27 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. What a bunch of dingleberries. Girlie there with the trophy probably has more common sense than all of those fawners put together. Watched a few minutes of the red carpet show with Ryan Seacrest and he had a “mani-cam”, in which the ladies would place their manicured and bejewelled hands in this little box so the camera could get a close-up. I can’t think of much that is more ridiculous than that. Michelle Obama jumped the shark that night, yes, but so did all of the media there. And that’s probably why I pretty much tuned out the whole thing.

  2. Not sure who she is and don’t recall seeing her in anything, but love her reaction to the banal questions.

  3. Now that pretty well torpedoed the old saying, “The only stupid question is the one that isn’t asked.”
    Try to tell me we’re not terminally screwed as a society when adults can make a living asking dickhead questions like that.

  4. That’s Jennifer Lawrence, and like Charlize Theron, Emma Stone, and Jessica Alba, are all real people not ‘celebs’, and who are also exceptional actors. They can play a ‘celeb’ role when necessary, but in real life they’re just extraordinary people.
    They’re good role models for young women.
    This is a good example of Jennifer not taking crap from the media:

  5. After “what was the process…” she mentioned she took a shower. So, “WHO scrubbed your back, were you aware I was available in an emergency”?
    But gay Reporters never ask the important questions.
    I’ve not seen any of the nominated movies yet, and didn’t watch the ceremony,in favor of the women’s curling championship,which Ontario won.
    All that aside,the young lady appears to have retained some of her humanity,unlike so many of the Hollywood bunch,who are SO self-impressed.
    btw, did Al or Michael win anything this year?

  6. Was that Joe Clark who asked about the process for getting dressed? Remember him on a photo op at a farm? He asked the farmer: “What is the totality of your acreage?” Joe also loved the word “specificity”, which he would use as often as he could.

  7. I disagree with your naming Jessica Alba as common-sensical. She shilled for Obama every chance she could, and her main reason to do so was abortion rights. And this is a mom of 2 toddler daughters. Makes me cringe.
    Didn’t mind her until she got political. Now can’t stand the sight of her.

  8. And that right there is why I don’t get television anymore. Nice girl, nice dress, surrounded by complete fools. I’ve seen enough to last a lifetime already.

  9. Love her – great style – she essentially put the moronic press on notice that she won’t take any of their crap.
    The press won’t like that…

  10. This was the ONLY part of Oscar night that I have seen…and I’m so glad I saw it. She is smart and funny, and now I’m a fan.
    old Lori…I agree.

  11. Here’s a hilarious video of Lawrence fending off Jack Nicholson’s (also) hilarious advances after she won her Oscar. (Unfortunately, you also have to watch George Stephanopoulos who’s interviewing Lawrence):
    I love her down-to-earthness. She’s nobody’s fool and refreshingly comfortable in her skin.
    (I’ll now have to watch some of her movies. I’ve only seen her in Winter’s Bone and The Hunger Games.)

  12. Apparently a degree in journalism authorizes ignorance, stupidity and boorish invasion of privacy to be part of freedom of the press.

  13. How long til she runs for president? Sorry, I am being rather cynical these days, but can you blame me? Seriously, how long until she is nominated for office? Actually, first she will be the next Oprah and have a daily TV show where she dispenses wisdom(?) between commercial breaks. Probably a line of clothes and accessories too. She will be a billionaire by the age of 30 and go around Africa holding starving black babies in front of cameras and demanding money. Oh, and don’t forget the polar bears etc.

  14. johnbrooks – agree, totally unnecessary and insulting to millions of viewers. Perhaps she has no vocabulary other than what’s on her script.

  15. (I’ll now have to watch some of her movies. I’ve only seen her in Winter’s Bone and The Hunger Games.
    Look for her in ‘The Burning Plain’ she and Charleze Theron play the same character at different ages. They’re both quite good.

  16. “…insulting to millions of viewers…”
    Given the snot and drivel that is regularly served up on prime-time TV for its millions and millions of viewers, I kind of doubt it.

  17. So you’re not one of those millions. Does that prove anything?
    However, I agree with johnbrooks and larben.

  18. They have post Oscar press conferences now?
    Cute comment johnbrooks
    One time Dad met an old friend on the street and the old friend said Jesus more than a bit and afterwards I asked Dad who was that and he said, “oh sorry I should have introduced you to Jack Jesus Williams”
