29 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. Not only Heh, but HA HA!
    Typical liberal response, “great idea, as long as I don’t have to pay for it!”

  2. To paraphrase the Stones. You can’t always get what you want. But if you try, sometimes, you get what you voted for (good and hard). Another epic success from successful president Obama! Take that h8ters!

  3. heh. You voted for it,and hope you get it good and hard,leftard. And another Stone’s,can’t get no satisfaction.Oh. And she looks good on the twit network.

  4. Poor Donna, can’t figure out that a bill that is voted on before it is read is likely a bill that will not deliver as promised.
    We can only hope she ends up paying through the noise for the damage her support for Obamacare will cause America.

  5. Marc; I think Donna procured the specialty “cigars” for horndog Bill during his reign of the “orifice” office, not sure about the testing process since they have taste testers for everything there, but she was a close one with with Hill and Billory like all the other fa.t-catchers on the left. The dullness of these leftie people shone bright on Hannity last night with one angry dude yelling at Shawn for his entire segment and then that Swamp Peoples beauty queen Tamara Holder telling Shawn all Republicans are fat, conviently forgetting Oprah and Donna and a barge load of other fat lefties. There is no explanation for these fools, but is sure fun watching their stupidity while raising kids, every night there are endless examples to show your children of what not to become.

  6. “…asking them to explain why my premium jumped…”
    Because you voted for it to happen?

  7. “No good answer!” translates to “reality doesn’t subscribe to the false narrative put forth by this woman & those of her ilk, who advocated for Obamacare.”

  8. You can have two of the following 3:
    1. Good Health Care
    2. Cheap Health Care
    3. UNiversal Health Care
    You can’t have all 3. Anyone who told Americans that massively expanding the people eligible for health care while retaining the same quality of care and reducing costs is either a knave or a fool.

  9. Poor Donna!
    And it’s only going to get worse for her as Obamacare gets rolled out. CoverOregon.com has a calculator that will estimate premiums, and if Donna were to use Oregon’s Insurance Exchange, her estimated monthly premium when she hits 55 (in 2014, IIRC) would be a little over $700 per month. Not counting for increasing costs of health insurance, the premium would rise to around $850 per month when she hits 64. And this is for fairly basic coverage in the exchange (probably either bronze or silver coverage).
    As for me, I think I’m going to play the system and have the middle-class working taxpayers pick up most of my bill. If I manipulate my gross annual “income” down to around $30,000 or less per year (i.e. pull from non-ira savings for the most part) I can get a subsidized premium (family of 2, age 63) estimated to be around $155 per month. Lots better than the full cost estimated to be around $1695 per month.
    My philosophy… if the system is trying to stick it to you, it’s fair to stick the system back.

  10. What Americans have bought into with Obamacare is not health CARE, but health insurance. Now everyone has health insurance, but the system is in no better position to cope with actual care of all these additional people than it ever was — and everyone’s costs go up (except those who get the insurance for free). Worse, all sorts of people working for smaller companies have had their hours cut back or have been laid off because of the companies attempting to avoid the increased expense. I like the idea of universal health care, but in some contexts it is just not doable. US in the middle of a recession is one of them (not doable).

  11. Donna, you are now responsible not only for your own health care but the healthcare for a family of five in Muncie Indianna. In 2014, when Obamacare really kicks in, you will also be responsible for driving them to their free doctor’s appointments. Please plan accordingly.

  12. Hey Donna. I think you already know the answer to that ridiculous question.
    That being said, to those of us in the Soviet Republic of Kanuckussia, we never see our premiums or our actual medical costs for that matter. So we never know/realize when the costs go up.
    Yours may be a ridiculous question. Ours is a ridiculous system.

  13. They have no good answer because you don’t tell the customer “It’s Obama’s fault” when there is a 95% chance said customer voted for him and there is a good chance that said customer will cry “Racist!” and bring the media down on you.

  14. She’s a prime fart catcher and excuse make for ZERO, regularly appearing on the Communist News Network.
    She deserves her angst, perhaps she should asked the ZERO first about Obamanation care.nstead of fawning in the glow of the fire and brimstone….

  15. Oh, Jezebel’s in for a treat when she’s old enough to actually need health care.
    “Asked the nurse why she doesn’t change my diaper if my nephew doesn’t leave a pint of Hennessey under the bed when he visits. No good answer!”

  16. Excellent comment, Slaw. The Americans’ problem is that they have none of the three. And Obamacare only pretends to fix #3.

  17. Schadenfreude is, perhaps, the best way to cope with Obama’s re-election. That this total fluff-head doesn’t get she is stuck with the Kenyan dictator’s unworkable healthcare “plan” makes my day. It’s mean, yes, but screw her and everyone like her who voted for that dreadful man. They’ve helped ruin what was once a great country.

  18. The explanation for why your premium jumped is that all those people who had no health care plan that you wanted covered by a health care plan are now covered by your health care plan.
    Who did you think was going to pay for their inclusion, Genius?

  19. The poor dear was smoking the “hopium” and forgot about the “changium” that follows right behind.
    Too bad, so sad.
