Progressive Piggies

After all, some animals are more equal than others–scroll down. At The Gods of the Copybook Headings:

…Think of the Canadian Leftist dynasty of David Lewis, Stephen Lewis and Avi Lewis. A family history that charts Leftism’s arc from plausibly misguided idealism to grubby featherbedding quite well.
By viewing the Left as aspiring quasi-hereditary aristocrats, their self-interest becomes perfectly logically. They despise capitalism because it is a threat to their power and influence. They like money because it reinforces their privilege, power and comfort…

11 Replies to “Progressive Piggies”

  1. So the heir apparent was skipping his duties to make extra $$$$ at speaking engagements. Work ethic, doing the job sheeple pay him for not exactly on his heinous’s radar……

  2. Yep as I’ve been saying for years, Canada is run by a tiny group of genetic lottery winners.
    However, Israel is too, from what I hear. And you can say the same of the US.

  3. I thought John Chittick’s comment to the God’s Copy essay about David Lewis was excellent. David must have read Lenin’s speeches and inserted his own enemies of the people.

  4. Right. Because Avigdor Lieberman is landed gentry. Israel’s problem is that she hasn’t come into more than a fiftieth of her inheritance, if that.
    You want some genetic lottery winners who in a better ordered world would be cleaning Israeli privies with their tongues for a living, eat the waste of God’s chosen, drink their pee, sleep in pigsties and be grateful for the privilege, try the Houses of Saud or Kim.
    I would have added the House of Ceausescu, but as a matter of fact “socialism in one family” worked out rather badly for them. The Lewises and Trudeaus should be informed of the details.

  5. “Leftism’s arc from plausibly misguided idealism to grubby featherbedding”
    Absolute clarity and precise critique. I will save and share this quote wherever apropos.

  6. Yes our elected and appointed royalty, if Harper fails or morphs into a liberal all we will have left is the French remedy of their first revolution.
    I will start working on an automatic, eco-friendly modern version.
    Just think a modern tool that cures liberal traitors of their delusions and doubles as a weight loss program.
    Want to lose 30lbs of useless ugly fat?

  7. This theme of cosmopolitan progressivism = feudalism is being explored more and more. Tom Kratman explores it extensively in some of his science fiction works of a future dystopia in which the excesses of a future ruling class vastly exceeds that imagined by George Orwell in 1984.

  8. I highlighted this from the “…Copywright…” site:
    “Progressivism, one of the great misnomers of political history, has slowly dissolved the constitutional state.”
    How incredibly astute. The left/liberals set the narrative, part of which is that they are progressive, forward-thinking and classically liberal, when in fact they are the opposite. I’ve seen people here and in other places refer to the left/liberals as progressive. I don’t care what they call themselves, they are REGRESSIVE. Don’t let them set the narrative any longer with that misnomer.
    Furthermore, hypocrisy isn’t just a sign of a leftist; it is a virtue. How many Americans are on food stamps while the Obamas go on holidays? How many Canadians would like to see Trudeau as the Prime Minister even though he is a spineless money-grabber?

  9. I recall watching Stephen Lewis generously praising a lawyer – because she was black.
    He may have been playing to what he believes to be the stupid – the media and public, or he was genuinely surprised that a black female could also be intelligent. Elitist, sexist and racist Lewis is definitely a ‘progressive’.
