitors for squandering our wealth and futures while pursuing mainly partisan goals.”
    Me thinks the fools who keep electing the clowns (Bush excluded) are to blame. There. Fixed that for ya.

  4. I’m waiting for these bankrupt socialist governments to start bouncing public service pension cheques. Obviously rust belt politicos have been raiding the lotto funds to meet pay outs in other areas. What other trust fund will they raid next in their desperation – pensions? Unrmployment? These kleptos have proven so often they are the last people who should be trusted with public funds. Are we really surprised?
    Then the entitlement legacy of klepto-socialism will see first hand it was all a Ponzi con in the first place. Money does not come from the money trees in the money forest – it comes (is confiscated) from the productivity of the private sector. When takers outnumber makers or when expenses exceed income you either borrow (which socialists have done for decades) or bounce cheques. The debt chickens have come home to roost and no credit issuing institute will underwrite insolvent socialist governments/jurisdictions.
    In this case it seems that even the socialist tax on optimism (lottery monopoly) isn’t immune to the dynamics of revenue-in must equal-spending out. This will soon become apparent at a federal level when the printing presses at the mint (who socialists use to create the worthless money no one will loan them or that they cannot steal) finally crash the dollar. I predict that seniors will be the first people who see fed bounced cheques.

  5. Pattern as usual here in Mordor. The company I am employed by was stiffed by the broke a$$ clowns in Springfield to the tune of almost $200,000.00 for two years. Anyone want to guess what carrying that kind of $$$ on your books can do to a company with annual sales of just under $20,000,000.00. Can you say furlough? Sadly the same people furloughed blamed “that G D Bush” (?) and voted for Gov. Quinn…again.
    BTW: We’re happy we finally got paid but lesson learned. No more .gov contracts ever again.
    But wait! It gets better!
    Illinois’ Unpaid Bills Could Hit $21.7 Billion by 2018.

  6. Like Occam says this is just the beginning, government has no shame, just raw greed.
    Payment is due and there is little wealth left to easily steal.
    Property ownership, bank balances with a positive credit and inheritances will all be declared unpatriotic, proof that you do not care for the helpless, hopeless and other client classes.
    Then with nothing left to steal and with the productive on strike it all ends.
    First the welfare checks bounce, then the cops and teachers.
    The rest of these useful idiots soon after.
    What can I do to help?
