21 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. Some 20 years ago my high-school aged kids had a name for these people. Wiggers.
    (And so I’m going to hell now.)

  2. And here I thought dreadlocks just looked grubby. Now that I can out progressive the progressives I feel smugly empowered.

  3. Absolutely,IH, if you see a Chinese guy using a fork, stab him with your chopsticks!
    Racist hair! If I had any,I’d make it into dreadlocks,except I don’t know how.
    Always thought they looked good on Bob Marley,though.

  4. Racist hair? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Some people sure don’t have any real problems to worry about.

  5. ‘Sideshow Bob’ is a racist? Toronto Mayors should be made aware of this fact before they go for the bum grab!

  6. My red haired, white boy son has locs. Has had them for years. We live in Atlanta. He gets compliments about the hair from black people. White people look at him with disdain. Big to do over nothing.

  7. So the gist of this is that sarah thomson is racist.
    Maybe, but the sure fact is that the she is sure ugly.

  8. The most rascist activity,IMHO,of the 2000 century is any activity educating young cauacasian children to think they are less csring people because they have a northern European ancestry. Cheers;

  9. For a long while I wanted to have a pierced ear….earing..the shot. Hip plummage for the modern man.
    But Like a dumbass (getting used to it) I waited too late.
    Now it so common, as to be so ’90’s. It’s mostly wannabe 55 year-olds wearing them.
    The “statement” is now a cliche.
    So instead I grew my beard. A la ZZ-TOP.
    THAT’S IT!!!
    People ask to take pictures!!
    I should fundraise for a charity, $5.00 a session. YOUNG women want to stroke it, (please Lord make it last)!
    All the notoriety I need and it’s painless, except when combing out gravey and dried BBQ sauce.
    Plummage for todays man.
    A problem has come up, and you’ve all seen it by now.
    Toothless duck call manufacturers are copying me. And I’m getting lumped in with their ilk.
    So I have a decision to make: dump the fuzz and all those brave stroking ladies. Or stick to being semi-original, and deny any association with the duckers.
    Gotta admit those estrogen bombs are tempting. Looks awesome on a motorcycle too,as long as I can see around the bush. Also I won’t have “it” for too much longer, whatever “it” is.
    Can’t rush the decision. took three years to get here……

  10. I couldn’t read far enough to find out why exactly it’s racist or what the supposed political statement is for blacks to wear their hair in dreads, but would it still be racist if a white guy knows what it means and wants to show his support for the statement/movement/whatever by wearing dreads? But at the bottom of it, why does she – or anyone – give a hoot how or why someone wears their hair a particular way? It’s their hair and if they want to wear a style that some find ridiculous, that’s their business — even if it costs them business or a job.

  11. For us 30- somethings here’s a tip.
    See White kid “kicking the dreds” just say:
    “Nice dreds, pretty fly, for a White Guy”
    Say it sincerely, no sarcasm. They have no idea that they just got “dissed”
    And have never heard the Offspring; song related.
    clean punk, radio friendly

  12. The David Thompson typepad column is current but the linked column from the Marxist airhead white woman who is ordering blacks around with regard to what opinions to hold about various issues was originally posted two years ago, and eventually closed a full eight months later.
    If you want some entertainment, read all the comments on the David Thompson page.
    This one is classic: “I love how the promotion of ‘power analysis’ is promptly followed by commands that a specific class of people ‘shut up’.” There are many, many more like that.
    The comments on the airhead’s page are worth a read too.

  13. Never ascribe to progressive intellectualism/enlightenment what can more correctly be validated as mental illness.

  14. Occam writes: “Never ascribe to progressive intellectualism/enlightenment what can more correctly be validated as mental illness.”
    Or to ordination in the Episcopal Church.
