Y2Kyoto: The Little Molecule That Could

From “global warming” to “climate change” to “climate disruption” to “global cooling” – any excuse will do when they come for your fuel;

NASA’s Langley Research Center has collated data proving that “greenhouse gases” actually block up to 95 percent of harmful solar rays from reaching our planet, thus reducing the heating impact of the sun. The data was collected by Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry, (or SABER). SABER monitors infrared emissions from Earth’s upper atmosphere, in particular from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), two substances thought to be playing a key role in the energy balance of air above our planet’s surface.

Related“a carbon tax/fee is the key to controlling climate change.”
Update from Anthony Watts: “A misinterpreted claim about a NASA press release”.

32 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Little Molecule That Could”

  1. In a dynamic system with thousands of variables, apparently one parts-per-million gas still controls it all. This time it causes cooling. BS.

  2. If global warming is bad, then global cooling must be good. No?
    So the goal must be … zero climate change ever.
    Our elites are going to end the idea that “Everything is in Flux”.

  3. So the Left Hand (NASA Goddard) doesnt know what the right hand (NASA Langley) is doing. Chances are they’re both wrong – based on track records.

  4. What a magical molecule carbon has proven to be.
    Not only can it make the climate warmer, but it makes the climate colder.
    And, the money that can be raised by those who channel Chicken Little!

  5. From the NASA report “For the three day period, March 8th through 10th, the thermosphere absorbed 26 billion kWh of energy. Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95% of that total back into space.”

  6. And I bet CFCs absorb more UV than O3. And I bet DDT has nothing to do with strength of egg shells. Despite prophets predicting the end of the world for thousands of years, it isn’t happening anytime soon. Why don’t scientists do science and not politics? Why do humans have to constantly come up with ideas to push each other around or tax each other?

  7. “And I bet DDT has nothing to do with strength of egg shells”
    Read a book that claimed the study proving the whole thin eggshell thing was flawed. The diet fed the bird was deficient in calcium. When repeated with a proper diet, no effect from DDT.
    I can’t provide a link, sorry.

  8. Principia Scientific distorts what the NASA report says.
    This is about the thermosphere, which between 90 and 600 km high. What happens there and what happens near the earth’s surface are very different.

  9. JB1000 “Read a book that claimed the study proving the whole thin eggshell thing was flawed. The diet fed the bird was deficient in calcium. When repeated with a proper diet, no effect from DDT.”
    They never though about a control group?

  10. Human sacrifice is the only answer. The Mayans and Aztec always had nice weather until the Spanish made them stop it. If we start by sacrificing members of the Green party it should have a immediate calming affect on the rest of the nation. The science is there. Computer model confirms it. Prove otherwise.

  11. yet RABBIT, the stuff neear the earth traps the head that doesn’t reach the earth, now I gots it, thanx fer the heads up
    said for years now…the methodology just sux…and now we have more proof of this

  12. None of this is new in theory. The action of all gases in our atmosphere is to absorb some frequencies of the incoming solar radiation and re-radiate it as infrared. When it is re-radiated, it does so in all directions. By definition therefore, the radiation aimed at the earth is reduced; hence the planet is cooler than it would otherwise be given its solar distance.
    The amount of radiation re-radiated has always been derived from blackbody calculations, but these were only approximations. What Langley has done is to confirm the theory by direct measurement.

  13. poster ‘rabbit’ is correct. The NASA report is about energy dynamics hundreds of miles above the Earth’s surface. This report has nothing to do with energy transport below the stratosphere.

  14. The only potential harmful radiation from the Sun, apart from ionizing radiation such as neutrons, protons and gamma rays, is UV. This report does not clarify what kinds of radiation we are protected from.
    Good to know, though, that light and heat are still allowed.

  15. Maybe NASA has lost the plot because the epicycles of the Warmistas have just become too complex to keep track of.

  16. This is exactly what I predicted from the outset about the doomsayers.
    When the drum they are beating gets worn out …. they just find another one.
    back to 1977……..

  17. Dr. Bob: “A tyrant will always find a pretext for Tyranny.”
    Truer words were never spoken! Michael Bloomberg, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

  18. Mike…if you believe any crap spewed by any of NASA’s departments on Globull warming,weeellll,give up the kool-aid.

  19. According to the late Professor Reid Bryson, the father of climate science, in the first 30 feet above the surface, 80% of reflected solar energy is absorbed by water vapor. In comparison, CO2 absorbs 0.08%. “You can go out in the yard and spit and have more impact on global warming than doubling the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide.”

  20. As George Carlin was fond of saying; all these attemps to reverse global warming, like all the other vacuous save-the-planet causes, is just one more arrogant attempt by humans to control nature – but nature (on a macro planetary level) is a self-correcting system – so, this bears being said again for all the arrogant hysterics who think they can control the climate at a molecular level –
    Love him or Hate him, Carlin had a wonderful ability to put large political memes in proper perspective

  21. Robert, makes sense. If 95% of ALL solar radiation was blocked by greenhouse gases we probably would have noticed before now. Lol

  22. CO2 absorbs & re-radiates infrared radiation in all directions.
    When that radiation is from solar flares at high elevations, most gets radiated into space.
    At lower elevations radiation from the earth also gets radiated, some towards earth.
    Nice to find an Anthony Watts post that I can agree with.
