27 Replies to “This Is Awkward”

  1. I mean, what are you trying to suggest here?
    That McGuinty would piss away hard-earned tax-dollars on stupid initiatives to benefit enviro-parasites?
    C’mon now – do you really think smart folks would have voted for him 3 times if he had a track record of doing that?

  2. The Suzuki Fdn. is lying and telling the truth; all at once.
    Must be really talented to pull that off…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. I guess if they smoke enough of that S__t there truth and fiction (lies)
    are interchangeable.

  4. “Tempers are also flaring over the fact that a percentage of the proceeds from the online purchase of the game go to the David Suzuki Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Vancouver.”
    From the CTV linked article.
    “David Suzuki Foundation CEO Peter Robinson responded to Moore’s call by saying the charity hasn’t received any money from the game’s developers, and won’t accept any until they look more closely at it.”
    From the article at CBC.
    The DSF doesn’t deny they will make money from the video game,they first want to see if they can get away with doing so without any adverse publicity.
    I wouldn’t describe the DSF as a “non-profit”,but as a political activist organization who should NOT be granted tax-free status.

  5. Awkward???? Don’t think so. You have to have a soul and morals to do that,something the whole Suzsucker clan and Foundation totally lack.
    Pmsh…..cancel their tax free status now.

  6. And, one other thing.
    In the list of monetary contributors to the David Suzuki Foundation, Dr. David Suzuki and Dr. Tara Cullis, Suzuki’s wife, President and Co-founder of the DSF, are contributors in the Leadership Giving Circle $10,000 to $99,999.
    I’m wondering. Does this mean that they can contribute to their own Foundation and then received a tax receipt for said donation?
    This guy’s got his fingers in a gazillion pies — and Lord knows who/what else — and endorses Liberal candidates, and yet never seems to raise the ire, let alone attract the gaze, of the Canada Revenue Agency.
    Passing strange.

  7. Passing strange and approaching criminal. Check out the program expenses for the last 2 years.
    The DSF claims ‘communication expenses’ as a third of their program expenses. IMHO,these communications should be under administrative expenses.
    But,I’m not a CRA flunkie that is paid not to notice things like that,so it is likely all A-OK,a saint would never be sleazy.

  8. IMHO,these communications should be under administrative expenses.
    Or ‘fundraising’ which would put their percentage for that expense much higher,which would make the charity a less desirable option for many,just saying.

  9. Well this is a pretty blatant case of being caught lying. What’s exceptionally stupid about this though is that 2 minutes of reading about the game reveals that it is far from an “eco-terrorism video game.” For God’s sake, the goal of the game is to build a successful pipeline. The overreaction to this aspect of it easily reveals those who both:
    a)Immediately jump to conclusions without reading the full story
    b)Are stuck in some type of ancient “video games are evil” mindset
    What a dumb thing to lie about, and even dumber overall controversy in the first place.

  10. Oh yeah,one more thing worth mentioning.
    At the link that batb provided,one of the top contributors to Mr. Suzuki’s chicanery is none other than “Power Corporation of Canada”,one of the world’s biggest corporations with oil plays everywhere,and also one of the Liberal Party’s ‘best friends forever’. Nothing to see here folks.

  11. Don’t forget that these creeps are dangerous…
    EPA illegally collected data on people who own farms and sent Personal Data to extremist groups
    Of course this is the USA …. couldn’t happen here ….. right?

  12. Boy, can’t wait for the thump, thump, thump of falling heads at TVO.
    Yeah, right. The only reprimand will be for leaving a traceable trail.

  13. Hey Wally, who do we all think will pull little Shiney Ponies strings once they install him, Power Corp, with the help of the corrupt media and CBC that continually run cover for the parasite Suzuki? It is tax time people, we all should hold a little back for a political donation if Canadas number 1 parasite is shut off of tax exempt status and audited. Power pulled big Turdos strings, Mulroneys strings Turner and Cretiens strings all with the blessing of the slime from Oak whatever Manitoba who now lives in Beiging, very incestuous little colony that Liberal party is. If Ontario wants to fund pipeline bombing videos they should start on their side of the line see how much fun a cold house is with all this globall warming they believe in.

  14. “…EPA illegally collected data on people who own farms and sent Personal Data to extremist groups
    Of course this is the USA …. couldn’t happen here ….. right?”
    Well, it could – but it likely won’t have to. Because here in Ontario (and prbably all the other provinces too) there is no distinction between government and the enviro-parasites.

  15. Parasite? Maggot? or maybe just a lying sleazeball.
    I took a look at Suzuki’s tax return for 2011 and a few things jump out.
    Total revenue: $10,878,817
    Total compensation for all positions;$4,440,370
    Professional and consulting fees; $1,299,930
    Directors; Tara E. Cullis,Suzuki David,Cullis-Suzuki Severn,Cullis-Suzuki Sarika, also notable, George Stromboulopoulus,David Miller,and Elaine Wong.There are also 7 others. I have no idea if they are compensated.They did have 57 full-time employees that were compensated.
    There are many David Millers and Elaine Wongs out there,in fact one was once a mayor of Toronto,and another works for KPMG the firm that audits the Suzuki foundation,but that could very well be a coincidence.
    The Foundation has one employee earning over $200,000 and 9 earning between $80,000 and $120,000. It does not list who earns what. The $1.3 million paid for professional and consulting fees does not say who got that money.
    http://www.cra.gc.ca Look for ” THE DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION” 2011 return
    Now this is very interesting;
    “In 2011/12 we spent 72% on environmental programs, 24% on fundraising and donor stewardship, and 4% on administration. We strive to keep administration and fundraising costs as low as possible and we rely on thousands of hours of volunteer help ever year.”
    I don’t know much about tax law and accounting procedures,but I do know that charities that spend most of their revenue on themselves are generally seen as less-than-respectable. It appears that the Suzuki foundation spent about 55% of their revenue on salaries for their employees and consultants, along with another 24% on fundraising,or close to 80% of monies collected,not the 28% they claim. That may be criminal.
    So,either I’m way off base,or the saint is not so saintly.
    Also,another interesting fact from a 2012 audit by KMPG;
    ” The Foundation paid $58,242 (2011- $56,857) to New Data Enterprises,a corporation jointly controlled by a board member of the foundation,for the use of administrative staff resources for scheduling,liaison and other administrative support services,and recieved $6,854( 2011-$6801) from New Delta for the use of office space at the Foundation.”
    Who is the board member? Don’t know. But what I do know is that New Data Enterprises is the corporation that sets up Suzuki’s speaking ‘engagements‘.So,the DSF is paying NDE close to $60,000 to do work for David Suzuki from the DSF office and then NDE pays money back to the DSF.
    Yup,nothing to see here folks,move along now.

  16. So, if we all engaged in a letter writing campaign to revenue Canada regarding the blatant political nature of Dr. Fruitfly’s scam would it cease to become a tax-exempt foundation? Or, would it results in the letter writers getting their personal taxes audited? Another example of the “Conservative” government not acting where it has perfectly good information and the authority to remove the tax-exempt status from what is an enviro-terrorist organization. They could combine removing the tax-exempt status of all other enviro-terrorist organizations with the simultaneous decriminalization of cannabis which would cause such cognitive dissonance among the moonbats that many would retreat into a cannabis induced stupor for months afterwards and would have forgotten about why they did this when they finally ran out of money or weed.

  17. Pipe Trouble

    The object of the game is to build a money-making pipeline without harming the environment or angering local farmers
    For their next game I suggest Snipe Trouble– The object of the game is to build a money-making windmill farm without harming the environment or angering local farmers.
    Proceeds of the game can go to the Royal Ontario Museum to fund a display of birds killed by McGuinty’s whirlygigs much like this one:
    The bodies of about 2,400 birds that died in collisions with buildings while trying to navigate through Toronto\’s skyline are on display at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto

  18. wallyj, not just Power Corporation contributes a huge hunk of cash to the DSF, so does the Tides Foundation.
    ‘No surprise really. The thugs that pay together, stay together.

  19. The ‘United Way’ is another contributor to the DSF.
    There is a place to put complaints at the CRA site,the Informant Leads Program. FWIW,I put in a complaint,but the DSF’s skewed administration percentages may be legit because it is possible that their 57 employees are actual workers. They likely spend their time ‘raising awareness’,as they don’t seem to do anything constructive. The deal between NDA and DSF along with some other stuff warrants a closer look,IMHO.

  20. Hey is this the same Ezra Levant who wanted to fire up the furnaces for the Roma? Dude’s a Nazi. Why would you listen to anything he says?
    Question for you guys… if somebody builds a pipeline carrying sour gas across your land, and suddenly your animals start dying and worse, family members start experiencing miscarriages at an abnormally high rate, do you A) take matters into your own hands as you guys so often like to brag you would do when confronted with injustice, or B) bend over and ask for some more.
    Just curious. You guys talk about armed resistance a lot, it’s weird that you get your panties in a knot over a mere video game that depicts dealing with armed resisters as a problem to deal with, but not as a hero.

  21. “…Question for you guys… if somebody builds a pipeline carrying sour gas across your land, and suddenly your animals start dying and worse, family members start experiencing miscarriages at an abnormally high rate, do you A) take matters into your own hands as you guys so often like to brag you would do when confronted with injustice, or B) bend over and ask for some more…”
    or C) start feeding my animals properly, and D) realize that a hell of a lot of women experience miscarriages – it’s just nature’s way of ensuring that we don’t end up with too many Sociali…, sorry, I meant to say Commi…., damn, pardon me, make that Liber….

  22. For more Suziki Foundation bullshit check out Blogging Tories “Big wind hides slaughter”It is so typical of those clowns

  23. Off topic for which I apologise. Carol Off on “As It Happens” CBC Radio, was heard this morning. Kory Teneycke defended Ezra Levant and seemingly tried to placate the aforesaid Carol. She was in full throttle and had him very intimidated; so it seemed to me. She and many others, were calling for Levant’s head over his comments on what are described as “Roma”.

    Sun Media seems to have shot down any reference to this recent foray. I do stand corrected if this is not the case. The power and influence of the CBC is something that even it’s most serious critics may not realise.

    Edmund Burke must be turning over in his grave.
