19 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: How Baaaad Is The Warming?”

  1. – but the climate change zombies with continue to eat the rot their alarmist manipulators feed them.

  2. One thing to note. It is not winter in England. It is spring. Where are all the naturalized cacti brought on by global warming?

  3. Ahh…just in time, the ‘Good Shepherd’ resurrects his sheep for Easter!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,”
    Courtesy of CRU, University of East Angliain in 2000.
    At least some of the sheep are aware.

  5. When the last year without summer came, it was a hot time for witches and other scapegoats.
    People who profess to see the future, are they not a kind of witch?

  6. “I have no use for neither man nor boy, who has never had an understanding with a pup.”
    Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

  7. Gee I really thought that Phil would be on this thread, talking about the lazy, spolied farmers…/sarc

  8. So, if sheep can get rescued from adverse climate, will it be possible to rescue the sheeple from Global Warming(TM)?

  9. Man, those sheep farmers sure work for their living, don’t they?
    Maybe a few weeks working on a farm would “enlighten” some of the Global Warming fanatics.

  10. Just an observation….
    Something that caught my eye in a youtube video last evening about 1963 British Rail coping with a heavy snow.
    Like this farmer….there were droves of Brits digging out a railway cut by hand with shovels….and NO GLOVES….
    I dunno but my hands stop working after a bit in anything under about 45F….
    Maybe it’s just me…..but…

  11. Where is a video of snowfall at East Anglia university, too.
    I’d like to see the climate research guys interviewed, while standing up to their chest in snow. 🙂

  12. I’ve dug for new born calves during Alberta blizzards. Exhausting work, bundled up in warm clothes, digging blindly along the fence line with with the wind driven snow stinging your eyes and smothering your nostrils. The calves were seldom found alive.
