The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

Blood for oil update;

China’s largest oil company is due to start commercial production of crude oil in Afghanistan shortly, heralding a resource boom that could transform the country’s economy over the next decade, the country’s mining minister said.

(h/t Adrian)

37 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. We pay the price to civilize the place and China gets the benefit. Clever leaders we have…we are led by children and the effeminate.

  2. The USA spent treasure for this. Well, we’ll see if the Chicoms follow any of those same “rules of engagement” that gave the USA so much trouble on the battlefield and media back home.

  3. As Pres. Obama leads the West in retreat, his far eastern financiers step into the vacated political/economic space, until they dominate the world.
    The Berlin Wall has fallen, but the Great Wall of China is still being extended.

  4. Well, China has a border with Afghanistan and I bet they won’t have the security “problems” the US has had. I really doubt there will be a Chinese Guantanamo…

  5. “….. due to start commercial production of crude oil in Afghanistan shortly, heralding a resource boom that could transform the country’s economy over the next decade…..”
    Any bets it doesn’t?

  6. So, in the near future we can add Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to Team Obama’s Drone Bombing Program.

  7. At least the Chinese are not offering to bring Democracy or to win their hearts and minds. They will also ignore the side production of Poppy plants. The Taliban and Al Qaeda will receive a large share of the profits in order to carry on with the war against the Christian world. This will be strictly business just like it is in Iran with no intention to change or conquer. No moral standards required and no protesters to impede progress. That’s how I see it. China won’t give a rats ass what the free world thinks. They already have the free world by the short and curlies.

  8. I’m betting that this will transform Karzai’s bank account more than it will transform the economy.

  9. How will the Taliban view this invasion of their Country by atheists?
    As the rodent said,there won’t be a Chinese Guantanamo,and no Western MSM to shriek to the skies if one Afghani is scratched.
    Good luck to the new Masters.

  10. 150 Canadians died for the greater glory of China. I guess we sacrificed Canadian manufacturing on the Chinese altar so what’s 150 dead?

  11. It will be interesting to see whether Chinese ham fisted methods of getting what they want will work better then Russian ham fisted methods. We certainly know that the wests “we’re sensitive to your culture” methods didn’t.

  12. Interesting. While the Straussian fascists in both US parties, think the only way to make money off a retarded basket case nation is occupying it, bombing its infastucture, rebuilding it and then funding this with Fed reserve printing press monopoly money – or get rich facilitating the Afghan poppy by-product trade, the Chinese are exploiting the marketable resources. Shows you how psychopathic and detached from reality those controlling US foreign policy are. Strauss teaches that “perpetual deception of the citizens by those in power is critical because they need to be led, and they need strong rulers to tell them what’s good for them” – it shows in the ludicrous media spin Strauss acolytes in the governing class use to cover their trail in the Afghanistan fiasco. The smartest thing Harper ever did was get us the hell out of that foreign policy sink hole.

  13. This reminds me of the Chomskyite line that the Afghanistan war was all about “getting the oil/building a giant pipeline for US oil companies”.
    I’d check – if I cared – but I’m 99% sure their response to this is … dead silence. And refusing to admit that was ever their claim.
    Occam: You do realize you’re delusional, right?
    Yes. “Straussian fascists”. In both US parties. Who think they were going to “make money off” Afghanistan.
    All zero of them.
    Like the Chomskyites I mentioned above, you suffer from the problem of assuming the only motives are monetary.
    (Also, I think you’re greatly misrepresenting Strauss, via the half-baked critique of the stupider half of the left, of someone with less influence than they think, that they never actually read.
    The bit about perpetual deception is something I’d love to see you actuallu show me in Strauss’s writings. You do realize that the qyuote you presented is not Strauss, but his critic Shadia Drury, right?
    And that Drury is a social justice idiot?)

  14. Guys, what can the Chinese do to the Afghans that the Soviets did not do? I predict a bloodbath on both sides.
    No one picks a bone with the Chinese over anything. If they did, we would not be trading with them.

  15. There is a vast difference between the PRC and the late USSR.
    China has an inexhaustable supply of totally unsympathetic manpower. It’s demographics….

  16. That’s just more for the Afghans to kill. Afghanistan has a long and bloody history of killing anything with a pulse. The Chinese will be no different.
    It will not end well, is my point.

  17. Ah, yes, George the KRISTIAN was bringing thee lords democracy to the heathens. Now the chicoms will bring sucsess through purchase. As more that 50% of AAfgans are under the age of 18yrs old, the price of purchase should be cheap!!!
    God’s church begets idiots.

  18. Afghanistan has a long history of invasions….only 2 really successful…..Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan….
    Kandahar is pashtun for Alexander….they ain’t forget yet….that don’t mean Greece could conquer Afghanistan but China is another matter altogether………
    Don’t say conquest of afghanistan is impossible….it’s been done before and the PRC has the resources and the brutal resolve.

  19. Agreed.
    The main difference is that Pakistan is pals with the PRC and that’s the difference between success and failure, as we should know from our own experience these last 12 years and should have known from the decade long Russian invasion of Afghanistan starting December 1979.
    Where did the Taliban get the arms to resist us these last 12 years?
    From Pakistan and Communist China, that’s where.

  20. Very soon we are going to realize just how much we have in common with the Russians.
    And why oceans are wonderful borders.

  21. I guess Karma is a bitch because the Russians had it under control until the USA supplied stingers to the Taliban, forcing the Russians out of Helicopters and onto the roads. The Russians are enjoying the payback.

  22. The only problem with the scenerio is that, until now, all of the touted metal and oil “reserves” are mere conjecture. That’s not to say that they don’t exist but, until there are actual holes in the ground, the arm-waving claims of riches are just fluff. In post Bre-X Canada, promoters trying to raise money on stories like this would stand a good chance of getting free board and room for a couple of years.
    I’m really surprised that normally conservative Rigzone is distributing this.

  23. The Russians probably are enjoying it. What’s more, they’re probably enjoying the prospect of al-Qaeda getting huge quantities of their strelas from Libyan stockpiles that Obama freed up for them to use against the west.

  24. Yes, no doubt they will use the same justice methods that the Russians used on the Somali pirates.
    I agree with sasquatch, Oz and peterj. This could get interesting.

  25. This represents another failure by the west to take control of Afghanistan’s resources. When the Canadian army was truly fighting, they defeated the Taliban wherever they met them; seems that this was incompatible with Canada’s “peacekeeping” role and hence the Canadian military was relegated to non-combat duties.
    While I agree with sasquatch that Afghanistan is a tough country to conquer, the presence of $1 trillion in metals/oil is a strong incentive for the chicoms to succeed where many others have failed. That will require cooperation with Pakistan as right now the Taliban have safe havens in Pakistan and I wouldn’t put it past the chicoms to clear out those areas as well.
    While the Afghani terrain is mountainous and great guerrilla territory, the chicoms have vast reserves of manpower they can pour into Afghanistan dwarfing anything that the Russians and Americans attempted. Stalin’s extermination of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army after WWII in western Ukraine involved the insertion of over 500,000 Russian troops into that part of Ukraine essentially making it impossible for the UPA to operate. That’s the type of brute force military operation that commie governments are noted for. In addition, China would also solve the problem of the excess of males in that country if it decided to end the Taliban once and for all. The Chinese have a border in common with Afghanistan and chicoms aren’t bothered by the “atrocities” that western journalists agonize about when US and NATO troops are involved in a war.

  26. Sorry peterj but your links are no more useful than the Rigzone article. The Aynak story, for example, has been around since the 1990s but, as far as I know, its vast “reserves” are nothing but pipedreams based on surface showings. Unless someone (probably the Chicoms) can provide serious military muscle to guard the exploratory work, nobody will know if there’s anything significant there.

  27. I doubt that the Afghani environmental groups will be happy about this turn of events.

  28. I’ll agree with LAS on this, The Chinese will set up little labor death camps around Afghanistan and hang the little bastards into submission.
    Unlike SDA Socialist LAS, it’s not what I would wish on anyone, but whatever, let’s get our troops home. One totalitarian state for another is none of our business.

  29. No this is the birth of Chimerica. This is a deal between the two global economic superpowers who are happy to work together. The Chinese and Americans agree on one important thing. Profit.
