18 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. Out of the park, Ezra!
    I have worked at the polls as a pool clerk and a scrutineer, often. The manual system is hard to beat. Always wondered why the USA has voting machines that never seem to work.

  2. outwestjim
    Why do you wonder?
    ….there’s only so much dead voters can do….
    How else do you think that many precincts with LIV’s have a 100% turnout and a shutout for Maobama….

  3. His Facebook friends who have the attention span of a gnat have moved on to more important things, like the color of their naval lint or the latest toe nail polish.

  4. Ezra really landed one with that effort, right down the line: “An old man’s idea of what young people wanted.” Pretending, once again, to be something that they aren’t — they are sooooo predictable.
    To pick up on one of Ezra’s points, another reason not to allow Elections Canada to deviate from the current natural-selection (Ezra said self-selection) paper ballot voting system, is that you can’t build the country’s future on soon-to-be-extinct species. I’m talking of course of those downtown Toronto types who pay the big bucks for the fancy seats and boxes at ACC to fund the Toronto Maple Leafs’ perennial vaudeville routine.
    Once in a blue moon, I ponder the subject of harm reduction for other people — in this case, it’d probably be in the best interests of these folks that they not be allowed to risk the possibly that they could actually use their iPhones to vote Liberal while they’re sitting at ACC watching the Leafs lose. There could be a chance of this with a fall election, you know; granted, this wouldn’t be a problem in the spring, of course.

  5. The only reason we keep hearing so much about Trudeau is our Toronto-based, terminally inbred media. He’s really not ALL THAT. Shame that Garneau dropped out of the race as he was the only candidate with a CV I could take seriously. Unfortunately, the Liberal party is no longer a place for serious people.

  6. I remember the internet buzz from when he first ran for a seat. He had a video message on his site which was either the dumbest or most condescending thing I’ve ever seen. After seeing that it was surreal to me that he got a seat. I have to imagine most of the people who voted for him never saw him personally.

  7. “An old man’s idea of what young people wanted.”
    Indeed. Sad thing is, JT is 41 years old and has achieved nothing in his life other than keeping his hair looking nice. He is a useless, arrogant douche-nozzle with no real skills and no real work experience. He would be a disaster as PM but the leftie media keep touting him as a god who will save us all. Not likely. His father intentionally destroyed the economy and caused division amongst Canadians. Justin would do the same.

  8. Is it plausible in this situation to have one of the candidates suddenly win by a margin of 100k votes, if only for the fact that the party has to validate that number against the actual party membership.
    Damn those niggling little details.

  9. Joseph said: “Is it plausible in this situation to have one of the candidates suddenly win by a margin of 100k votes, if only for the fact that the party has to validate that number against the actual party membership.”
    Good one.
    It may actually be the first time a leftist party could be accused of vote tampering by having to delete thousands of votes.

  10. Trudeau has 127,000 Twit-headed followers,the Other Justin,the one who wasn’t born with a silver spoon, has 31 million. Hm.
    It’s tragic and comic at the same time to view the comments section at the Star,or Globe, or CBC,where Justin Trudeau fans keep repeating,”it sure is funny how you Harper lovers are so terrified of Justin”.
    Yes, we are, just not for the reasons you teeny-boopers think.
    Another good one,Ezra! Thanks.

  11. syf
    as a gypsy I wouldn’t vote for the idiot, nd the thieving gypsyies would vote for anyone because they fear leaving an identifiable paper trail, something they are smart enough not to do!!!So yer ignorance hangs out quite far!

  12. Thanks for your clarification.
    So, Ezra’s apology to gypsies last week meant nothing?

  13. Never underestimate the ability of the Canadian electorate to be precisely wrong, as they were when they re-elected Trudeau the elder. Right now, JT seems like a lightweight to me, like Mulcair, but for different reasons. He has yet to pay his political dues and he must overcome this first before he can win anything.
    JT has no government experience nor has he been bloodyed in an election as party leader, so Harper isn’t really threatened right now. My wife argues, and I agree, that could change as government naturally loses some popularity years into power. Feed in the MSM bias (TS-their “seven-year itch”) and pining for an Obama type leader, and we could very well be back to “progressive” government.
    I think not though, for two reasons. First Harper will renew his mandate with bold economic measures, while at least managing the growth of spending. Something along the lines of another income tax cut (sorry Jeffrey Simpson, you haven’t thought this through).
    Second, both Trudeau and Mulcair will have gaffes leading up to and during the next federal election. Their Obamaesque vision may not be so popular then, we will see. I don’t believe the current recovery has strength or endurance and the cost of bailouts and tax/spend/entitlement policies will ultimately lead to Cypress like nightmare scenarios.
    Harper will prevail IMO, but he’s in for a fight to get a second majority.
