25 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. For the “education” they get they should demand a refund. They could learn to be piece of $hit bottom feeders for free by taking an internship at the TorStar.

  2. The government should place a large excise tax – say 80%- on j-school tuition because of the massive harm caused by the brain dulled products of those schools.

  3. Little boxes on the hillside,
    Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
    Little boxes on the hillside,
    Little boxes all the same.
    There’s a green one and a pink one
    And a blue one and a yellow one,
    And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
    And they all look just the same.
    And the people in the houses
    All went to the university,
    Where they were put in boxes
    And they came out all the same,
    And there’s doctors and lawyers,
    And business executives,
    And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
    And they all look just the same.

  4. HEH….336 big ones to allow yourself to me brainwashed? I recall that commie do it for free. Math is hard.

  5. Am I reading it correctly? They call it “Masters of Science”. I wonder what the syllabus includes for mathematics relating to journalism.

  6. Well Kate, those who are able to convince others to spend 84 grand a year for a journo degree must be the intellectual superiors of some people.

  7. You have to be a special blend of narcissist and innumerate to spend 336k in hope of landing a byline at The Podunk Tattler for 25k/Yr…

  8. John Nolte is in for a shock, you do not need a college degree to be a US nuclear power plant operator.
    You only need a HS education (see US 10CFR 50). Some of the best operators I ever knew started out filling the pop machines and mopping the floors at these plants. When management wanted to promote them outside the control room to plant manager and on up, they sent them to college on the company dime. At least two ended up as a Utility VP, and one as a President.

  9. Then again, nuclear power plant operators actually have to know something and prove they are competent. Their schooling lasts for about a year full time, and they are tested by the NRC several times during thie training, along with written and simulator operation exams by their trainers, and reviews by their peers. And then they get tested again annually by the NRC, and attend a weeks training out of every six weeks to maintain their competency. And they are weeded out ruthlessly, because when one messes up, everyone suffers from more training, exams and oversight.
    Compare that to a journalist, they occasionally get fired for gross incompetence like repeated plagiarism, but someone like Krugman can be wrong every other week and just keeps on being published by the NYT.

  10. I particularly loved this line: “This means that any number of dolts are being swindled out of the money that could buy a house in order to be programmed into provincial, hive-minded drones armed with audacious lies to protect the State.”
    That statement equally applies to any of the “social crusaders” (aka j-school students) going to propaganda school here in Canuckistan.

  11. Next time someone links to the NY Times with an included photo of their quite nice building, I’ll note the lineup of journalism grads waiting for interviews.
    A few weeks past the figure of about $ trillion was thrown around in regards to the total US student loan debt.
    “The end of the university as we know it” …
    “A normal class Ng teaches at Stanford might enroll, at most, several hundred students. But in the fall of 2011 his online course in machine learning enrolled 100,000. “To reach that many students before”, Ng explained to Thomas Friedman of the New York Times, “I would have had to teach my normal Stanford class for 250 years.”

  12. $84,000 per year? How much more to be taught common sense, such as that a nation can’t spend itself to prosperity and that the sun affects the climate more than a trace gas?

  13. “I’m all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let’s start with typewriters.”
    ― Frank Lloyd Wright

  14. Looking at the bright side, for $84K I expect they are taught where Argentina and the Indian Ocean are located.

  15. “I learned to lie without spending a dime:-))))”
    He, heee, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee……………..
    And hell, I’d gladly try to teach these dummies how to research and write for, oh, let’s say half the amount they’re spending now.

  16. It’s their way of producing left wing outraged have nots, it’s also their way of lining their redistribution for thee but not for me selves pockets.
    Anyone who goes into an educational program with out knowing the probability of jobs and income deserves the bilking they get. It’s called google people my three old can do it.

  17. So no one was tasked with verifying the correct safe operation
    and security of the most critical system in a brand new RCMP
    building in a challenging environment in the middle of nowhere?
    Sounds about par for the course.
