The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

All is unfolding according to plan;

“The thing is, and this isn’t race bating or racism in the least bit, but because African Americans in the 70′s and 80′s were more single parent house holds than their Caucasian counterparts, most African American women today were raised not only without 2 parents around, but are fully convinced they don’t need a man. we kinda like have a 20 year head start on this whole feminism thing.
Black women have been telling black men they aren’t s**t, weren’t s**t and never will be S**T well before their Caucasian counterparts thought it was cool.”

Except for maybe the “fat” part. (h/t EBD)

9 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. The key question is whether white American males will follow the black male path as written, or will they emulate Japanese males? By that, I mean there’s the “grass eater” path of dropping out of the race, playing video games, watching cartoons, doing minimal work to get by, and not bothering with getting married. Japan doesn’t experience horrifying violence, but at the same time, they are experiencing a cultural dis-functionality of the highest order.
    Which path is more likely for white Americans?

  2. And what the “black women” don’t realize,is they are whores to the state. Who pays you,momma? And there are some whities who are the same. Do they have no self-respect? Or is that a thing of the past? Just asking.

  3. An excellent article that just scratches the surface.
    I never hear the usual “talking heads” discussing the effects the amazing rate of society’s changes is having on it’s members. We’ve only seen the beginning.
    But then, why would our leaders ever want to point out a problem that might cost them votes somehow?

  4. If black women believe that ” … black men … aren’t s**t, weren’t s**t and never will be S**T”, how on earth did so many of them get pregnant so often? Someone’s bullshitting us. Again.

  5. Can you imagine, after 40 years of Welfare and all these Fatherless kids, or Mothers with 5 kids and 5 different Dads how in the hell are they gona know who their half siblings are or even their brothers and sisters. Inbreeding is gona be a major problem.

  6. “Do they have no self-respect?”
    Sadly, this has become an outdated concept. Whereas, in the past, self-respect was a valued commodity possessed by the vast majority. Those with no self-respect were regarded as useless parasites, and rightly so. Nowadays, anyone turning down a handout or choosing to work for something as opposed to having it handed to him/her is seen to be stupid for not accepting something for nothing.
    This simple fact goes a long way in explaining why America is rapidly descending into clusterf*ck territory.

  7. Stolen from “Mikerobe” in the opinion column on same article.
    “Also, and here is where I will get in trouble for stating a true fact, there is no denying that blacks just aren’t as smart as other ethnicities. Blacks finish dead last in test scores in every school system in America. How many scientifically advanced nations are there in Africa? Try none, and this is where they are on equal footing and left to their own acomplishments. Maybe that has something to do with why they are the last hired, and the first fired.”
    It’s the aversion to the truth that maintains the status quo. Even affirmative action is unable to overcome this.

  8. You think that’s bad Peterj, try and name one country run by blacks that is turning a positive GDP. Even the U.S.A. can’t claim that.
