27 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. This is a developing ‘scandal’courtesy of the billion dollar a year boondoggle known as the CBC.
    Of the 96 who answered, 17 refused outright to provide proof of their responses. All but one were Conservative, and all but one of the Conservative refusals were from senators appointed by Harper.
    The cbc had one of their crack ‘investigative reporters’ call up all the senators and question them about their residences. Some told them to take a hike. This response ,in the eyes of the cbc and their faithful,is a clear indication of wrongdoing,and of course shows that PM harper is attacking democracy.
    In my eyes,this is a clear indication that the cbc is on a witch hunt,they may as well have asked ” Are you now,or have you ever been a member of the Conservative party of Canada?”.

  2. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    You wan flied yumyum chicky?
    “Kentucky Fried Chicken says goodbye to 1,000 Chinese farm suppliers”
    “Kentucky Fried Chicken has cut ties with more than 1,000 farms in China, following a food safety scandal that led to a dramatic drop in sales at the fast-food chain last year.
    China said in December it was looking into charges that chickens at KFC suppliers had high levels of antibiotics. The public announcement led to a near-immediate 6 percent drop in KFC’s parent company, Yum! Brands, Agence France-Presse reported.”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  3. “Bin Laden is Dead And Ambassador Stephens Is Dead” (SDA)
    “Taliban poison, kill 17 Afghans in attack in east, official says”
    “Taliban insurgents poisoned and then shot to death 17 people in an overnight attack on a government-backed militia post in eastern Afghanistan, an official said Wednesday.
    The militants somehow poisoned those inside the outpost, incapacitating them, before gunning them down Tuesday night, said Abdul Jamhe Jamhe, a leader of the Ghazni provincial government. The method of poisoning was unclear, he added.”

  4. “John Ibbitson
    Obama rejection of Keystone would chill Canada-U.S. relations for years”
    “If the Obama administration blocks the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, relations between Canada and the United States will enter a deep freeze the likes of which have never been seen.
    Highly placed government sources, speaking in confidence, stressed repeatedly in several conversations that Ottawa considers approval of the pipeline, which would ship bitumen from the Alberta oil sands to American refineries, vital to Canada’s economic future.”

  5. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    “Cape Cod community considers taking down wind turbines after illness, noise”
    “Two wind turbines towering above the Cape Cod community of Falmouth, Mass., were intended to produce green energy and savings — but they’ve created angst and division, and may now be removed at a high cost as neighbors complain of noise and illness.
    “It gets to be jet-engine loud,” said Falmouth resident Neil Andersen. He and his wife Betsy live just a quarter mile from one of the turbines. They say the impact on their health has been devastating. They’re suffering headaches, dizziness and sleep deprivation and often seek to escape the property where they’ve lived for more than 20 years.
    “Every time the blade has a downward motion it gives off a tremendous energy, gives off a pulse,” said Andersen. “And that pulse, it gets into your tubular organs, chest cavity, mimics a heartbeat, gives you headaches. It’s extremely disturbing and it gets to the point where you have to leave.”
    The first turbine went up in 2010 and by the time both were in place on the industrial site of the town’s water treatment facility, the price was $10 million.”

  6. Strikes me the shabby attempt to blackmail Canada over the Keystone pipeline, could be a bonus for Canada.
    When Obama says no to keystone. unless Canada kisses the ring on Climate Change, can the feds invoke, National Interest to expedite East, West pipelines?
    Its in our national interests, cause the US economy is going down.

  7. More good news out of Cherokee County, North Carolina.
    Amazing how liberals recover their common sense and good manners when patriots are pointing loaded guns at their heads. Robert Horne, the editor of the Cherokee Scout, has finally accepted some responsibility for his cavalier attitude to the rights of honest, freeborn North Carolinians who proudly keep and bear arms, and made sure he knew they’re prepared to use them on traitors if necessary.
    Horne resigned last night as Scout editor (Tuesday February 26) and is leaving the local press to “pursue other opportunities and relocate closer to family.” In other words, he’s leaving the county and moving back into his ma’s basement in rural Georgia. His career in journalism is over, the Cherokee County sheriff’s office could no longer guarantee his safety even if they wanted to, and until he finds someone else willing to hire a middle aged man with no common sense he has nowhere else to go.
    I’m sure his ma missed him. Cherokee County won’t.
    The Scout’s press release is here:
    Seems his wife is a schoolteacher. With her man’s editor’s salary gone they need her money to live on and save up the cost of putting their effects in storage. They’re waiting to leave Cherokee County until the end of the school year in May. (Horne has been given a make-work job at the paper even he can’t screw up for the duration.)
    If I thought liberals had any sense of gratitude towards their Creator I’d hope Horne was thanking God for a wife who took the “for worse” part of her wedding vows seriously. For a city girl this would have been her cue to throw his rubbish onto the lawn and have the locks changed, because if she had her own money life would presumably be too short to spend with a useless old liberal.

  8. “Five Star Movement: Thanks to a proportional representation electoral system, the balance of power in the Italian legislature is held by a party whose leader is a stand-up comedian – Beppe Grillo (pictured)”
    “Heffer: Mr Clegg’s voting system and the comedian who’s exposed what a joke the euro is”
    “‘Count your blessings, Canada,’ OECD head says”
    “Canadians should consider themselves privileged to have a majority government in these difficult times, says the head of the OECD.”

  9. The free expression / free speech decision is in.
    No, it’s not at all what I’d hoped for, they’ve nuanced it into something that outlaws free speech when it’s “detestation” or “vilification” but allowed it when merely offensive.
    Try telling this hodge podge of nuance to the great unwashed, and arrest those that cross the line, based upon the effect on those in the audience? It’s ridiculous.
    Do we need to carry a meter around that will indicate when we’re out of line? When is free speech not allowed? if it’s rated a +7 on the hate scale, but when it’s not fully freed from a +6 on the scale of hate?

    From today’s National Post, the last bit in their reportage:
    “As advice to future hate tribunals, the judges offered three main pieces of guidance.
    First, these laws must be applied objectively, which is difficult in the case of subjective emotion, though not impossible, the judges ruled.
    Second, hate must be understood to be the extreme manifestations of the emotion described by the words “detestation” and “vilification,” but nothing less.
    “This filters out expression which, while repugnant and offensive, does not incite the level of abhorrence, delegitimization and rejection that risks causing discrimination or other harmful effects,” they wrote.
    Third, tribunals must focus their analysis on the effect of the expression at issue, namely whether it is likely to expose the targeted person or group to hatred by others.
    “The repugnancy of the ideas being expressed is not sufficient to justify restricting the expression, and whether or not the author of the expression intended to incite hatred or discriminatory treatment is irrelevant. The key is to determine the likely effect of the expression on its audience, keeping in mind the legislative objectives to reduce or eliminate discrimination,” they decided.
    “The difficulty of establishing causality and the seriousness of the harm to vulnerable groups justifies the imposition of preventive measures that do not require proof of actual harm,” the judgement reads.”
    Free expression for all of you, until some are offended, but not everyone is offended, but some of you are hurt, but not necessarily bruised.

  10. First they came for your raw milk.
    While I oppose most gun control proposals, there is one group of Americans I do believe should be disarmed: federal agents.
    For example, the offices of Rawesome Foods in Venice, California, have been repeatedly raided by armed federal and state agents, and Rawesome’s founder, 65-year old James Stewart, has been imprisoned. What heinous crime justified this action? Rawesome sold unpasteurized (raw) milk and cheese to willing customers – in a state where raw milk is legal
    Swat type raids to stop people from doing legal (on a state level) that the fed gov does not like. Saving the sheeple from harm with swat teams.
    By Ron Paul>
