Doug Christie

A free speech champion in the fight of his life: Doug Christie, 66, has been admitted to Royal Jubilee Hospital and in a Monday telephone interview, confirmed doctors have told him he has cancer in his liver and about six months to live.
Audio of his Feb. 26 interview on John Gormley Live here.

8 Replies to “Doug Christie”

  1. There will be mixed feelings about this, for Christie defended some of the worst in our society.
    But by insisting that they have freedom of speech, Christie insisted we all have freedom of speech.

  2. Christie did defend the less popular,to put it mildly, but I’ll always remember him for totally destroying the political aspirations of the Western Canada Concept Party.
    The WCC MIGHT have sent a clear message to the Eastern Liberal power-Power Corp. structure had they not had their credibility undermined by Christie.
    As the article says,the line between what he defended and what he was became more blurred as time went on. Maybe if you hang around with nutcases long enough some of it rubs off.

  3. Two family members of mine died of liver cancer.  Regardless of how you feel about Doug Christie, he sure doesn’t deserve to die like this.  It isn’t just death — it’s slow, unrelenting torture first, and painkillers are of limited use, because the very organ which is normally used to break down and eliminate their toxic metabolites is itself shutting down, leading to chronic overdosing and toxicities.  You never get enough painkiller — as one of my family members said in the midst of her demise, “I can feel the pain all the way up to my eyebrows.”
    I wish him Godspeed.

  4. I have no mixed feelings about Christie. He took on jobs when all the rest of the scumbags went into hiding. Apparently a lawyer can have higher motives when trying to free a brutal killer than when the are trying to maintain the right to speak freely. I am fiercely against anti-semitism and racism but am very pro free speech. I think people should be tried for their actions, not their words.

  5. I vividly recall an evening many years ago at an innovative restaurant here in Calgary that invited guest chefs and guest speakers, all the while allowing patrons to BYOB with no corkage charges long before it was legal.
    Long story short – Doug Christie – in the midst of defending Jim Keegstra – was the guest speaker. Unbeknown to most of us Sheldon Chumir was at the back of the room. The verbal jousting that ensued was spectacular – though I’d say the outcome was a draw.
    Walter Block’s “Defending the Undefendable” comes to mind.

  6. News of this man’s illness is deeply saddening. I will best remember him for his defence of Ernst Zundel’s right to free speech, even in the face of repeated (videotaped) physical attacks and death threats from JDL thugs.
    Unsurprisingly, I can see from responses here that, for certain people, free speech is fine and dandy – so long as it doesn’t conflict with certain… ethnic agendas.
    Get well soon, Mr. Christie.

  7. When we persecuted the Zubdels and the Keegstras of our society we paved and liberally greased the slop for the human rights tribunals and anti-freedom of speech laws. This man is a hero.

  8. That is sad news as Doug Christie was one of the most strident advocates of free speech in Canada. The treatment of Ernst Zundel shows that Canada is just another totalitarian state with political prisoners. It’s too bad that Ernst was German instead of native Indian as he would have never spent years in solitary confinement had he committed the same thought crime. HRC’s are the means through which thought crimes are prosecuted.
    If Jews wonder why there’s so much antisemitism around, one has to just look at the actions of the “official Jews” (as Ezra Levant calls them) who decided it was up to them to decide what was the “truth” and what aspects of “official history” could under no circumstances be investigated. As we all know that history is written by the winners of wars, minor atrocities such as the fire bombing of Dresden tend to be omitted from winners historical narratives. Of course the “official Jews” are not at all interested in prosecuting the perpetrators of the Holodomor who, if justice was impartial, should have been tracked down ruthlessly and allowed to starve to death with fresh meals being put daily just out of their reach.
    Prostate cancer generally spreads to bone and so having liver metasteses is distinctly unusual and one would wonder about a second malignancy. Unfortunately, having liver mets is essentially a death sentence as I’ve never seen anyone live more than a year once the liver gets invaded by tumor.
    He will be greatly missed.
