Why Is There Always A Big Screen TV?

Leader Post;

The battle to remove Redman – paid $194,737 in tax-free remuneration in 2011, including $174,862 from Standing Buffalo, $13,375 from the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) and $6,500 from the Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs Inc. – has already been an arduous and nasty one for the senators.
Their efforts to impeach Redman and five other band council members – whose total remuneration was close to a million dollars in 2011 – have been now been abandoned in favour of a plan to hold a March 16 election for chief and council. Nominations occurred on the weekend, but had to be held outside in the cold. Someone had placed chained padlocks on the community centre, bingo hall and school.
Questions by the senators as to why it was necessary for the chief and council members to claim per diems for 700 to 800 meetings that significantly padded their remuneration remain unanswered.

10 Replies to “Why Is There Always A Big Screen TV?”

  1. LOL Jamie!!!!!
    Fantino was boot licking lackey for Dalton in Ontario during Caledonia situation…LOL….

  2. “It’s not North Korea”.
    No, not quite,but close. Chief Redman isn’t a murderous psychopath like Kim, but he IS a self-serving greedy SOB who will see his people languish with no hope for the future while he lives high off the hog.
    THIS is why the FN’s are SO determined to subvert the Bill that would open the Band books, and show the truth to the long suffering Canadian taxpayer.
    Who knows,if enough of us get pissed off ,we might demand the money tap be turned off,and what future does a thieving Indian Chief have outside his little Kingdom?

  3. How many more examples of this theft will it take before the Indian Act is scrapped? Before some politicians grow some balls and say enough is enough?

  4. Generations of inept family members of federal bureaucrats who now and have for generations lived off the tragedy the indian act established will protest.
    Thousands of people both in and outside of the department of aboriginal affairs and have been sustained by the cottage industry established once the first nations were given the vote in the 1930’s will protest.
    Leave in place the right to vote guaranteed in the constitution, ignoring all other sovereignity claims.
    Set up a plan to fund individuals directly for education; purchase reservation land; move and settle where there are jobs; start a business where they presently live; through the department of natural resources;
    Do not put Fantino anywhere near this change; unfund the department of aboriginal affairs.
    Simple right! Cheers;

  5. How come we have an Indian Act, but no Indians?
    How come there are nearly 666 First Nations, but not a single Second Nation?

  6. 433 people in this ‘nation’.Their ‘leaders’ collect a million in a year. The people don’t have clean water.
    It is time that the nation of working people pulled together and kicked some Redman shysters to the curb,but that would be racist,so it is better to be shafted than risk being called racist.

  7. Reservations are operated like feudal kingdoms were in Medieval Times or like Communist/Fascist Totalitarian countries are and have been in later, more up-to-date times. End result – 95-98% of the population are poor, dependent, useful tools (used for free labor or for tax revenue, as in the case of the Indian Reservations); 2-5% are in the power bloc taking all the money and redistributing just enough to keep the serfs alive. If the serfs don’t revolt, nothing will ever change – people like us paying ‘tithes’ to the head haunchos who give us nothing in return is cruel and bone headed, IMO.
    BTW, I share the same sentiment for all people who choose to buy goods from Chineese slave drivers. Buying goods from a slave based economy keeps the bigshots in $$ enabling them to afford Military back-up and buy information (hire people who know how to work the system).
    The lost people are the serfs/slaves, the losers are the tax payers.
