11 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. “I’m howling because we have rank amateurs playing a high-stakes game without understanding either the rules or what’s at stake. Maybe our masters have plans for a controlled detonation of a massively complex and unstable system. But I see damn all evidence of that. Instead we appear to have a group of underqualified provincial politicians who, having been badly mauled by a housecat are looking to pick a fight with an alligator.”
    So where are the financial equivalent of military engineers for this ‘controlled dentonation’? Thus far we’ve had the amateur hour of pushing whatever blinking light is at hand; hoping like the North Koreans that someone won’t call their bluff.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Yeah Hans I concur….
    This will not be a cantrolled detonation though….
    I predict it will end badly….they cannot kick this can down the road nor put the lid back on…the fuse is burning……..

  3. Ah, so soon enough then a chicken will be worth a chicken again? Controlled or not that’s pretty much where the demolition lands I think.

  4. Can’t.
    Canada depends on exports for nearly half its total economy. Build the wall all you like; you then freeze and starve on the inside when your income drops by half. Long and short of it is we have no choice but to do business with these Euro-morons. The only significant risk for us is if our governments decide to imitate theirs.

  5. Agreed, cgh.
    I should have been more specific.
    The wall I was referring to would be the wall to prevent the disastrous leftist, socialist thinking, that has ruined Europe, from re-entering our country to the extent that it did when the Liberals owned Canada.

  6. As we have recently seen amply demonstrated in Greece and Cyprus, Europe has been sold by its decadent socialist elite to a Bankster – oligarch cartel. The operational governing system is kleptocracy, the economic system is crony capitalism or nepotistic corporatism, the public policy is authoritarian forced austerity under a looming martial law federation.
    This is all we need to know about Europe – this should be a bellweather for us and set our grass roots democratic agenda to resist frivolous subsidy, overreach, upsizing and insane borrowing in government – but we won’t because Canada has the largest misinformed/under informed voter base in the free world. Thank your public schools, broadcaster and the historic revisionists they hire to edit reality.

  7. Whats the “insured” amount here in Canada?
    Not that it matters, once inflation takes off very soon your 10 000 dollars will become 1000 000 new dollars and will no longer be insured.
    Drygoods, medicine and weaponry will rise in value.

  8. So, if the EU’s plan is to rape the share holders, the bond holders and the uninsured deposit holders to keep the banks solvent what’s to keep them from just taking their marbles and going home ?
