28 Replies to “How to Respond to Spam from the Current BC Liberal Party”

  1. Of course a better option would be simply to vote for the BC Conservative Party since: there likely won’t be much left of the Liberal Party after this election, and there likely will be a new leader of the BCC shortly after May 14th.

  2. The BC Conservatives are going to need a lot more than a new leader. I just got a recruiting letter from them and it was one of the most unprofessional mailing I have ever seen. The font they used looked like it was chosen by a teenage girl. I tried to join a couple of years ago and they literally could not process my application online even though they offered it. Couple that with the nutty positions and outbursts from members and it’s a long way from being ready for prime time.
    In the end, if the BCCP gets taken over by the same group as currently runs the Liberal party what difference will it make? The red Liberals need to go ruin the NDP…

  3. Hey Robert
    Instead of spoiling your ballot, why don’t you just not bother to show up? I mean the level of indifference is about the same, isn’t it? Geez, one would think you would at least take some responsibility for the party you probably voted into power in the first place. Instead of throwing a little tantrum at the polling station and sabotaging the process because you don’t like what you see.
    God – I am so tired of bleating sheeple like you. Why is it at the last minute it is always about you?
    Okay, you can go back to sleep now.

  4. It’s OK Robert, we all know Diamond ISINGER is one of the two-faced harridans who is a chief fart catcher for Xty Cluck. She of the “women are being called names” “I’m on the news as an ‘independent’ observer”.
    Like you, my ballot will either be spoiled or vote Conservative (for lack of a better choice). What a terrible election we are facing here. Four years of Comrade Dix and the unionist marxists. Four years of a disturbed reality.
    I really don’t like the prospects over the next four years, things are going to be bad, but it always behooves me to watch a political party self-destruct. They don’t learn much from history, do they?

  5. and for trolls like TC, who don’t pay attention very well, the BC Liberals, after the first term, turned left, gradually, until at this point, the budget they just presented, looks like it could have been written by Comrade Dix and his marxists.
    yeah TC, I am one who voted for them originally, and AS IS MY RIGHT, will not support them, as I am disgusted by their sharp left turn. And by their corruption and crony capitalism.
    No minds like you still think they are “right wing knuckle dragging extremists” The truth is, you haven’t been paying attention, and, they are typical leftwing Liberals. This is not the same Liberal party from 2001, this is a prototypical leftwing federal Liberal socialist party, campaigning from the right, but governing from the left.

  6. The BC people have weathered bad governments in its history before, and will this time. Hopefully the one non leftist party becomes a viable option.

  7. DanBC, I will be voting for the BC Conservatives. They’re the best option available.
    Christy Clark has swallowed the Global Warming *ponzi* scheme, hook, line and sinker. The NDP are no better.

  8. T.C. it is clear you don’t have the first *clue* about the dilemma we face in BC in the upcoming election. I can completely understand Robert’s frustration. Consider this for example:
    Do you know who created the Pacific Carbon Trust? The BC Liberals did. Has Clark done anything at all to abolish or even neuter it? No. Not a damn thing. And this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the utter and compelte incompetence of the Clark Liberals.
    So you have a Banana Republic party on the one side, and a Banana Republic party on the other side.
    In my years of voting I have always been willing to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. But I would need a gas mask and hazmat suit to vote for either of the two main parties in BC in the upcoming election. There is a line that any person with integrity simply cannot cross.
    For me it will be a spoiled ballot or a vote for the Conservatives in the upcoming BC election, just as DanBC has said.
    Sheeple my rear end!!!

  9. Spoiling or not voting should never be done. Voting but not choosing is a surrender of your right to those who don’t spoil their ballot.
    Vote for the best option in your opinion. And then work within that party to make the changes to leader/policy that you think need to be done.
    Were I a BC resident eligible to vote my choice would most certainly be the BCCP.

  10. If Clark nixes the carbon tax/carbon trust, she has my vote. Otherwise I am voting Conservative.
    I figure 4 years of scary/commie governance from the Dippers may end up “righting” this ship. By that time the Conservatives should have a new, hopefully higher profile leader.

  11. T.C. It’s one thing to disagree with someone, another to come up with some reasons for disagreeing.
    Spoiling a ballot is many levels of displeasure above merely staying home, going for a (long) walk, having sex all day, or whatever it is that some folks do instead of voting on election day. It does after all, take an equal amount of time to spoil or “write-in” on a ballot as it does to actually vote for the listed candidates. It’s going well past mere indifference, I fail to see how not voting for anyone takes responsibility for another’s actions. Sabotaging the process? All votes are counted, and if spoiled ballots out-tallied votes counted, you can be sure there’d be an impact on the “governing authority” of the government of the day, but its quite short of, and different from sabotage. Recall for example, Lisa Murkowski being elected by write-in ballot during the 2010 Alaska senatorial election. Sheeple? I think the term usually applies to those following blindly, or those herded into a protected state while giving up their liberty. I fail to see how this relates to not having “any of the above” worth voting for.
    and, I doubt Robert W. is sleeping. Now if he said his intention was to eat his ballot, that would be closer to sabotage.
    buen provecho

  12. soccermom
    That would be a good start…….the Crabon Trust is just a shell game to funnel more money to Encana, by nefarious means.
    Crony capitalism, defined.

  13. There are usually about eight candidates on the ballot. If you can’t find ONE to vote for,either you’re very particular or we have a lousy bunch of candidates.
    I don’t know who I’ll vote for, neither the Paul Martinite Clark Liberals,nor Stalin-lite. I hope the Conservatives will field a decent candidate,but if they don’t,I’ll look to the others,sometimes there are good independent candidates in the mix.
    The BCCP screwed up big time allowing the social-conservative set to take over the Party. BC is a left-wing Province,has been since the Socreds died out. John Cummins is way past his “best before” date,and when so many gaffes and scandals committed by the Liberals occurred, he was nowhere to be seen.
    It’s a big “IF”, but if the BCCP does take a few seats it will truly be a political miracle.

  14. The rat: The BCC is not as it was a couple of years ago. They would have had a problem processing your membership a couple of years ago because as with all true grassroots movements, it’s all volunteer-run. And unlike paid volunteers on the left, those on the right who volunteer are frequently parents and small/medium-sized business owners, directors who are doing it part time, when they can.
    It takes a good long while to kick out all the crazies, but if you consider where they are now from where they were two or three years ago, it’s absolutely amazing.
    Dmorris: The BCC has not been taken over by ‘the social-conservative set’ in any way. Even if they had been, it would not have been a ‘screw up’ since one member = one vote. BC is not a left wing province, but the left is much better mobilized. BC is essentially a microcosm of Canada. We have green idiots, we have communists, and we have socialists. Much like federally, the Liberals have two warring factions. Whereas federally it’s French vs. English, in BC it’s an unholy and unhappy forced union of liberals vs. conservatives within the Liberal party.
    The BC Conservative Party gave the true conservatives within the Liberal Party the option of joining, and several took it. Membership has been growing steadily for some time now. But here’s the rub: BCC + BCL does NOT equal NDP. Hasn’t for years. So it makes sense to develop the true conservative alternative party now, since we’re going to have a lot of cleaning up to do once the NDP’s done with things.
    I have said for at least a year and a half that the BCC was capable of winning 7-8 seats – and at that it would be, as you say, miraculous – but under the leadership of John Cummins, I give us about three…his not being one of them.
    Good to see more of the SDA crowd choosing to vote BCC, even if spoiled ballots are a close second in your minds. This was not the case when I was advocating for them on here a couple of years ago. That gives me hope!

  15. I LOVE the comments deriding the so-called “crazies” in the BC Conservatives. Ever have a look at the crazies in the other parties? There’s crazy and then there’s rabid, foaming at the mouth, snivelling, bug-eyed, wacko leftist crazy…

  16. Well said, Soccermom. I think my riding has about equal portions of conservatives and socialists. The BC Liberals appear to be universally LOATHED. I just hope that the BC Conservatives run a candidate here, because if they don’t, an Independent could take it. Fortunately, Adrian Dix is a very *weak* NDP leader. The trade unions don’t have the clout that they used to have, because they no longer serve their members. They’re globalists now, into power politics.

  17. From the above comments None of The Above,aka, a pox on all their houses will be the natural ruling party of BC.
    When is the election?

  18. Even if Dix is a ‘weak’ NDP leader, he’s still promising to be a hard leftist. The Liberals are promising to be strong tax-and-spenders. It’s difficult to imagine a more perfect scenario for a strong conservative party to come along and give the electorate the most obviously ideologically unique choice to vote for.
    The BCC is that party. Too bad Cummins is their leader. Too bad the campaign director’s clueless.

  19. I agree with your comments. The Libs have overstayed their welcome. Unfortunately we WILL have 4 years of craptastic Dipper govt before things will turn around. If the Conservatives play their cards right during this time and get an exciting new leader, who knows, there could be a sea change. At least a girl can hope! Or maybe it’s the Sask prairie girl in me who is hoping these left coasters I live amongst have some of that common sense in them somewhere deep down. Nah, probably wishful thinking, eh?

  20. If BC is a ‘left wing’ province then PMSH and the CPC had better get concerned. In Reform days BC had the 2nd biggest membership.
    The problem in my area (Kootenays) is the Dippers are the only active party actually doing grassroots work. The classic joke is the Liberal nominee (who I have never heard of) is worried about campaign office space on our main street. This is when half our mainstreet is boarded up! The Dippers are like crabgrass the way they have recovered from Reform days when we had almost stomped then out.
    The truly sad reality is that right of center politics in BC is so lacking in ideological thought that a group of leftards like Christie Clark could take over. That the BC Conservatives have such weak drive and concept that they cannot take advantage of a brutal excuse for government. I might vote BC Conservative but that will be a protest not based on conviction as I don’t know what they stand for.

  21. To vote anything but none of the above is like voting for the last to call “breaks over back on your knees” when your standing chin deep in the cespool.

  22. Maybe you’re right, Gord. I’m still wary of the BC Conservative Party still being in the Amateur Hour phase of their evolution but they most certainly would be “less bad” than the Liberals or NDP.

  23. The problem, Robert, is that so many people forget how ‘Amateur Hour’ much of the Reform Party was when it first began. These are necessary phases in the evolution of a political party. But as Scott Adams pointed out in Dilbert, without the first adopter of a technology (video phone) for the then-outrageous price of $500 apiece, sitting around and waiting for the next guy to buy one, we wouldn’t be able to have cheaper video phones for everyone once we reach a critical mass.
    We can make fun of the ‘crazies’ all we want, but in truth we do owe them this much: their volunteer efforts AND money went into developing the nucleus of that which many of us mock – then all want to join once it ‘gets going’ and becomes a ‘viable option’.

  24. Excellent points, Gen Lee. As for the BC Conservatives, I’ve been following them closely these past few years, hoping that they would rise above their infighting but not so far IMO.
    I very much remember how the BC Liberals had that breakthrough election. No time like the present for a 3rd party to do the same again this time. Let’s hope so!

  25. “The BCC is that party. Too bad Cummins is their leader.”
    I’m curious, what do you have against John Cummins? When he was an MP, I generally agreed with him. He doesn’t suffer fools gladly, which is a trait I like.

  26. A true Libertarian party would do well in BC. Haven’t decided yet whether I’m spoiling my ballot or voting for the BCCP. There is no rational alternative in this province and one has two statist parties comprised primarily of moonbats attempting to out-totalitarian each other. The BC Lieberal party is one I would never vote for (and that was the case even before the watermelons took it over) and I don’t vote for commies either.
    IMO, crony capitalism is as repugnant as cozying up to unions. What a communist government might do in BC is to start a true doctors strike. When the commies were last in power in BC, they routinely stole from physicians and the result of this was reduced activity days (RAD’s). The doctors I’ve talked to are getting a lot more militant and I suspect if the BC communist party gives in to demands of overpaid unions and decreases amounts paid to doctors that there will be an exodus of doctors from BC and the specter of a true strike by physicians. The BC college of physicians has called such an action unprofessional, but when the majority of doctors do it, revoking the licenses of those physicians would be the equivalent of shooting themselves in the head.
    Will read the BCCP website again, but if they have some of the statist policies I last saw on it will be taking along a sticker NOTA printed on it to my local polling station and sticking it on my ballot. A lot simpler than trying to write something on a black background as I don’t usually carry a white pen.

  27. Chutzpahticular,
    Did you ever have a conversation with him where he didn’t agree with you? Have you ever seen him lead? Do you realise how long it took to get him to adopt the notion that we have to abolish the ‘carbon’ tax?
    In of the few decent sections from his book The Right Man, David Frum answers those who claim that Bush was stupid and unqualified for the job. They wanted to pick and choose amongst his advisors and blame him for the mistakes, but give credit to his advisors when things went well. Frum’s response was that Bush (like most presidents) gets good and bad advice all the time, and that like a good CEO, was discerning enough to be able to make the right decisions most of the time.
    John’s discernment these day is lacking…big time.
    I won’t say more in public. You can e-mail, if you’d like.
