22 Replies to “Jim Carrey, Pwned”

  1. I thought I liked him once, but the I sobered up. Why is it that if you want instant asshole you just have to add Hollywood and stir ?

  2. I second that motion, presuming it is a motion.
    We will be striking off another moron from our movie list.

  3. Yep an actor knows more than your family physician about MMR and/or DPT vaccinations.
    Umm…NO! Stick to comedy schtick, the other stuff will just help the spread of stuff that we thought we eradicated in the last century.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. A has-been who really never was. I’m ashamed that he is (is he really???) Canadian?

  5. Cary’s mom is the one who convinced him he was funny.
    And who his dad was.
    Guess she lied…twice.

  6. Yup, but stupidity knows no borders. Remember that over 60% of Canadians were happy that Obama won a second term.

  7. Jeez,shattered I am. One by one my idols turn into green slime.
    As long as they don’t tell me that Yosemite Sam is a vegetarian.

  8. Best deal Canada ever made was exporting this asshole to Obongoland, never thought he was funny, to much like Jerry Lewis who he aped anyway. So like everyone else in current Hollwoodie, he has never had an original thought. Thanks America for taking our “muddled asses” like Jim Carrey and Tom Green and many others into your sordid town of LA, they were of no use here, now if our useless start moving to Texas, , thery’ll be nowhere to runaway from dopeyness in the winter.

  9. The problem is that Carrey’s impression of Heston was not accurate nor was it funny and the “gun as extension of penis” bit was old and stale back when Mad magazine used to be popular.

  10. I seem to have missed the part wherein it was explained why I give a damm about anything Jim Carrey does.

  11. Nah! Sam was of a different generation. Today’s entitled members of “America’s Royalty” are arrogant enough to think they actually have something important to say off screen.
    Speaking of actors whose work we admire,or don’t,I was recently disappointed to find out that Tommy Lee Jones,who’s made many decent movies,is a good friend and former college room mate of ……Al Gore!

  12. Take one Canuck Frank Gorshin wannabe http://tinyurl.com/cc6sgwm with a narrowly marketable career in its sunset, mix in a Hollyweird demento-left political crusade used to get the falling star some free face time on the new public media, and you end up with the mind numbingly civilly regressed cluster frig Carrey has just created for himself.
    Notice to Mr. Carrey – don’t come home, you’ve gotten too weird for even the Canuck left to fathom. Like, what kind of self-destructive retard soils the nest they have built in the US by insulting its cultural icons. Beyond dumb and dumber Jimbo.

  13. Ruin your professional life by preaching stupid, misinformed, low information, fascist shit to people smarter than yourself.
    There’s a reward for that.
    If I don’t see you again, thanks, goodbye and enjoy.

  14. I find is very amusing that Jim Cary, born in Canada, can stand up in any public forum, even the internet, and espouse gun control for Americans. Canadians can be sorta ‘special’ that way.
    If these people could only READ for themselves the words of the US constitution, they would understand that the ‘right’ to bear arms is not something the Government, either state or federal, has the authority to control. It is a right granted by GOD, not man.
    Once people figure that part out… the whole topic becomes very simple. How can any level of government enact laws that they have no business enacting? It’s well above their pay grade.

  15. Perhaps so, but by the same token one could ask how a kangaroo court like the HRC could punish and rob you for hurting someones feelings. We live in crazy times and it’s not getting any better.
