You Think CBC Is Bad?

It’s not who ultimately owns the organization, it’s those they employ. This was the lead story on CTV’s “National News” March 27:

Canada only UN member to pull out of droughts and deserts convention
…documents show that the government committed to providing around $350,000 a year to the convention…
NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar said the move risks further isolating Canada, by indicating that the government acts outside of “international norms.”..
Canada’s withdrawal from the convention will likely prompt more criticism of the Harper government’s handling of environmental issues…


…The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here…

Three hundred and fifty flipping thousand dollars makes the CTV top? Whilst so many focus on the horrors of Mother Corpse? Keep your eyes–and brain–wide open.

29 Replies to “You Think CBC Is Bad?”

  1. I watched this in its entirety a few days past. I doubt his take on world “climate change” existing … but his ideas on how to stop desertification seemed to make sense. It does take most of the 20 minutes to get to the points, I can’t imagine how those on the loonie left would take it, but let’s be real here, I don’t care about them and getting on board with anything the UN offers or a Gaia conference in Durban, for example.

  2. @ 12.00 he mentions to “do the unthinkable” It’s simply unthinkable, to do, perhaps as God intended. Raise cattle, move them around somewhat while they get big, then eat them.

  3. Where do leftists get the idea that Canada is isolationist and a global fool? Where the hell do they get their information from? How deluded are they?
    The UN is not through ruining Africa, deserts or no.

  4. My uber liberal brother in law who lives in Oshawa has been pimping this story over facebook and spinning the Conservatives are committing an attrocity line.
    He’s about to get cut.

  5. My hunch is that this organization was set up for bureaucrats to promote the Church of AGW agenda. If so, they’d be twitching Canada’s nose over the oilsands CO2. Canada is taking leadership in cutting their entitlement program. Watch for other countries to follow our example.
    CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. It is, however, essential for plant growth which is what the deserts need.

  6. You have to remember that every media person knows that some day they are going to be shitcanned from their private job, so they angle to keep the CBC types happy by ignoring what they do. Just look at the folks who run back and forth from radio or tv to the mother corp and then back to CFRB or CTV. Sad and sickening, this is why the CBC has to be defunded so they cant hide these sycophants on our tax dollar.

  7. NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar said the move risks further isolating Canada, by indicating that the government acts outside of “international norms.”..
    not normal…*aaand luv’in it
    *yeah that’s right, United States, yeah you.
    How many Fossil Awards doYOU have? Can’t touch this!

  8. Hey ONMAG! Wanna get the whole crew here at SDA to target his FB mail with a reality check? I won’t tell. 🙂

  9. Marc: PETA and the Animal Rights Underground are not going to like the good Dr.
    As usual, TED provides a very informative lecture.

  10. Thanks for that info.. as I said above, I doubt his take on “climate change” existing… I do believe in weather though. 🙂
    As for Mark’s original posting and crux of the matter, $350,000. and one international conference is the new benchmark of Canada’s stature in the world.
    Coke is using the plight of the polar bears as the focus of a new international advertising scheme. Do you think they’ll spend more than $350,000. ? Does Coke know about the surveys in the 1950’s / 1960’s that showed polar bear populations far less than what they are now?
    oh never mind.
    I think Canada should host a polar bear survival conference in Churchill, Manitoba. … An outdoors celebration of love, tolerance and acceptance for them so they’ll keep mating like crazy. Invite Liz May in her famous gay parade costume.

  11. Global News yesterday talked about ‘cracks in the Conservative party’ etc. and then did another story critical of the Conservatives – followed by a big wet kiss of a send off for Boob Rae because he steps down as Lib leader next week and a welcome to Justin.

  12. Well, that offsets the Rona Ambrose complaint of last night, and the Canadian taxpayer ends up $150,000 ahead! So, on this particular little package of business ($350,000 – $200,000 = $150,000), Stephen Harper has cut spending by 42.9%.
    But seriously, there is no seriousness among this crowd: the “Canada’s for soft power and now we’re losing influence and our reputation” schtick, which all of Mr. Chretien (Henny Penny), Mr. Dewar (Cocky Locky) and all of the rest of their ilk (the collective Goosey Loosies, Ducky Luckies and Turkey Lurkies of the rent-seeking transnational set) have been droning on about is just what it sounds like — a children’s story. In this connection, it takes a special kind of arrested development to go on a victory lap on the tenth-anniversary of the announcement of a decision not to participate in a war.
    You can’t lose what doesn’t exist, thanks to your having successfully managed, during your time in office during the past forty-five years, to destroy what limited amount actually did exist before 1965. Pure projection, and their credulousness in making their accusations is deeply unattractive.

  13. Seeing how Canada has no deserts and experiences few droughts, the cost of such a trip could not be justified, particularly if the findings presented at the confab are widely available for interested government parties – no need to show up there , except for the optic to placate reactionary Gaia worshippers to whom substance is meaningless.
    What really bothers me though, is this: “Canada’s withdrawal from the convention will likely prompt more criticism of the Harper government ”
    To me this betrays the attitude in the governing elite and media class (who primarily identify themselves as “progressive”), which puts partisan spin ahead of national interest/priorities. It also shows a genetic predilection towards decadent government waste. A) These issues are a low priority to this nation, those it bothers are globalists not Canadians. B) The concept that there is ALWAYS money available for government waste on these frivolous expenditures and priorities should be criminally actionable at a time when most Canadians are struggling under middle class-crushing tax burdens and economic growth in terms of individual wealth is shrinking. Even the media encourages government extravagance and waste at a time of service cut backs and post-industrial austerity.
    In a time of stagflation and forced austerity, growing government and increasing taxes should be a criminally indictable offence. For the Progressive left media to have these as their sole solution to any issue is not only irresponsible but a risk to national stability.

  14. I suspect this was a message to the UN as much as anything else.
    Come to Canada and compare us to 3rd world countries on food supply, social issues, etc.
    Do so on your own peril….the bank is closing.

  15. It makes no dif if the media’s message is baised or at worst untrue. The point is all about conditioning the public’s mindset of the CPC being ‘against their interest’. Individual stories don’t mean anything. Exposing their lack of facts means nothing. The public has already moved on.
    The absolute classic to this approach was the Canadian Taxpayer Federation confrontation with the Federation of Indian Chiefs(?) on CBC radio yesterday. It was all about a shoutdown of the CTF representative by native activisit who wanted their ‘sound bite’ and got it in spades. The CBC made 0% effort to clarify the CFT points which could not be heard over the shouting. They made very sure that the radio audience heard that the CTF were a radical arm of the Conservative Party. Oh, this conflab was all about the federal government bringing fiscal accountability to tribal finances.

  16. Occam, Canada does have a deserts. However, the area around Lethbridge is irrigated, and we’re more concerned with resource extraction than with farming in the Arctic desert.

  17. A little step. I’d rather we take the big step and walk away from that disfunctional talking shop in New York. We have embassies in all the countries that matter and lots of those that don’t.

  18. all this from country that will only export water in bottles. and I believe has a law against exporting water except that over the Alemeda dam.

  19. The primary and definitive difference between CTV and CBC is that I don’t PAY for the CTV out of my tax dollars. If I ignore them hard enough they will eventually go bankrupt.
    CTV employee lurkers please note, I cannot recall the last time I watched -anything- on CTV. I think Sandy Rinaldo was a cub reporter and still had her real face.
    Your advertisers already know this. Hope you’ve got your resume polished.

  20. The worst agency in the world to actually accomplish anything is the UN. It’s one big monetary sinkhole. The second worst is the Canadian Government. That would be why the government does much of its foreign aid through non-governmental charities.
    The idiots have more desert if Africa because they cut down all the trees. It ain’t rocket surgery and it ain’t global warming. You want to stop the deserts? Plant frigging trees hoping that the damage done to the climate by cutting them down, in the first place, can be reversed.

  21. NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar said the move risks further isolating Canada, by indicating that the government acts outside of “international norms.”
    As Oz already stated I concur with the though that the sooner Canada steps away from sending money to that rat hole that is the UN the better of Canada will be. For Loon Dewar to worry about “international norms” only shows PMSH and the current government are on the right track.

  22. “CTV employee lurkers please note, I cannot recall the last time I watched -anything- on CTV. I think Sandy Rinaldo was a cub reporter and still had her real face.”
    Tiresome as CBC is, at least it puts those co-op students from the local Ottawa high schools in the field as cub reporters.
    CTV sticks ’em in the back to write copy.
    Let’s face it: Canadian TV news is just bad. I’ll stick with BBC World News which, though it can sometimes infuriate me, actually covers WORLD EVENTS OF IMPORTANCE.

  23. scar said: “The idiots have more desert if Africa because they cut down all the trees.”
    This is a very important point.
    Right here in Ontario the entire area around Lake Erie was turned from forest to a sand desert in one generation by logging and poor agricultural practices. It was brought back from complete collapse by re-forestation projects. That took a bit longer, but not tremendously so. Now the area is one of the primo pieces of farm realestate in Canada.
    People who do not read history are doomed to repeat it.

  24. It’s funny, my dad used to tell me of the days when Global News was an excellent news organization that was held in exceptionally high regard by everyone. Too bad it’s no longer the case, having watched some of their old news stories and broadcasts at the library I have to agree.
    These days, the “news media” is just that. No longer journalism, but pop-propaganda.

  25. If May and the professional parasite Maude Barlow hate it you know its the right decision
