16 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood”

  1. Odd, I promised myself I’d punch Billy in the nose if I saw him in Canada. I can’t imagine why Americans don’t punch him in the nose whenever Billy is out in public. Guess they have no sense of honor or shame.

  2. Hollywood long ago stopped producing anything inspirational for mankind. The odd film here and there still meets this ideal, but for the most part they now produce either complete junk targeted to the moronic masses, or pure political statements that fit their heavily left-wing view of the world.
    Ever notice for example how nearly every single children’s movie has divorced parents, and the kids in the film are ill-behaved self-centered shouting brats? Look too at the propaganda that people like Cameron produce.
    So in summary I think Hollywood today is largely a negative force that is actively contributing to the dismantling of western civilization.
    It’s a shame, because films can do good.

  3. The latest Moore hypocrisy over gun control was more compelling. It started with this fatuous off the wall statement –
    “Did you realize that over 90% of the guns in this country are owned by
    white people in the suburbs and in rural areas? Ninety-percent of our guns are not owned by African-Americans, hispanics, minority groups, they’re owned by white people.” – Michael Moore
    Although just about any statistic given to you by Moore concerning firearms must be deemed dubious at best, he has unwittingly made a salient pro-legit firearms ownership point here which 2nd amendment organizations have been making for years. As long as Moore has made this an race based issue, let’s extrapolate on this as we look at the police stats on violent crime involving guns. According to police source statistics, gun crime per se (that is; murder and shootings) is nearly exclusively confined to the inner city populations who seem to want to shoot each other with impunity – populations largely involved in criminal activities who just happen to have a huge over-representation of the non white, ethnic groups which Moore tells us do not own the majority of guns in America.
    Thanks for proving the NRA’s point, Moore: The majority of legally armed citizens are not the cause of most gun violence. Suburbia and rural areas of North America are largely devoid of firearms violence unless it is defensive against largely inner city criminals that are riding the burbs.
    Firearms violence is primarily an inner city urban phenomena accomplished with illegally owned and sourced firearms where ethnic group criminals shoot each other – but don’t waste facts on Michael Moore, he’s too busy milking a low information voter cult following (Disinformation voter?) attempting to make this another race issue for partisan masters. Nice try but no cigar for the fat commie.

  4. Wonder if they are going to show his friendship with Obama.
    This reminds me of when my husband who had short hair and was a bit of a nerd had a summer job in Toronto with the Meteorological Service of Canada. He got a room at Rochdale College because it was cheap and didn’t know what a hippie haven it was. Anyway he went to a party there and introduced himself as a weatherman. Later his room was searched and he was investigated because the RCMP thought he might be a real Weatherman.

  5. Nicola Timmerman “Later his room was searched and he was investigated because the RCMP thought he might be a real Weatherman.”
    Times never change – reminds me of the Mounties they send us.

  6. “Democrats need to embrace Hollywood”…
    ~Mike al-Moor
    Embrace? pfft!
    As if Hollywood and the Democrats haven’t already been in bed together with an unlimited supply of Vaseline for decades now.

    Actually I am amazed that Ayers is still lose…let alone breathing….I was not aware there was a statute of limitations on murder etc….
    Yeah the GTA’s tiny demographic comes to mind…..

  8. “I guess they [Americans] have no honor or shame [because they don’t punch Billy Ayers in the face when they see him].”
    Doesn’t Ayers live in Chicago?
    Wouldn’t that explain their reticence — and their lack of honour or shame?

  9. Hollywood: a safe place for people whose only skill of measurable worth is pretending to be someone they are not, and to have other people tell them exactly what to say and do for every minute of their professional careers. And all their errors are cut out of existence.

  10. Never really considered Redford to be a “great” actor, just another pretty face. It was double jeopardy when he teamed up with Paul Newman, who was even further to the left. I recall when W.F. Buckley called Gore Vidal a “queer” during a debate, after the former had called him a “crypto-fascist or Nazi or some such. Back stage he was confronted by Paul Newman and his coterie and accused of getting personal with Vidal! Apparently it is not “personal” to call someone a fascist.

  11. As usual Redford 80 plus or whatever the wrinkled old leftie is, has a 13 year old daughter in this latest flop of his. Imagine this old bastard even getting it up for anything but Lizzy May, let alone being a plausible dad. Go suck a lemon Robert, your best before is 30 years ago.

  12. Hope it comes to Canada,and I’m sure it will.
    Be a shame if some one took a lesson from the occupy crowd…. and left a steaming dump in the theater.Let’s cross our fingers.
