31 Replies to ““When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal””

  1. Mark Levin is talking about this too…
    “post constitutional government”
    Hey remember freedom of speech? good times, good times…

  2. Bob Woodward:
    “Can you imagine Ronald Reagan sitting there and saying, ‘Oh, by the way, I can’t do this because of some budget document?'” Woodward said on MSNBC.
    “Or George W. Bush saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to invade Iraq because I can’t get the aircraft carriers I need?'” Or even Bill Clinton saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to attack Saddam Hussein’s intelligence headquarters,’ … because of some budget document?”

  3. Would it be possible to get a guide to Twitter syntax for those of us who don’t twit? Sometimes it gets hard to tell who is saying what.

  4. This could be the first time a “major” level journalist looked at Obama and said
    “The Emperor has no clothes, he’s butt naked”.
    Might be history in the making here.

  5. and all the presidents men…….
    something about age, wisdom, sage advice.
    call “O” out.

  6. Does my memory serve me corectly? Is this not consistant with how Bob has treated admins in the past. First term he is sweet and cozys up to them. Second term he nails them. I think he did the same to the Bush’s.

  7. Uh huh. Woodward says “I think if Barack Obama knew that was part of the communication’s strategy, let’s hope it’s not a strategy, that it’s a tactic that somebody’s employed, and said, ‘Look, we don’t go around trying to say to reporters, if you, in an honest way, present something we don’t like, that, you know, you’re going to regret this.’ It’s Mickey Mouse.”
    Yeah, well, it’s worse than Mickey Mouse. It’s bullying and threatening. And, Mr. Woodward, if you think the Obamanation doesn’t know what’s going on — heck, he’s probably briefed his communication team to say exactly what you’re hoping isn’t “a strategy” — you’re more naive than a basket of kittens.
    But, hey, now it’s out there for all the world to see: a thug presidency with a Mafia MO. Woodward better watch his back and his knee caps.

  8. ivbinconned: “Second term he nails them. I think he did the same to the Bush’s.”
    Did the Bushes threaten Woodward? Did they tell him he’d regret “doing this”?

  9. If I got a threatening e-mail from the Obama government. I’d forward it to my family and a few thousand of my closest friends. Why isn’t Woodward naming names?

  10. No, probably just the first time one has said it publicly. Lots of them have always known but chose to go along either because they agree with him, or because they were afraid to speak out

  11. Obama is a thug, for sure. I have always been amazed that Canadians for the most part do not get this. Anyway, my guess is Michele. Really, that would be much in keeping with her style. Wasn’t she the one clapping loudly at the Candy Crowley covering up for Obama during the second debate.

  12. I’ve honestly been half expecting Erik Prince or General MacChrystal to have a car accident or heart attack.

  13. Well,it takes the pressure off Dr. Ben Carson. Two meeting an accident close together would be too suspicious. But I’d still get a food taster.

  14. I’ve heard tell that Bob has taken out a president in the past, on the basis of somebody code-named “Deep Throat”.
    This could be very good — at least from the perspective that, in today’s world, you might not need to wait 35 years to find out who the reverse-leaker is, what with Anonymous and WikiLeaks out there…

  15. Isnt there something wrong when the biggest negative media for O is not because 4 Americans died and his admin has stonewalled and we dont know what he was doing that evening, it will be because an advisor made a verbal threat to a reporter in a dispute over budgets?
    But if this starts the media preference cascade then fine.

  16. ….”When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal”
    Where did they gat that idea?
    Oh yes …. a principle of Sharia Law is that “If Mohammed did it, that means that it is not illegal”

  17. “Isnt there something wrong when the biggest negative media for O is not because 4 Americans died and his admin has stonewalled and we dont know what he was doing that evening,”
    Stephan: Let’s not forget the team 6 seals Breitbarted in a suspicious Chinook crash that conveniently sealed the truth about the Bin Laden raid. The bodies of those deemed threats to the official narrative of this Chicago regime keep piling up

  18. Seems like Obama hold grudges like Nixon. Clearly though, not nearly as smart as Nixon. I am sure though, that when push comes to shove, Woodward will do what it takes to protect the Democrats.
