8 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe!”

  1. I checked the George V hotel which is likely where he would have stayed.
    For 4 nights the most expensive room for which they quote a price (Deluxe Suite) is E 3,050 per night.
    There are other suites available (Penthouse, royal suite and presidential suite) which do not have prices listed … probably along the same lines as the price of a Rolls Royce (If you have to ask, you can’t afford it).
    The prices quoted in the article are way too low for someone as exalted as Joe.
    However, the porcelain part of the article is still applicable.

  2. What the hell….it’s only money and it’s so easy to print. No connection to the real world required when you’re at the top of the socialist heap. Frugality is only for the little people.

  3. Dear Bev Oda…
    And THAT’s how you do one night in Europe. $16 Orange Juice? Rookie…

  4. As with so many stories regarding the current US administration, I am profoundly saddened by the behavior of the MSM. Simply ask yourself the question,”What would the coverage of this scandal be if this had been the Bush years (or Bush Sr, or Reagan…) Insert a Repub VP name into the story, and the “evil” Dr. C. or the “incompetent” Dan Q. would have been subject to weeks of scathing scrutiny and/or mocking by the usual suspects. I almost don’t blame the Dems. (or the NDP and Libs in Canada). They are simply wolves acting like wolves. The real evil resides in the media, who claim to be impartial and hardnosed, but are merely the PR arm of whatever party suits their lefty leanings.
