Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

March 1, 2013

USAF Announcement: The implementation of across-the-board cuts in federal spending has caused the curtailment of the Thunderbirds 2013 show schedule. Effective April 1, all of the team’s performances have been cancelled.

March 3, 2013

Secretary of State John Kerry announced Sunday that the United States would provide $250 million in assistance to Egypt after Egypt’s president promised to move ahead with negotiations with the International Monetary Fund over economic reforms.

P.S. Here’s what it costs to keep the Thunderbirds flying annually.

23 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!”

  1. That’s the second trick in a Liberal’s bag: cut some icon that the entire public loves to demonstrate to all just how wounding ‘conservative’ constraints really are.
    The first trick is to cut essential services: police, fire, medical services – but without any cuts to the great legions of useless bureaucrats doing pretend work in make-belive jobs.

  2. ‘No surprise. Obama’s doing the same thing Trudeau did to Canada: He’s attacking all of the institutions that give people pride in their heritage, a heritage that built our democracies and has welcomed people from all over the world; he’s attacking U.S. nationalism in all of its expressions.
    During the late ’60s and through the ’70s I watched while Trudeau systematically undermined and got rid of my British heritage — two cases in point, our Royal Mail became Canada Post and our Canadian flag became a beer-commercial logo.
    His government brought in “multiculturalism” to mute British/European — but not French — influence in Canada and, perhaps most telling, to kick our Judeo-Christian heritage out of the public square. He encouraged secular humanism and under that rubric liberalized abortion laws, encouraged institutional feminism in the government and in our educational institutions, and forwarded the gay agenda. (He was, after all, AC/DC himself.)
    Obama’s going to do the same thing in the U.S.. Patriotic Americans will be ridiculed — e.g., the Tea Party — and shoved out of the public square; he’s already done a lot of this marginalizing of proud Americans in his first four years. Expect to see a lot more of this in his next four years as he raises the profile — and legitimacy — of secular humanism and Islam.

  3. Well, at least we know Obama has his ideological priorities in order.
    batb, well said, the whole comment.

  4. Great, because hundreds of millions of dollars thrown at radical islamists will turn them into friends just as it’s done with the Palestinians.

  5. Egyptians better spend that cash fast before it’s worthless – and be careful not to smudge the ink, it’s fresh off the Fed monopoly money presses.
    These politicians are criminal to have sequester funding claw-backs for Americans yet still enlarge the 18 trillion debt with give-aways to hostile foreigners. Korea presents an immanent threat to world peace and they are talking about expanding the drone-kill program to Iran. The nation is mismanaged and the government has slipped the restraints of the constitution and gone completely out of control (rogue). Americans better invest in guns, ammo, food and gold and learn to look out for each other because their criminal government won’t. AAMOF, their government appears to be arming for war against its citizens.
    Note to Canadians – never believe for a second a collapse in the US won’t affect us.

  6. Occam >
    “Note to Canadians – never believe for a second a collapse in the US won’t affect us.”
    Just one more undefended border to jump for many millions of “entitlement seekers”, forget the economic exports.
    THEN look at all the Liberals infesting our cities, it’ll be a zombie apocalypse!

  7. I believe the Red Ensign was ditched during the Pearson years as was the morphing of the Royal Canadian Mail into Canada Post. Pearson also presided over the elimination of the Royal Canadian Navy etc. as Army, Navy and Air Force were welded into the unappealing and fusterclucked Canadian Armed Forces. TCA became Air Canada under his watch as well, and public sector employees were permitted to unionize. So the wholesale replacement of Canada’s cultural touchstones began prior to Trudeau’s reign.
    While Pearson was a more subtle socialist, his successor was a full-bore, flaming Red. His copying of The British Labour Party’s policies of mass immigration and multiculturalism marked the beginning of the reordering of Canada’s race, religious and cultural makeup. The US suddenly became a detested neighbour while Cuba and Red China were openly courted. His enactment of the War Measures Act in response to the FLQ crisis proved just how closely he was wedded to the doctrines of Castro and Chairman Mao. At the same time bilingualism was implemented and our constitution was re-written more to Trudeau’s liking. Sadly this all took place with solid majority governments.

  8. There is probably a bit more to the story about the Thunderbirds than the report suggests. Pilots, especially military pilots, must fly regularly to maintain proficiency and their certifications. I would think that the incremental costs of air shows would be fairly small. It is quite probable that the US government is also cutting back on flying hours, to the detriment of pilot safety. The same thing happened to the RCAF under the Diefenbugger.

  9. Sounds like municipalities. If they don’t get their funding they will have to close the pool and not fire the backroom bureaucratic circle-jerk.
    The pilots will still have to fly their aircraft to maintain capability, just not at air shows.

  10. I’ve watched the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels many times at the Abbotsford Air Show,in the days before Transport Canada decided they were a danger to the public and made them fly WAY out away from the crowd,where they look like little Matchbox fighters.
    At the 1986 AAS,the Thunderbirds gave us the airshow of a lifetime,as there were teams from the Russia and Ukraine also performing. Who would not be thrilled by the Thunderbirds stunt of flying the formation slowly down the runway right in front of you, only to be startled by the solo pilot shooting in from the opposite direction ,on the deck at 600 mph? I’ve never seen 100,000 heads turn so fast!
    A F***ING commie like Obama,that’s who! Answered my own question,I guess.
    Ironic that they’re handing 25 times the cost of the Thunderbirds to the Egyptians, though they ARE allegedly allies.

  11. John Lewis “The same thing happened to the RCAF under the Diefenbugger.”
    I don’t really know, but how many fighters did we have then – 500? How many now – 50?
    I think an experiment should be done by cutting the defence budget in half while maintaining all operational units. It’s not as if we will be called on to fight any wars where we can’t choose the start date.
    The US Marine Corps maintains 195,000 troops and 40,000 reserves for $29 billion including 5 to 10 times the aircraft than Canada has. We spend what? $20 billion.

  12. Yeah well, these precision flying squads, whether it’s the Snow Birds or the thunderbirds, are an expense.
    The expense lies not so much in the team flying but rather the costs of ferrying the units about, and especially their support.
    Maintainence is much cheaper and efficient at fixed bases with dedicated facilities rather than trying to accomplish that “out of a suitcase”….then there is the cost of ferrying that support around the country. Also the cost of mobile security for those assets.
    Here locally, the London International Airshow” is past history…the cost of insurance killed it.

  13. This is beyond stupidity. I’ve seen the Thunderbirds perform several times at the Whidby island air show and have seen the Blue Angels once. Whidby island was an air show that allowed people to get very close to the planes, that is until the US government decided to increase “security” to the extent that I couldn’t attend the air show with my normal complement of knives and tools that are essential to carry on me.
    The first money to be cut from a budget should have been for foreign aid to enemies. Next to be cut should have been money to support bureaucrats – I’m curious how much the EPA budget was cut? A truly rational government would have cut the EPA budget to 10% of what it currently receives.
    But then one is dealing with a communist in the WH who is determined to destroy America. Occam, you’re quite right that a collapse of the US will affect us and anyone who hasn’t gotten around to acquiring their FAC so that they can stock up on guns and ammo should do this without fail.

  14. na-na, na-na-na-na, woo-hoo, we got the Snowbirds!
    garanteed to be seen at GreyCup

  15. The first thing Communists and Socialists do is destroy the middle class. Just look at all those regimes. The Obama administration has more Communists than the Kremlin and more Maoists then Beijing. So you expected what?
