57 Replies to “2013 Bloggies”

  1. Congratulations Kate. Well deserved.
    A few others won that deserve a look as well.. 🙂

  2. Congratulations to Kate and Whats Up With That are on topic here.
    So congratulations Kate and helpers, and Whats Up With That.

  3. Congratulations Kate. I’m not sure if SDA should be my favorite blog given the amount of time I spend on it, but then it’s far more intellectually stimulating than watching the products of the MSM.
    I might even be a tad optimistic and venture to say that our side may actually be winning. WUWT and Delingpole were also winners and all of the runner ups in the science category were climate realist blogs.
    Just remember not to spend your massive oil-industry funding which supports SDA in one place.

  4. Bravo Zulu,Kate. I noticed most of the winners were center or right of center blogs.Maybe there is hope.

  5. “…your honour, your name, your praises, endure.”
    You have given us a voice.

  6. A most excellent blog! A great source of very relevant information which I read everyday. Congratulations Kate and thank you.

  7. Well-done, Kate! Congrats!
    Thanks for letting us blow off steam; your services are far more valuable than a psychiatrist’s. You and my hair dresser keep me from going crazy in this hyped-up, lying, crazy, Leftard world!

  8. It must be because the blog post titles are so original and varied.

  9. “Smalldeadanimals doesn’tspeak for the people of Saskatchewan” Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert.
    LOL as it appears SDA speaks for Canada’s bloggers. Bravo Kate.

  10. I’m mostly a voyeur and occasional commentor. SDA is a must everyday.
    Thanks a million to you Kate and the faithful who help make SDA essential reading for those of us that want to keep up with current events. The MSM sure as hell won’t.

  11. Good win. I re-post any number of links (while taking care not to mention their provenance). It’s a go-to site for a reason.

  12. Everything I voted for this year has come up a winner. I hope I keep my perfect record with “The CBC Exposed”.
    Great achievement, Kate. It didn’t come without hard work and sacrifice, I’m sure.

  13. BOFFO, Kate!! And cudos to WUWT & Delingpole as well…Keep fighting the good fight against the stupids!…(And the evil–hell, don’t forget the evilly stupid as well–GOT to cover all bases!)

  14. Congrats Kate!
    The quality of the articles and the intelligence and sharp whit of the posters is well worth the read.

  15. Usually my vote doesn’t seem to count for much, but this time YES. Congratulations Kate.

  16. Congratulations, Kate! Wit, wisdom, and a way with words make this an unmissable blog.

  17. Congratulations Kate,
    A fitting validation of all of the hard work and thought that has gone into making this ship sail.

  18. Congratulations, Kate and crew! I voted for WUWT and Delingpole, as well.
    SDA is a must-read, every day.

  19. Congratulations Kate! I may be spending too much time here but at least I am spending with the best!

  20. Hard earned.
    Richly deserved.
    And provides me an outlet so I do not have to yell back at the TV.
    And that makes my better half, happier 🙂
