43 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Congrats on the Best Canadian Blog at the Canadian Weblog Awards!
    Watts up With That scored a Best Science Blog for the third year in a row too.

  2. Congrats Kate, and thanks for being the clarion call for common sense as society edges toward the swamp of progressive quicksand.

  3. The city of New York is attempting to sterilize its female rats with a drug that “accelerates egg loss and can cause infertility in days.”

    Contra-Pest…doesn’t appear to cause rat mood swings, says (SenesTech co-founder Loretta) Mayer. “As one person said to me, ‘Wow, don’t you worry? I mean, a whole bunch of large menopausal rats—aren’t they angry?’ Well, we’ve not seen that behavior change.”

  4. Here are the details—The IMF insisted that the Cypriot government stab Cypriot bank depositors in the back over the objections of the Cypriot parliament, who already made very clear they had no intention of doing any such thing. Put plainly, this is a coup d’etat. The banksters now rule Cyprus with an iron sceptre, and have a free hand to Romanianize Cyprus to a degree undreamt of by mainland Greeks in their worst nightmares.
    Capital controls mean time deposits cannot be cashed on maturity nor money taken out of Cyprus till further notice. In other words, the banksters have robbed the plain people of Cyprus, along with their Russian neighbours, of every penny they have in the world. They will be doled out just enough of their own money to buy enough food to stop too many of them dropping dead of hunger in front of northern European tourists, just in time for the Orthodox Lent, and will be expected to be grateful. Meanwhile the banksters will help themselves to everything of value on the Greek half of the island.
    Laiki Bank, one of Cyprus’ largest, will never re-open at all. 8000 jobs will disappear in a country of 800,000 or so. Multiply that by 40 to get a comparable number for Canada. Very few of those losing their jobs bear any responsibility for this.
    Best of all, the Central Bank of Cyprus is authorized to make any decree they see fit in the interest of public safety. In other words, if the plain people show up at the central bank demanding justice, they can expect their inquiries to be answered with live ammunition.
    Meanwhile, for the Greek kleptocrats who stole the money in the first place, it’s like Christmas. Shares in Piraeus Bank, a Greek bank charged with taking over Cypriot bank branches in Greece, jumped 20 percent in one day.
    Another big winner is Angela Merkel, whose re-election is assured now that she has in her debt not only Europe’s banksters but Germany’s Turks, who will assuredly rejoice on seeing the misery of the Greek squatters on an island they consider Turkish soil.
    The Islamist government of Turkey in one week got to see the sons of Christian dogs of Cyprus forced to their knees and the sons of Zionist pigs in Israel grovel before them at the insistence of Barack Hussein Obama. Truly they must believe Allah has blessed Turkey.
    God help Cyprus.

  5. not sure whats wrong with me tonight , caught myself watching CBCpravda and their mathmatically challenged journalists. listing the 24th anniversary of the Valdez oilspill and listing the 41000000 litres of oil spilled there. litres not m3 or bbls , but none the less ignoring the other 11 billion bbls shipped along the same coast 175 000 000 000 00 liters 0r 99.998% safely by. a much better record than their own truth ratio

  6. Happier news. Congratulations, Kate. Nice to know the woman who deserves the prize still gets it, sometimes.
    What do you get by way of a prize, by the way?

  7. Now if only they could come up with a drug to sterilize Mayor Bloomberg before he outlaws almost everything that the left does not think is good for you.

  8. cal2, speaking of the dunce-CBC, my husband was watching the news with Wendy Mesley last night — does Canadian Pravda ever retire anyone from the news stable? — and she a number of times pronounced Cyprus “Siprus.”
    I guess they hired her for her sunny disposition.

  9. Here is the latest on the Cyprus deal. Listening to commentary this am on BBC. And things are BAD. It basically means that they will follow FDIC rule limits on losses. Under the 100,000 Euro limit you will get your funds in an IV drip of 100-125 Euro’s per day limit. Over 100,000 Euro deposits will get hammered. This will cripple local business. They will have to layoff, because they will not be able to cash flow suppliers and pay wages. Same will happen in Canada or US in a bank failure. More details will emerge I am sure. The death of socialism is nasty. The central planners and the socialist trough feeders and leeches do not want to shut down the taxpayer funded money machines. The grip of the TAXFarmers on their hosts the (TAXPAYER) is a death grip. Same in Canada. The Good Old Slave Ship Canada. We have become slaves at the oars of the Slave Ship Canada. The TAXFARMERS have us all by the throat. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/25/us-cyprus-parliament-idUSBRE92G03I20130325

  10. You are aware that the IFM is a government institution? Its all very well to blame the “banksters”, but don’t forget that governments have a monopoly on the use of force. Only governments came make laws and send their goons into the streets to enforce them. All business between anyone and a bank is a purely voluntary transaction. If countries collapse because they spend money that they don’t want to tax from their citizens, its hardly the banks fault.

  11. Neo-AGW PR: UK Version.
    “Family stranded in 10ft snow drift burns furniture to stay warm as thousands remain without power with ‘White Easter’ looming” (mail)
    “Snowbound family near Wrexham forced to burn furniture” (bbc)
    “Coldest Easter ever: Britain braced for Arctic blast set to last a week” (express)

  12. “I you build it, they will come”
    Good on ya Kate _ alternative media is having a massive impact in breaking the partisan corporate media monopoly on information and opinion.

  13. From the “things you’ll never see on the CBC” file:
    Retired Army Captain Terry M. Hestilow has published an open letter to his Texas Senator warning that the recent purchase of over 1 billion rounds of ammunition by the DHS and other wartime supplies are blatant acts of preparation intended to be used against the people of the United States.
    In a lengthy letter turned public message that has gone absolutely mega viral over the past 42 hours, hundreds of thousands across social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter have been linking and sharing the retired Captain’s warning letter to US citizens. In the letter, Hestilow highlights the fact that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has amassed a bullet supply large enough to account for multiple bullets per individual citizen — all while local police are facing a massive fissure of bullet shortages.
    An excerpt from the viral letter addressed to Senator John Cornyn reads:
    “To date, DHS has been unwilling to provide to you, the elected representatives of the People, justification for recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems, when, in fact, the DHS has no war mission or war making authority within the limits of the United States of America.”

  14. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “Toronto, Stephen Harper ready welcome mat as Chinese giant panda bears near arrival” (NP)
    “China Bars Suntech’s Shi From Leaving Country, Reports Say”
    “Immigration officials have been instructed to temporarily prevent Shi, who was once China’s richest man, from venturing outside China following Suntech’s bankruptcy, the Shanghai Securities News said March 22, citing people it didn’t identify.”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  15. I saw a Simpson’s episode one time with the closed-captioning on for some reason. The typist mordantly called it “Charles Nelson Reilly” noise. I wonder if the diver twisted his diving mask — or better yet, goggles — when he made it.

  16. Neo-AGW PR Report.
    Hot is cold; cold is hot; warming is cooling; cooling is warming.
    “Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss”
    “Melting sea ice, exposing huge parts of the ocean to the atmosphere, explains extreme weather both hot and cold”
    “Midwest, Northeast March Snowstorm Breaks Records”
    “The snow total for St. Louis, Mo., on Sunday was 12.4 inches, breaking the city’s old record of 12.1 inches set in 1912.
    Lincoln, Ill., broke their daily snow total of 4 inches which was set in 1947 with 10.8 inches of snow on Sunday.
    As the storm moved through Columbus, Ohio, a record of 2.9 inches, reported at the airport, broke the old record of 1.8 inches set in 1965.”

  17. A Liberal cannot change it’s spots.
    “I was disappointed that Ms. Jones made such a hasty decision,” Russell said. “I would have hoped that I would have had the liberty, the freedom to make my decision without that added consideration.”
    Mr. Russell was the Liberal candidate and incumbent who lost by 79 votes to Penashue in Labrador. The day after Penashue resigned the Liberal Party plopped down one of their ‘insiders’ into the riding nomination race. That is so rude,but so Liberal.
