26 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: If You Don’t Believe In Global Warming”

  1. It’s not Global Warming, it’s CLIMATE CHANGE!
    Because of the warming, the winters get colder to balance the seasons out!

  2. …And Eureka was a balmy -46C on the same day. Gee, that Arctic ice must be melting fast at that temperature!

  3. Did Big Al Gore have a news conference or speaking engagement there?
    (side note: that was set on my birthday!!!) HBD to me!!! Now this will be another day to remember. =^)

  4. I got frostbite just reading that!
    I think the myth has been dismissed by all but the true believers. They are the ecological equivalents of the end-of-the-world nutbars.

  5. And what did they measure this with? Mercury freezes at 234.32K,or -37.89C,or -38.83F.Alcohol freezes at 120K,or -117.3C.So who was the alkie that measured this? Darn good Russkie vodka!!!

  6. Took a photograph of the ad beside the headline of the nature Canada ad entitled “Let’s stop global warming” with a link to the petition one could sign. Things must be really serious when it’s getting so warm that soon the temperature will drop enough for oxygen will fall out of the air as liquid O2 rain and set the world on fire.
    I predict that in a couple of decades time being an advocate of CAGW will be a DSMX diagnosis and people will look at this era of mass lunacy in the same manner that we now look at the Salem witch trials and the Spanish Inquisition.
    The dumbing down of education has led to a population that is largely innumerate and doing mental math is a skill that is looked at with awe and a steadily diminishing number of people who are still able to do it. Thus, any moonbat lunacy that is published in the MSM doesn’t set of peoples BS detector in the same manner that it would have 40 years ago.

  7. Kate:
    I`m trying to comment on the Feb. 28, 2013 Reader Tips. When I click on comments, it connects me to the Feb 27 Reader Tips. Please forward to EBD. Thanx.

  8. I’m sure the answer to fight this new global cooling will be another carbon tax. The tax for all reasons and seasons. Politicians wont let this scam go for any reason as it’s just too lucrative.

  9. “Thus, any moonbat lunacy that is published in the MSM doesn’t set of peoples BS detector in the same manner that it would have 40 years ago.”
    Ummmmm….no.It probably sets of your BS detector,Loki,same as mine.Darn.Are we that old? And peterj….you have got that right.

  10. If this Global Warming scam is gonna hold together,
    we’re gonna have to criminalize “Climate Denial”.

  11. Russians are past masters of adapting to cold weather…
    Actually that article and the pictures, made me recall a west bound winter trip on the Trans-Siberian in the 70’s….
    The only diesel locomotive I saw was the one on the military train I was on….instead of a tender there was an insulated, heated tank car behind the engine. Along the way water towers to provide for the ubiquitous steam locomotives were massive, insulated with straw/saw dust and featured a prominent chimney.
    Besides the slow, rough ride from frost heaved tracks….most of all I remember the water towers….

  12. The latest I’ve seen is that it’s unconfirmed. Emotionally, my reaction is “Dang!” But rationally, I really am not ready for another ice age.

  13. I think the Trans-Siberian is mostly all double tracked electric now, if not all of it, as I have a photo taken by my cousin of the line at Tatarsk, which is near Omsk. Don’t try the main highway though unless you a 4 x 4.
    peterj, no doubt.

  14. I have been doing my own research into the data sets and source data used in climate change tracking for about 6 years now and in short, the data sets and sources used by the IPPC are flawed, incomplete, and corrupted by editing. In their unedited form the data was indicative of no trends within the term parameters. The sources used were also similarly flawed. Their stats and conclusions are at odds with the data and irrefutable trends observed by physicists who track climate change within the solar system (yes folks we have real-time weather station data coming from other planets near us to correlate with our observed climate changes here on the blue planet).
    The only reliable source data that seems to directly impact earth’s and other planet’s longer term climate change and short term weather trends, is sun spot activity (nuclear activity and radiation release from this activity)tracked by NASA.
    As Lord Monkton has said, there has been NO significant warming detected for 16 years. AAMOF, the past 2 decades show a cooling trend in accurate climate data sets within that time frame and it is confirmed by comparison to longer term data. This cooling trend was correlated to a natural cycle in solar inactivity where there was a lack of solar storms and sun spot activity. This lack of sun spot activity went beyond the normal periods observed previously and astro physicists were concerned that the onset of another mini ice age was upon us.
    Observers lately have noticed an increase in sun spot activity and they say if it occurs for longer than 9 months we will be back into another warming trend in our weather/climate which is the result of the increased solar activity cycles. The data from observed climate/weather trends follows solar activity by a 14 month lag.
    So my point is, that IF this turns out to be another 8-10 year cycle of sun spot activity, this will drive our climate into a warming trend (usually about 1 degree C per decade) before we see another cooling trend. So beware, don’t be smug and think the AGW political monster is slain, the global warming fear mongers will be back with a vengeance when the warming returns – which seems likely by the only indicator of climate change – the sun.

  15. “. . doing mental math is a skill that is looked at with awe . . .”
    Unfortunately, Loki, the indoctrination system (erstwhile education system) has infused the kids with a series of defense mechanisms to block out hard data and numbers. Far from inspiring a sense of awe, numeracy now inspires a reaction somewhat akin to an inquisitor viewing some hapless victim’s unusual birthmark — the conviction that that individual is a witch, not to be believed or trusted under any circumstances and burned at the stake (having first purchased appropriate carbon offsets). A mind is a terrible thing to close.

  16. What intrigues me, is from WHAT power source do the residents of Oyoyoyoyoy heat their houses, wind or solar power?
    Oh,and their porch lights, cfl curly bulbs?

  17. “…people will look at this era of mass lunacy in the same manner that we now look at the Salem witch trials and the Spanish Inquisition.”
    Don’t forget the original broadcast of H.G. Wells’s “The War of the Worlds” — apparently, with a bit of analog electronic communication equipment and an actor who sounds like a newsman, you can pretty much distract people enough to believe that the little green men are coming to get them…
    I always enjoy your posts.

  18. @Jeanette
    Actually, we’re already in an ice age – we have been for about 2.7 million years. (Polar ice caps, for example, only exist during ice ages.)
    What we’re currently experiencing is referred to as an ‘interglacial’ period. The glaciers retreat to the poles for approximately 10,000-12,000 years. When this warmer period ends (usually quite rapidly – within a single generation), the glaciers begin marching forward again, and the earth is (mostly) covered in ice for approximately 100,000 years before the next interglacial period begins.
    Based on the geographical record, we’re not just due for another period of glaciation – we’re overdue. This is why I keep telling people – I HOPE the earth is warming. It would be very, very good news for the long term survival of civilization.
    Our descendants are probably going to use the names of high-level global warming alarmists as a curse.

  19. Politically this scam will be killed, stake through heart dead, when our government has the courage to investigate the waste of public wealth, the failure of government check and balances and the failure of our employees to carry out their oath bound duties.
    Follow the money of CAGW leads right back to our governments.
    The “Cause” was created by our political bureaucracy, funded and promoted by our employees and is still being protected from investigation by these same bodies.
    Maurice Strong, Chretin’s liberals and the bureaucrats they appointed are all guilty of treason in my opinion.
    Ditto for their provincial counterparts.
    If any of our employees had done due diligence, actually read the evidence then attempted to verify the alarming claims made by themselves….
    Never mind.
    Your opinion of your government and its minions, will never be higher than it is today.

  20. “Politically this scam will be killed, stake through heart dead, when our government has the courage to investigate the waste of public wealth,…”
    IOW,john, never. There are just as many Conservatives as Liberals making money off this scam. We’ll be long dead before any politician is forced to face the ugly truth, it was all just snake oil,based on a computer projection.
