13 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Europe’s controlling elite’s tolerance of incompatible combative foreign dogmatism within their borders will certainly spawn a reactionary counter intolerant nationalistic dogmatism to clash with it – that continuous civil/cultural conflict will be the downfall of the nations where this perpetual civil/cultural conflict is entrenched – this is as inevitable as if it had been planned that way.
    In some ways Europe’s civil/cultural troubles seem like divine retribution for all the trouble they have orchestrated in the ME and elsewhere.

  2. ok – Big reply – I have not a clue what you wrote. No disrespect but maybe you might want to study English in a classroom setting. You know, they do have return tickets to whatever paradise you came from.
    You’ve got to love people who come from some third world toilet because it is a third world toilet and their first reaction is to try to turn Canada into a third world toilet.

  3. This is the best part “Authorities are estimating that the attack was racially motivated.”
    Wow, that is sure some smart authorities you’ve got there France.
    Who knows, maybe he deserved it though. Perhaps he opened the door for, gasssp -a woman and the nutters simply couldn’t control their outrage. That’ll teach him, next time he’ll beat the woman first and ensure that she is 20 paces behind and all will be well (and truly proper).

  4. Islamists, when in contact with a culture populated by free born citizens with adult responsibilities not nationalized by the state or those grounded in non-secular, non-multicultural strength – would find living conditions unacceptable and leave or be driven-off. Europe is being “reverted” by an opportunistic pathology much like carrion starting to work on a still-breathing corpse. Financial ruin will precipitate clashes that could escalate into wars which could see Islamists experience collateral extermination from being seen as causal as opposed to lagging indicators of societal ruin.

  5. I guess they didn’t like the movie. Seriously though, I wonder how long the so called civilized world will take this foolishness in the name of religion before there is another crusade.
    It looks like “ok” is off her meds again though. Trying to understand her rants tends to give me a migraine.

  6. OK is still off her rocker and should be confined to a mental institution until she is sane enough to be let out in public!

  7. ok…its obvious you hate the Jews. So you won’t mind if I hate all you satanic muslim savages. I reckon that evens things out wouldn’t you say? And you can always go back to whatever backwater shithole you came from. I don’t mind. Really I don’t.

  8. “In a war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man, support Israel.”

  9. Frenchie
    “This is the best part “Authorities are estimating that the attack was racially motivated.””
    tht caught my eye as well, especially the “”estmating””, never seen it used in that context before:-)))

  10. “if you walk in street of Canada you will see too many of them who parents pass it to thier children that attitude of anger of hate toward other nations.”
    Correct me if I’m wrong,new,but isn’t that what the SOB’s called paleostinians do??? Constantly. Funny,I haven’t seen any Canadian cartoons portraying Muslims as sheep poop and calling for killing them all,like the Pallis and Iran do with the Jews. Go get some English lessons,your taqqiuy doesn’t work here.

  11. How come the two Muslim defenders on this thread both sound like blithering idiots? Obviously they are smart enough to turn on their computers…..

  12. I said it before and I will say it again. It is best to ignore those two moronic idiots ‘i’ and ‘ok’. Do not engage them in comments. They love it when you get your knickers all in a twist over their dumbass comments.
