15 Replies to ““When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal””

  1. Geez if the White House would “attack” Bob Woodward for not towing the party line on a little thing like sequestering budget cuts imagine what they’d do to a guy like Andrew Breitbart?

  2. They had this well trained dog, and then the dog decided it was going to do what it wanted to do instead of what it was told. I don’t even own a dog, and I know how this ends.
    The Fourth Estate abdicated any claim to independence long ago. Now it is being told to heel. There was once a reason to care.

  3. Now that they have destroyed their enemies they are branching out to destroy their friends. Bob Woodward is an example of a guy who played along hoping to be eaten last.

  4. Nixon most emphatically didn’t do his own dirty work Haldeman ehrlichman colson et al did it.
    The only president who did that I know of was LBJ.

  5. Bob Woodward is the canary in the coal mine. Once things start to really hit the fan and affect the press pack they’ll start turning.

  6. Dem governments are thug admins –
    Wilson – Massacres striking mine workers, enters US into WWI After running an election against entering the war, jails journalists who oppose war or his admin.
    FDR, Cheats WW1 vets, enters WWII, Jails/inters Japanese Americans, Arrests journalists who oppose war. Threatens journalist opposed to the new deal
    Harry Truman _ nukes Japanese civilians, enters Korean war, Refuses to have Jewish journalists in his home. Threatens and prosecutes journalists opposed to Korean war.
    Lyndon Johnston – uses false flag attack to enter Viet Nam war, Has troops goon war protestors. Gun Control Act of 1968, one of the largest and farthest-reaching federal gun control laws in American history – the start of ATF goonery of red state people.
    Klinton – Scapegoats red state opposition as “militia” domestic terror – Ruby ridge, Waco – OKC was provocateured to further scapegoat red state people. Emilio Gonzales, ATF powers and weaponry expanded. Tries to pass “media accountability” bill which would remove 1st amendment rights for Dem opposition in media (after Matt Drudge exposed Slick’s cigar trick). ATF “raid” anyone who has militia ties (something that is not illegal and a constitutional civil duty)
    Obama – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIzGmn95Tkg

  7. Sounds like the White House was making him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
    I wonder if Woodward owns a horse.
    The lengths the Obama administration will go to control the narrative is mind boggling.

  8. I no longer refer to B Hussien as the President , in all my conversations and correspondence he is referred to as simply “the community organizer of the United States” COOTUS .

  9. Lanny Davis has also been threatened.
    And now we know who emailed Woodward with a threat….
    “Last week, National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling warned Woodward in an email that the reporter would “regret staking out” the claim that Obama’s “asking for revenues is moving the goal post,” according to copies of the emails obtained by Politico.
    Woodward characterized that statement as a threat in interviews on Thursday.”

  10. Would they kill him!!??he said incredulously??
    You betcha… these a$$holes take no prisoners. They are out for mayhem and destruction at all costs.
