14 Replies to ““That’s a kind of madness that I haven’t seen in a long time””

  1. FINALLY someone in the MSM has spoken the obvious truth that everyone in the MSM was whistling past the grave-yard trying to ignore, i.e., “The Emperor has no clothes.”

  2. And you,Mr.Woodward,are the problem.So take your self-styled god,called the Obummer,and lay the blame where it deserves to be,on the MSM’s doorstep.You wanted him,and peed on your leg because a loser was elected,TWICE! And your types could not tell the truth about what a failure the clown called president was.The big problem is,nobody will hold you or him responsible as you slowly go down the rabbit hole.Idiot.

  3. JT,have ANY of the MSM simply said,”I was wrong about Obama” or words to that effect,yet?
    Maybe they’ll never wake up to the truth.

  4. Meh, let the idiots have the middle east. I have no idea why we care about that place so much. If we weren’t there they’d be too busy killing each other to be bothering us.
    Its one of the only things I can agree with Obama about.

  5. There will be a nuclear exchange somewhere in the world before this idiot leaves the US Presidency. His (and Kerry/Hagel’s) incompetent, feckless, indecisive blithering will convince some nut job somewhere that using nuclear weapons will be acceptable for their personal or country’s goals. And millions will die.
    Despite his blathering about nuclear disarmament, the nuclear club will likely grow by 3-6 before 2017 also. Many will not announce their intentions or achievements. By projecting uncertainty, many nations will pursue nuclear weapons to defend themselves.

  6. Obama’s timidity and fecklessness communicates US weakness and emboldens rogue countries everywhere, but particularly in the Middle East. Unfortunately, I am not sure MSM will put two and two together when all h*ll breaks loose.

  7. What kind of nut-job comment is that?
    I fear you have forgotten about the events of Sept 11, and the terrorist attacks on western interests for years leading up to the aforementioned terrorist attack.
    You are either obtuse, or disingenuous. Take your pick.

  8. I have heard something similar expressed from the bombastic Michael Savage. To expand on Woodward’s observation, that Obama is quite mad – mad drunk on power and overconfidence, Savage was saying the natural course of this kind of leadership throughout history is that eventually he will screw up so badly the backlash will topple the whole house of cards the Chicago fascist/gangster political cabal have built around the their puppet in oval office.
    Personally, although many are saying his unconstitutional gun confiscation agenda will topple him, I think it will be a whistle-blower revelation of big big payola in the direct Obama junta that will do it. I think he will have to step down voluntarily as a way to defray prosecution.

  9. Ok Indiana. Where did I say, let them attack us and not respond? By all means if they attack us, beat them down badly – and I mean badly and swiftly. Then leave and leave quickly. Wasting time spending money on those places gets us very very little return.
    However it is disengenuous to suggest that they attack us for no reason. They attack us because we’re over there. We’ve been there for a few hundred years now, and meddled in the area over the last century, toppling governments, playing kingmakers, even on occasion killing innocent bystanders etc. Pretending that they hate us just because of some silly religion is only a small part of the story. If it’s just religion, trust me, they have enough disagreements on that between themselves that they’d be killing each other without us quite regularly. I know the area, what can I say.

  10. “The famous investigative journalists are always the last to notice.”
    How true! But then it took them forever to notice the rivers of blood coming out of the communist bloc. It’s not that they’re blind so much as that they don’t want to see.
    Maybe Woodward is starting to think something is amiss in America, but how many others are?
    Since he was re-elected, Ohbummer is a loose cannon now.

  11. What is here is a clash of egos.
    OBOZO has declared that the preoblem is that he is President …not emperor.
    Woodward long hailed as an impartial journalist has succumbed to that myth…in the process evolving from a political hack to the notion of being a king maker.
    OBOZO may be repeating Calkigula’s error…offending the Praetorian Guard.

  12. dude, you are so blind you can’t see the ‘Forest’ through the trees.
    your response is completely detatched from reality, based in nothing but rhetoric, and akin to the analysis of a 5th grader
    If what you say was true, then the savior BO would have long GTFO’d

  13. So far Indiana, you haven’t said anything.
    Go ahead educate me on how much we’ve benefited from spending billions on these places…
