32 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Curious what scared the parliamentarians in Cyprus to change their minds and propose a plant to “tax” bank accounts larger than $100,000 euro’s at 25%.
    One has to wonder about whether the insurance companies holding the life insurance on the parliamentarians in Cyprus are suddenly going to refuse to pay any claims for “accidental” deaths. Meanwhile, in Russia, a sudden upsurge in the demand for Polonium pellets and injectable r1cin.
    (original post got caught in the spam filter so determining what the keyword was that triggered the post holdup).

  2. Curious what scared the parliamentarians in Cyprus to change their minds and propose a plant to “tax” bank accounts larger than $100,000 euro’s at 25%.
    One has to wonder about whether the 1nsurance companies holding the life 1nsurance policies of the parliamentarians in Cyprus are suddenly going to refuse to pay any claims for “accidental” deaths. Meanwhile, in Russia, a sudden upsurge in the demand for Polonium pellets and injectable r1cin.
    (original post got caught in the spam filter so determining what the keyword was that triggered the post holdup).
    (Ok, think I’ve figured it out now)

  3. Black Mamba, agree completely that it makes no difference that the victim was drunk. What is the most asinine aspect of this whole episode is the decision by the male “rapists” to post photographs of their escapades on the internet. Such stupidity, on it’s own, should be a capital crime. I disagree with a law that states that digital penetration constitutes “rape”. Nevertheless, the decision made by these “rapists” to bring this girl in her inebriated state to various parties reflects a total lack of judgement; a normal response would be to put her on a bed in the left lateral position so she wouldn’t choke on her own vomit given the increased likelyhood of this occurring in her state of extreme alcohol intoxication. The other option was to just drop her off at a local hospitals ER.
    Given her inability to make any decisions when they assumed care of her, IMO a charge of kidnapping would have been the most appropriate. Having had to deal with many very drunk women during my younger days, despite often being nearly as drunk myself but not comatose, my primary concern was to ensure they were someplace safe to sleep off their inebriated state.

  4. Because atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel has questioned Darwin’s evolutionary model of nature, Steven Pinker from MIT has this to say: ” … Mind & Cosmos, [Nagel’s book, is] ‘the shoddy reasoning of a once-great thinker.'”
    Unless Nagel has dementia or Alzheimer’s how is it that he’s not still a great thinker albeit one who happens to disagree with a large number of his chattering class colleagues?
    From the article: The vicious reception handed Mind & Cosmos, which urges deep skepticism about evolution’s explanatory power, illustrates the perils of raising arguments against intellectual orthodoxy.

  5. Backup Incidental Proof of AGW’s Killing Propensity.
    “It has been so stormy for days now that the windmills have been shut down.”
    “solar panels are useless and, of course, windmills are useless.”
    c.c. OUR CBC/SuzyMay et al.
    “Margaret Smith says:
    March 23, 2013 at 9:08 pm
    I am not enjoying the present very cold UK weather, hovering between 0C and +1C during the day and below freezing at night with a big windchill factor.
    It has been so stormy for days now that the windmills have been shut down. Thousands of households have had their power cut off by the weather and power workers are trying to restore power. My electricity is still on although TV transmissions were cut for a while today and some stations are still off air many hours later.
    I use coal to heat my home and people around here are lighting their fires more now (oil is so expensive)
    It is so cloudy during the day – often raining, sleeting, hailing and/or snowing – that solar panels are useless and, of course, windmills are useless. If we depended on these for our power we would all be cut off totally!. In Britain we are heading for blackouts anyway due to the incompetence of the ruling elite.”

  6. Ich Bin Ein Piling On Mit Der AGW.
    “Wetter: Kälte und Schnee Ende März Berlin friert im Jahrhundertwinter”

  7. History Channel mini series “the bible” has been accused by Obamanistas of having an Obama look alike play the role of satan.
    Obamanoids started tweeting about the resemblance moments after the airing and blamed fundamental Christians who made the Bible series for the insult. The fact that evil Glenn Beck also noted the resemblance, set them off.
    They may have not have been concerned when one of the decapitated heads stuck on a pike on HBO’s “Game of Thrones” resembled GW Bush.

  8. “I disagree with a law that states that digital penetration constitutes “rape”.
    I guess I’m with you on that. As “sexual assault” goes, though, I’d consider it pretty major league. Not quite the same as, say, kissing someone impetuously in a moment of jubilation.

  9. “I’d consider it pretty major league” Just to be clear, I’ve been chuckling at this for some time now.. not the idea of this occurrence, just the statement.

  10. Damascus… rumor has it… lots of chatter still …
    “According to Arab media http://www.eltira.org , Bashar al-Assad would have been seriously wounded by gunfire last night Saturday, March 23 by his bodyguard but Iran is not dead. He is currently hospitalized, between life and death, Shami Hospital in Damascus which the streets were closed.”

  11. This Just In.
    Bad Bad Cowboys Freeze in the Dark.
    WWF’s wrong with youse?
    “Not many Calgarians shut off lights for Earth Hour
    CBC.ca – ‎41 minutes ago‎
    It seems many people are ignoring Earth Hour in Calgary. It is a World Wildlife Fund initiative, which helps raise awareness of climate change.”

  12. AGW Speaks. Humans awestricken by AGW’s Brutality.
    Napoleon, Hitler were defeated by AGW. Da!
    “heavy snowfall and blizzard totally abnormal for March.”
    “Besides 253 snow-cleaning vehicles, 13 armored fighting vehicles are being used to tow stranded cars, with 270 trucks, 540 cars, 83 buses and 15 trolleybuses already removed from snow banks.”
    “APCs deployed on Kiev streets, emergency as record snowfall turns Ukraine into chaos (PHOTOS, VIDEO)”
    “A state of emergency has been declared in Ukrainian capital, Kiev, on Saturday as the city is paralyzed by heavy snowfall and blizzard totally abnormal for March.
    “Due to the deterioration of weather conditions [heavy snowfall, blizzards, snow-banks] a state of emergency is declared in the capital,” the statement by the Kiev State Administration said.
    The head of the city’s administration, Aleksandr Popov, said that the state of emergency won’t be lifted in the Ukrainian capital for at least a week.
    “All the necessary funds from the state budget will be attracted in order to provide maximum cars for snow removal before the warm spell comes and it starts melting,” Popov is cited as saying by ITAR-TASS news agency.
    The situation in the city is so dire that Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich has signed a special decree urging all government agencies to provide maximum assistance to victims of the snowstorm.
    The military is also involved in rescuing the city from its snowbound condition as 550 servicemen are deployed to the capital to aid the community services.”

  13. Not breaking yet, but I got called at my BC home phone # by a polling company claiming to have a .ca website.
    Bit of digging, turns out to be a Washington D.C .org
    Will do a full report tonight on readers tips.

  14. Neo-AGW PR. Farm Report.
    ““This is horrific winter weather in March,” said the 64-year-old in disbelief. “It is extremely serious.””
    “Farmers face a chilling new crisis”
    “Bad weather and the late arrival of spring is delivering a hammer blow to Britain’s farmers.”
    “Weekend reading »
    How supply management is strangling the agri-food industry”

  15. Britain seems to be determined to exterminate itself through moonbat policies. From the article:
    at least one major feed supplier was having trouble getting supplies to farms in upland areas, because journeys were taking longer and the drivers were exceeding the number of hours that they were legally allowed to work.
    When things get crazy at the hospital, I put in extra hours and my record so far is 25 hours worked in a 35 hour period during a particularly crazy time. Don’t like it but it has to be done. Presumably in Britain I’d be prohibited from doing this. I see lots of truckers who routinely put in 16 hour days or longer. Many of these have seasonal work and they know they can sleep in the off season.
    Yet another example of how a country is destroying itself through “enlightened” legislation.
