33 Replies to ““The economy is too important to neglect the environment””

  1. How many weeks did this little jerk work in his teaching job?
    My goodness. Did I say “work”?

  2. The boy does have a few coherency problems, doesn’t he? Aside from the “economy is too important” bidenism, I mean?
    First there’s this.
    “Trudeau declared he would “not go negative””
    Then there’s this, ““We have two parties that are ideologically based around the fringes,””
    and this, ““It’s fundamentally about suppressing the vote, about convincing people to stay home and to disengage,””
    But he’s not goin’ negative, y’all.
    So Justin, I might just pay attention to you when you can string three sentences together that don’t contradict each other. Until then, Martha Hall-Findlay is right; it’s impossible to know what you stand for.

  3. The last time I saw as many blatant lies in one place was the last Lieberal governing party.Oh wait.

  4. Unfortunately if the next election is a popularity contest, as previously mentioned, we’re gonna have a prime minister brought to you by alberto.

  5. What is really sad is that a significant segment of the Canadian population supports this empty suit.
    Hall-Findlay at least stands for something even if it is more socialism.

  6. The Liberals have always been the divisive ones. Playing the East against the West, pushing official bilingualism for signs and businesses in Eastern Ontario (Ignatieff), for instance.

  7. Empty headed Elitist spawn of a socialist freak and an unfaithful tramp. How exciting. How perfectly Liberal.

  8. “I know that it doesn’t represent what Canada is,” he said.
    What Canada IS, in Trudeau’s little mind,is a Country where he is a celebrity, born with a silver spoon, thanks to his Grandad’s business acumen. Apart from his cloistered world,Trudeau hasn’t the slightest idea what Canada IS.
    Vacuous,airhead, unaccomplished,clueless, latte socialist, all those terms could be used in any combination to describe Justin Trudeau.
    Justin, go run for Mayor of a small town,then when you prove you can do that effectively, come back and see us, you bloody poser.

  9. “The economy is too important to neglect the environment.”
    “My brain is too limited to support coherence and breathing”
    “What do you want from me, my mom was a coke whore and I am not sure who was my dad”

  10. Jupiter Crackers, that guy is an embarrassment. He rides on his father’s famous name, has no accomplishments to own, takes money for nothing speeches and has no plans for fixing any problems. He’s perfect for the divide-and-conquer Liberal party.

  11. How does Hall-Findlay stand for socialism, at least anymore than the current government? If anything she stands for it much less. She is the best choice for PM, all other parties included Bernier aside.

  12. Trudeau said he jumped into the race because the Liberals were “looking for quick fixes still” and he felt he had something the country needed.
    Would that a journalist had asked what that something was.
    Yes, multirec, Trudeau is Obama in snowshoes.
    Obama-the-Candidate presented himself as everything and nothing, the blank screen upon which the LIV(Low Information Voter) projects his own needs being fulfilled.
    It’s scary sad.

  13. Irony abounds, when the Libtards held power only due to their Ontario base, (Reform having the only national seat coverage) the media party still insisted that the Libtards were the uniters.
    Yet they were decimated because of their lying, stealing, sleazy ways.
    I’m still cheering for Justin, the liberals deserve him, if Canadians are so stupid as to select Pierre the Idiot pt2, well thats one way to fix equalization and western alienation.

  14. The next federal election campaign is underway, and the media party is all in for the shiny pony.

  15. The real fringe element is Kim Justin-il’s brother and “special adviser” Alexandre, whose politics are of the total wackjob variety.

  16. Liberal philosophy is predicated on the “just society”. It is written right into their constitution. Perhaps Justin can explain how this is not ideological?

  17. “We have two parties that are ideologically based around the fringes,” Trudeau said. “Where the Liberal party needs to be focused on is the actual large mass of Canadians … who are not driven by a specific polarizing issue.”
    Hidden Agenda Syndrome, Justin Pierre variant. Good luck with that.
    “Mulcair, he said, had adopted Harper’s divisive approach by attacking the resource economy of the West to pander to progressives in the East, while “playing extremely dangerous games with soft nationalists and sovereigntists” in Quebec.
    He’s accusing Mr. Harper of doing that, as well as Mr. Mulcair? Did I read that right? Aside from which, his claim to fame is his father’s name, and his father did what again? Attacked the resource economy of the West to pander to progressives in the East, while playing extremely dangerous games with soft nationalists and sovereigntists in Quebec.
    If he wants to set a new tone for the Liberal Party in the country, why not start with something like an apology to westerners — all Canadians, really — for the misdeeds of the Mr. Trudeau, Sr. years, assuming he has any insight into what those were? Of course, such a thing could not happen, since we are dealing with, you know, Liberals.
    More credulous negative projection, which if they keep it up, will project them right into a fourth place finish in 2015.

  18. The only way that sentence makes sense, is if the economy is dependant upon the quality of “the environment”, whatever that is understood to mean.
    So perhaps Justine thinks that the financial services segment will collapse if CO2 exceeds 400 ppm, or that airplane engines cannot be built or maintained if the habitat of a rare salamander becomes threatened.
    Is he delusional, or did all those unicorn rides shake up his brains too much?

  19. Yes, I was amused to read this morning that The Dear Justin was trying to appeal to the electorate as some sort of non-ideological choice.
    The ultimate conceit of any politician in a democracy: that they don’t have an ideology, only those other guys do.
    Be warned though, Trudeau Lite is the candidate of Twitter and Facebook, the man for those who watch George Stroumboulopoulos.
    We are likely entering an era of truly superficial politics in this country. Time to find a new hobby.
    Meanwhile, in the real world, here’s an update on Cyprus and also the fighting in Syria…

  20. I continue to hope/pray that the Liberal party’s very long decline in western & rural Canada is not something that pretty-boy (*gag*) can simply reverse with a few flicks of his coiffed eyelashes and shakes of his curly hair. He will certainly pick up tons of LIVs in the idiot urban cores of the country and will certainly raise the Liberal seat count in proportion to same. Whether it will be enough to unseat the Conservatives.. boy I don’t know, but I thought Americans would not be so stupid as to reelect Obama, so I may well know not a damn thing any more. The media will go all-in for pretty-boy and Harper & Mulclair will certainly have their work cut out for them in making any real criticisms of pretty-boy’s vapidity actually stick.
    Obama in Washington and Trudeau in Ottawa — could anyone imagine a more vapid pair of political leaders ever to emerge in our two great countries? What an undeniable sign of a coming end of western civilization this would be.
