26 Replies to “The Architect, In The Crack House With Government Money”

  1. I blame David Suzuki for removing CO2 from the cooling pipes and AGW…
    Well that and Suzuki’s hot Inuit babes who could have melted the permfrost. sarc/ off
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. I’m not an authority on these matters, but I have a minor interest….
    Drilling has indicated that at some places in Siberia that permafrost extends 1700 ft deep.
    Ruusians have long developed a method of drilling 100-105 ft down and pouring in concrete to develope pilings on which to constrauct multi-stored buildings….in most cases it is possible to walk beneath these large buildings which are in actuality on stilts.
    Sabateur(s) for that RCMP building…perhaps some eco-freak…Inuit tolerate police at the best of times….

  3. That story about a sabotaged thermo system is just another Stephen Harper/Big Oil cover-up. We all know (as Hans said) that it’s AGW.
    Can’t wait for The Star and the NDP to expose it.

  4. Well, I can’t think of another building more deserving of a slow and agonizing demise. That thing is hideous. But seriously, how many civil serpents does it take to screw up a building?

  5. I am wavering between sabotage and whether it is another bureacratic coverup for the usual creatures who gather around the people who spend other people’s money. Cheers;

  6. Budding terrorist threats to security in our far north territories.
    Meanwhile, it appears that the Education Minister of the Yukon has discovered that the real security threat to the North is the Catholic Church:
    “Yukon Education Minister forbids Catholic schools to teach Catholic doctrine on homosexuality”
    Homophobia is breaking out everywhere! Watch out folks, those hordes of homophobes are sabotaging Canadian penis activity in the delicate North — and we all know how difficult it can be to “get it up” in chilly places.

  7. “…But seriously, how many civil serpents does it take to screw up a building?…”
    Well, you know the old saying: “A camel is just a #$@&^%g horse designed by a corps of government engineers.”

  8. My first thought was like sasquatch – something wrong with pilings? More government idiots urinating away money.

  9. ricardo “Yukon Education Minister forbids Catholic schools to teach Catholic doctrine on homosexuality”
    Isn’t the right to a Catholic education a constitutional right as on the prairies? Riel fought for those rights. Is some short-peckered politician actually overturning constitutional rights that were fought for and granted in a peace settlement?

  10. The Dutch have been putting stable buildings on mud for 1,000 years. How hard can it be?
    I couldn’t help being reminded of Imp Sec sinking into the ground.
    (Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance (Vorkosigan Saga) by Lois McMaster Bujold )

  11. At least the Iqaluit RCMP have some cover now,”Your honour the video surveillance system failed to record that cell, due to the building shifting.

  12. Iqaluit has a popn of 7000. 18mm equals 2500 per capita just to house the cops? Do they really need a building that big? If permafrost is such a pain why not just use atco trailers on adjustable jacks/screw piles?

  13. There are TWO key statements in this article.
    1) Mr. Watt said that after the second year of monitoring, he was told that Public Works would keep tabs on ground temperatures from that point on. But when he heard about the damaged thermosyphons in November, 2010, he looked at Public Works’ ground temperature log and found no records for eight of the previous 12 months.
    2) Tom Corrigan, a spokesman for Public Works: “It would be premature to speculate on the cause,” he said – even though the problem was discovered more than two years ago.
    Never mind the allegations of sabotage or the laughable “security” solution of the RCMP.
    (“Secure” Hex drivers are available at Canadian Tire)
    The problem is that Public Works bureaucrats did NOT do their job and now are wasting time and trying to deflect the issue with pointless theoretical discussions about thermal gain in the building design.

  14. A utilitarian building instead of a charming architectural abortion could have been built for less than half the cost. Fancy heat exchangers would have been unnecessary if the building had been set on piles sunk just a few feet into the ground and the building’s floor heavily insulated to keep heat away from the underlying soil. We were aware of this technique (and used it) when I worked on the Joint Arctic Project more than 60 years ago. Stupid godamned bureaucrats with too much public money to spend!

  15. Nunavut is bureauocracy perfected. I remember reading a news story around the time of its creation that stated that the cost of government was greater than the GDP of the place.

  16. Yes I missed that.
    Maintenance by public works & services is indistinguishable from sabotage.

  17. I guess karma is coming back to bite the RCMP in the ass for setting that barn on fire so many years ago.

  18. A fitting fate for this church of statism. As others have noted, it’s difficult to distinguish snivel servant “maintenance” from sabotage. Bet all of the snivel servants were union members.

  19. What the hell is a Nunavit, anyway?
    “Hey Indians, how much of this frozen wasteland do you want?”
    “We want none of it”
    “Right then, Nunavit it is”

  20. Stayed a night in Iqaluit once. It is a dump of the highest order. But there are rock outcrops all over the place there. There is no need to build on permafrost; simply find a patch of ground with bedrock exposed or close to surface.

  21. If that RCMP detachment used a trained polar bear as a guard dog, nobody but nobody would be screwing around with their building.
    As a side benefit high risk entries/take downs would be as follows:
    “All right, you in there. Come on out with your hands up! Or I send in the bear!”
