CBC Fruit Fly Guy

Or is he a cockroach?

When we first arrived we were welcomed, asked how long we’d like with the good doctor and where we should set up our shot. When it was revealed we represented Sun News, we were no longer welcome.
David Suzuki didn’t just refuse to speak to us. He refused to appear altogether, sending a handful of hostile event organizers to remove us from the premises. They would, eventually, but not before creating a real drama in front of a real audience that exposed the real nature of David Suzuki.
After much debate and my reiterating I would be staying to ask a question, one of the event-organizers-turned-Suzuki-mandated-attack-dogs turned to the sizable crowd, incensed that I wouldn’t leave quietly, and yelled for someone to call 911 – help! A reporter is trying to do her job!
No one did anything except Green Party leader Elizabeth May (who was at the event as a moderator) who got up, ran across the floor and pleaded for me to be allowed to stay, yelling to the organizer: “Only Rob Ford calls 911 on the media!”

Credit where it’s due. Good for her.

43 Replies to “CBC Fruit Fly Guy”

  1. Maybe Ms Hume will start to think critically about “climate change” now that one of it’s high priests has revealed his true nature? I won’t hold my breath. And Lizzy May simply saw an opportunity to score political points in front of a camera. Believe me, if she had half the power Suzuki has she would be twice as bad.

  2. I can just picture the effing little rat, peering around the door, demanding, ‘ are they gone yet’, whilst some adoring staffer wipes the fevered sweat off his brow.
    This incident will provide me hilarious moments for weeks.

  3. Ummmm. Deport Lizzie. She is a youall, after all. And Gobi….the only good thing about Lizzie is she gives beaver’s a good name. And guareenteed,she opened her yap to look good,not to be real. If you trust her, then maybe the Mafia is for you.

  4. Elizabeth May just bought herself a massive number of brownie points with a major media outlet, and likely with other media outlets as well.
    Not so dumb, that May. Not so smart, that Suzuki.

  5. Can you imagine the hulabaloo if Stephen Harper refused to apear at a function because a news organization generally unfavourable to him (say, CBC) was present??
    I remember that former magazine, “Reader’s Digest,” telling us that Dr. David was one of Canada’s most trusted Canadians. Maybe to their editorial board. Every single person I have ever met, even of the lefty persuasion, who has had any direct dealings with Dr. Dave has come away an unbeliever. Now if only they could take their awareness of how the MSM has canonized an unscrupulous hypocrite and start to question other media memes, they might start to vote sensibly. Sorry, should turn the fantasy button off.

  6. About 25 years ago I attended a debate that Suzuki participated in. I recall very clearly what a complete asshole he was. Nothing has changed.
    Like Al Gore, these “Rock Stars” of the environmental movement, with their inflated egos and their fraudulent ways, feel that they are above criticism.

  7. The fact that lizzie may shot off the comment about Rob Ford calling 911 suggests her motive for intervening had more to do with avoiding bad optics than fighting for free speech.
    The other side of that coin is that many of the folks with star dust in their eyes that can’t see reality is that now they may turn on Lizzie.
    Specifically on the 911 comment. That event occurred because of a CBC hit crew coming on private property uninvited.
    If lizzie was a true freedom advocate, why didn’t she make reference to how it’s only CBC that calls security to remove Sun News.

  8. Sun TV has brightened my day.
    Sanctimonious Saint Suzuki, has robbed and ridiculed the canadian public for decades, with CBC’s blessing.
    He is a walking insult to my intelligence and a poster child for defunding CBC and Tax reform.
    It is beautiful to see him shown up for the snivelling coward that he really is, for that is what the refusal to debate by our eco-friends amounts to.
    They have no courage of their convictions, loss of their media monopoly terrifies them.
    Go Sun News.

  9. Suzuki has assumed the roll of a cult leader. That is obvious to anyone with reasoning capacity. The Sunnews corp are just investigating this observation looking for a materialistic motive. Once you get out of the chattering class circles of Rosedale and west Vancouver, it is hard to find a Suzuki groupie. Most people wrote him off as a flake years ago.

  10. Jodie Patterson was a far-left journalist for the Victoria Times-Communist until recently; here is her blog post on David Suzuki:

    “I don’t like David Suzuki. That’s been the case for many years now, ever since I showed up at a book-signing in Victoria to interview him and discovered that the man I had thought of as a kind, wise environmentalist was in fact an obnoxious, rude guy who made no attempt to hide his contempt of the fans gazing at him all fawn-eyed and adoring.

    I’ve generally kept my opinion of him to myself, however, for fear of seeming un-Canadian…”


  11. Lizzie May doesn’t fool me at all. She had a moment to grandstand and make cheap political points. She is an opportunist and a flake. Besides, there is no comparison between a “public” appearance by Suzuki and the HOME of Rob Ford.

  12. Agreed that Lizzie May’s motive was mostly self-serving, and to get in a cheap shot at Rob Ford. Kind of surprises me that she had the presence of mind to pick up on the snark. Maybe one of her cronies gave her the idea.

  13. Suzuki’s reaction is typical of a crook who knows he’s about to be outed — blustering anger and avoidance of the light of day. If his “science” were so solid, one would think he’d be happy to face challenges to it in front of an audience since, presumably, such challenges would be very easy to refute and questions would be very easily answered.
    Since I think he knows in his heart of hearts that it’s all carney hucksterism, he’s deathly afraid of any scrutiny. The reaction is hardly surprising. After all, if you had a lucrative scam going and saw the chance that it might be exposed, wouldn’t you hide from the potential threat?

  14. “How absolutely sacriligious it was to hold an event like that in a church.”
    Centretown United Church, (United Church of Canada) 507 Bank Street, Ottawa
    Could have been worse, could have been a real church. I mean, one Sunday it’s the ‘Stewards of the Earth’ sermon, then ‘The Evils of Israel’ the following week.

  15. Darn,Kate. Comparing Dr.Ignorant to a cockroach is insulting the cockroaches. They at least serve a purporse.

  16. Thank you for commenting.
    Your comment has been received and held for review by a blog administrator.
    Errr…where did I goof?

  17. Exactly Jamie and Soccermom, that facility is misnamed. It should read Marxist Reading Room.
    So David thinks we are all fruit flies. I don’t know, it is a toss up whether I would vote for maggot or cockroach.
    May just saw an opportunity to get brownie points and slag Rob Ford at the same time.

  18. Exactly Jamie and Soccermom, that facility is misnamed. It should read Marxist Reading Room.
    So David thinks we are all fruit flies. I don’t know, it is a toss up whether I would vote for maggot or cockroach.
    May just saw an opportunity to get brownie points and slag Rob Ford at the same time.

  19. The United Church of Canada barely qualifies as a religious institution. Anywhere the NDP goes to pray is a sham since most of them are atheists anyway.

  20. Does that Sun News reporter have a large tattoo on her arm? Yuk! Not cool.
    Sun News should tell her to cover it up.

  21. Soccermom…I am confused. Being a Church of England member,just what is the United Church? United in what? In God’s way,or something else?

  22. I’d like a list of the dopes who lined up with cash to waste on this snake oil salesman, I have a whole load of portable post holes to sell. This is one despicable excuse for a man this Suzuki is, the fact that tax payers money is wasted on the CBC is bad enough, but to pimp this piece of trash as credible makes Bernie Madoff look like a good investor. This great saviour of nature was caught not so long ago with many salmon over his limit on federal waters up in the Queen Charlottes, but he did it for the “children”. Please David, go away, the Goliath which is us are winning this round, the fork holes are showing through your fig leaf loser.

  23. Justnotthinkin:
    The United Church in Canada was formed in 1925 by the union of three former churches: Congregationalist, Methodist, and Presbyterian. Others have since joined.
    Lately, the UC has been doing its best to impersonate late comedian Flip Wilson’s “The Church of What’s Happening Now, Baby”, as its policies and stance seem to change with whatever the ‘progressives’ believe at any given instant.

  24. Cover up her tattoo? Why? What about freedom? Oh, that’s right… you don’t believe in it.
    “How absolutely sacriligious it was to hold an event like that in a church.”
    Yeah, because God loves to see people raping the s#!t out of his creation.
    All of the retarded comments here aside, yeah, it was stupid not to speak to the Sun reporter. Sure they were going to try and ask a bunch of idiotic “gotcha” type questions, and then cherry-pick the lamest answers, but that’s why you have somebody whip out their iPhone and shoot them yourselves.
    Good on May for defending them.

  25. “How absolutely sacriligious it was to hold an event like that in a church.”
    This is why I left that church years ago. Its executive is infiltrated with culture warriors and it was the first church to integrate leftist politics into church doctrine. Now it is little more than a wholly (holy?) owned indoctrination wing of the degenerate left and the LPC. I sent my membership cancellation to the synod in Toronto the day the church lent its name to a list of supporters of a radical rights destroying left wing NGO. Personally I think this church should be paying taxes if it is lending out its facilities to political events.
    “Yeah, because God loves to see people raping the s#!t out of his creation.”
    This is what I love about free speech and free thinking – it allows the intellectually impaired to self incriminate themselves. 😉

  26. While we’re on the subject of the United church hosting political events and how they have become a tool of left wing agendas, I see that the United Church acted as an intervenor on behalf of the human rights commission’s agenda to kill freedom of expression. A court decision which will ultimately silence Christians from speaking what is clearly written in their bible. I think this church with it’s leftist politics will soon be actively involved in the secular state persecution of Christians.
    More here:
    This church is an active political NGO and should pay tax like any other NGO.

  27. Hogwash. Good on Elizabeth May indeed. She just has the sense to be very, very afraid of real journalists, as opposed to liberal stenographers. She’ll have to do a lot better than that to impress me.

  28. Occam, justthinkin
    The CoE/Anglican church is not too far removed from the UCC, if you have been following its own straying ways the last decade or two….another ‘go with the flow’ bunch of chanters, rather than doing right, and entirely right, by the Word, rather than ignore the inconvenient passages.

  29. Leave the leftists/liberals to make themselves look ridiculous and paranoid. It’s such a laugh.
    It’s not so funny when one realises the power they have. THAT part is depressing, but the other stuff…. you just can’t make it up!
    And good press for Sun, as well.

  30. Apparently Dr Suzuki has been pi$$ed for a while now …… he was heading south (Mexico) on an airliner and a green blogger happened to be sitting behind him and they were sharing some small talk about climate change and the lack of tough government legislation ….. when he turned around and said to her ……. you know we lost eh ??
    For a split second I had sympathy for the old doctor. He didn’t get his way and the good times are over for him. Every year of cooler temperatures is another wound for him ….. and he knows it wont get any better.
    I really did feel sorry for him …… well for a split second anyway.

  31. I have never liked this gooph…not once. Over the past 10 years that has turned to despising him and his over the top arrogance…but his comment a few years ago that those of us that do not believe in AGW should be interned in Environment Re-education camps was a bit much. After Ezras outing of him and his fetish for “well dressed young ladies” … I can tell you if I ever say him in public…..it would please me to kick his legs out from under him.
    Nothing but a Sanctimonious perverted Lying POS.
