28 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Cyprus Seizes Pension Funds and all Deposits over 100,000 Euro’s. This is no different than what Chretien and Martin did when they seized 54B in E/I contributions of Canada’s workers and Employers. This is the act of a society that has no property rights in our Constitution an act of Piracy. Property Rights is what built western civilization. Once confidence in banks and fiat currency is devalued anything can happen. Watch for bank runs when the banks open again. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/22/us-cyprus-parliament-idUSBRE92G03I20130322

  2. “Salad is more dangerous than beef…”
    That’s why when I lived in the Caribbean, I didn’t make salads for my family. We ate only things that could be cooked. Unless you soaked the lettuce in Javex, you couldn’t be sure what menacing bacteria were lurking, so we ate a lot of stews.
    I also don’t much like ordering salads in restaurants. You don’t know who the chef is and whether s/he has washed her/his hands. What if the chef knicks his/her finger with a knife?
    I’m not very trusting.

  3. Wasn’t that about two years ago that approximately 11 people in the US died from eating lettuce and similar greens. The tainted produce was traced back to organic farms in Kalifornia.

  4. PET Cemetery Report.
    “In 1968, when the Canadian International Development Agency began its 45-year life, the world was a very different place.”
    Left-liberal fantasy bubble collapses/swallowed by reality’s sinkhole.
    “CIDA: The strange life and quiet death of Canada’s foreign aid experiment
    Globe and Mail”
    “CIDA could only exist in an ideal world
    Ottawa Citizen”

  5. Remember when the left were whinging about the poor oppressed Burmese people? Bet they’re kicking themselves now.
    By the way: in English MSM speak “sectarian killing” meant “British patriot shoots back at terrorists, puts one down.” Notice they never call Arab suicide bombers “sectarian.”

  6. AGW Killing Fields in Mao Stlong*land.
    “China hailstorms leave twelve dead”
    “Extreme weather causes mass chaos as houses collapse and more than 270 are injured”
    “Three other people died from hailstorms that began Tuesday in neighboring Hunan province, where 1,900 houses have collapsed.
    China’s meteorological administration said the severe weather was expected to continue through the weekend.”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  7. I wonder if Obama will respond to this senseless killing of an infant:
    “When you have a baby, you spend all your money on babies,” she said. “They’re expensive. And he kept asking and I just said, `I don’t have it.’ And he said, `Do you want me to kill your baby?’ And I said, `No, don’t kill my baby!'”
    One of the teens fired four shots before he walked around to the stroller and shot the baby in the face.

  8. Lurid headlines creep into AGW-Neo PR.
    AGW Kills.
    “Man, 27, discovered entombed in deep snow as dozens of drivers are rescued from engulfed cars in Britain’s freak spring freeze” (dailymail)
    “Man found dead in snow drift” (telegraph”
    Meanwhile, OUR CBC:
    “4 facts about Earth Hour

  9. # 20’s good too!
    Hey, they all are. Mr. Rogers was an exceptional human being.
    Don’t laugh.
