24 Replies to “What’s The Opposite Of Diversity?”

  1. As the one commenter, Stephen said in the online subscription version of the paper said, “If there was ever a case to be made for eliminating a University’s Arts program, this would be it”.
    He said it well.

  2. Yes, eliminate the university arts programs. And then dynamite the buildings they were housed in so they will never get the opportunity to come back!

  3. Rex, a bit disappointing, this.
    A flaying of the genital wart in charge of U W
    and his always useless muscle on the scene of
    any betrayal of free speech would be welcome.

  4. study ro be an artist????here I thought you just smoked dope, then again you just need to smoke dope to become POTUS!!!!!

  5. i hope someone keeps a video of the obnoxious “vagina man”,so it will haunt him all his life,whenever he applies for the inevitable government job or,God forbid, tries to run for public office.

  6. The problem is not the arts per se – they are essential for a free and civilized society – it’s that they’ve been hijacked by lunatics. Some of us in arts are trying to change that.

  7. But, then how will the likes of Yuk Yuk’s find suitably educated candidates when they need to emply janitors?

  8. Why are all the protestors dressed as vaginas, and I’ve seen others like this protesting, only dressed as shaved vaginas?
    Diversity indeed?
    I feel I should mention here that I’m not declaring any preferences but simply noting a rigid code of conduct for said vaginas.

  9. So, do they teach democracy or liberty anymore in Political Science & History Programs in Universities?
    Freedom of Speech is a major fundament of Democracy and Liberty. I think the fanatics have forgotten this.
    Benjamin Franklin once said:
    Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such thing as Wisdom, and no such thing as public Liberty, without Freedom of Speech.
    So much for a “higher” education.

  10. When you function in an environment where there are no penalties for your actions, your actions become more and more anti-social. This continues to the point where society makes a decision on your existence. Overdone on both counts. A punch in the nose works just fine….oh no, the imagery is too much.

  11. I think the quest for irrelevance and idiocy for both the walking puppets of some description and the rent-a-cops has hit its zenith. Whatever one may think of that man-child freak in the “peanut without the top hat” costume, think of the Constables Bacon who did nothing to remove it.

  12. You need a university education to get ahead. It will open doors. It will give you a leg-up on the other applicants. It will show all that you are intelligent…
    …but it is worthless and a waste of time and my tax dollars if you only have the ‘smarts’ to take an arts course. If the best job that your degree can get you is teaching others the same,you are only fooling yourself,get out now.
    Take a good look at your classmates,are you the smartest of the bunch? Chances are,they think the same.

  13. Heh, with a major in “vaginal arts no doubt – in my day we just called these creeps a stupid c–t.

  14. The costume was a little lacking. It needed a couple of 20-centimeter crab lice to give it true verisimilitude.

  15. The vaginator troller should be accompanied everywhere on campus
    by another arts fart cleverly done up as the UoW head douchebag.

  16. If one views the vagina from the angle of a woman on all her fours, then the as**ole is where his head is. How fitting.
