26 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. And so the experiment in democracy fails; not with a bang, but a whimper.
    The problem is that every fool’s vote is equal to every wise man’s and there are 100 fools for every wise man.
    Maybe we should just go back to being ruled by Kings. We’re bound by random chance to get a good one every now and again, whereas democracy has gotten to where the politicians merely appeal to the lowest common denominator and seem to be competing in a race to the bottom.

  2. Wonder how many of these wizards are on the just released ‘Sunshine List’ of Ontario government employees making in excess of $100,000 a year?

  3. So Canadians had a good laugh at USA citizens interviewed for the reasons for voting for Obama. Not to be outdone we lined up our own idiots. Leftards still control the political discourse in this country and people should remember the only reason Steven Harper is ‘President’ is because the lefty vote is split 3 ways.

  4. And you thought your cousins to the south had the only stupid voters. Remember, libruls are the definition of stupid voters whether in Egypt, France, the US or Canada.

  5. The moron’s candidate. Unfortunately, we may found out just how many morons there are in Canada.

  6. While its often hysterically funny to watch these liberal asses, make fools out of themselves.. it never should be allowed to be shown outside of Canada. If any other country found out we had so many morons, we’d be invaded by 6:00

  7. Get ready to start paying a carbon tax if this idiot gets elected PM.He has his fathers arrogance and Mommys brains.

  8. All of the above, and particularly Oz’s line, ‘so the experiment in democracy fails; not with a bang, but a whimper”.
    But this clip does the Liberal voters I know, including one of my sisters-in-law.
    I expect that someday these ignoramuses might have to discover the hard way to pay attention to who they vote for and why.

  9. The problem is we live in an era where an intellectually feeble moron could actually get elected.
    It happened to the south of us after all.

  10. JT should not be a problem. The left will not unite before the next election,though afterwards a coalition is a real threat.
    The media will be pimping JT non-stop while magnifying and demonizing any mis-step by the Conservatives whether true or not.They will ignore or bury any JT mistake.They have been doing this for years for the left-wing candidates,Dion’s problems with the English language comes to mind. This is the main reason that Sun News must be allowed equal opportunity to reach Canadians,IMHO. Fortunately,Canadians are smarter than your average American, and the idolization that put Obama into the White House will not be as prevalent. The USA never had a black prez before,we have already had a Trudeau,which dampens the historical(novelty)factor.
    BTW,the photo of Papa Trudeau that the Sun has used in the clip shows an uncanny resemblance to Montgomery Burns,excellent choice.

  11. Is it relevant that the question is “Why would you vote for Justin Trudeau?”, not “WOULD you vote for Justin Trudeau”. I think some of the answers in the video are from people who would answer the second question “NO!”.
    Just a thought.

  12. As Rush calls them “Low information voters”.
    They only hear the headlines of their favourite talking head them
    go back to their video game or Face book or Twitt for brains accounts.
    All is fine when you don’t read the fine print.
    example “U S of A”
    Dumb S—t will rule the world.

  13. Wake-Up conservatives: if you expect Trudeau’s stupidity to win the election for the conservatives then you are just as stupid as he is. The conservative party needs to start challenging this idiot now (and not in their typical fashion) and conservative minded people need to aggressively work from the grass-roots.
    It is not just liberals that will vote for him, he will attract people across a broad strata – and yes, some of your ‘conservative’ friends will also vote for him.
    JT WILL BE A PROBLEM, he is already a problem and he will be PM if conservatives maintain a nonchalant attitude towards him.

  14. Actually such a discovery never happens, Ken. When things go badly, the demagogues they voted for then point them in the direction of the “Enemies of the People”.

  15. Let him become leader of the Liberal party first. Long way to go before the next election and he could destroy any credibility he has once he is in the spot light more often. If Harper starts to belittle JT at this stage of the game I believe it will come across as shallow and petty. Once JT is crowned the real battle will be between the NDP and the Libs. The best thing Harper can do is stay out of the war until it actually counts for something. Mulcair and JT will never merge visions as JT is too vain and Mulcair is too arrogant. Let them take chunks out of each other for a couple of years.

  16. I think the video is a fair reflection of Mr. Trudeau, Jr.’s, er, impact on Canadian politics. Clearly, all were pretty much lost for words, in light of their evident surprise about being jacked with questions about the guy — and the only comebacks were his name — his dad was “president”, after all — and his age (from the near-geri woman). Not exactly top of mind, is he?
    I want you to know that I run my own little, you know, “intelligence gathering network” (which, sadly, does not involve, “enhanced interrogation methods” — in this regard, I can recommend, “Zero Dark Thirty”, which has only a few moments of Hollywood Histrionics — something about using a dry-erase marker on the boss’s glass wall). This “intelligence gathering network” includes a fair number of, um, Stephen-Harper-supporting “public sector workers” (all of whom are members of certain prominent public sector unions in Ontario), and a particular key source who lives in a certain Lisa Raitt-related burb and who works in downtown Toronto for a certain Schedule A bank and who takes a certain form of public transit, which is, in her opinion, famous for the self-righteous indignation of about four people who always seem to sit near her, to and from her job.
    My sources tell me, with particular clarity, because I have been asking (they feel that I have been pestering them) that there is “NO F***ING TALK about Mr. Trudeau, Jr., already”.

  17. 10 reasons to Vote for Justin Trudeau.
    #10 He knows drama
    #9 He is from Quebec.
    #8 He is for sale by the hour gives expensive lectures to students, Banks. Industry lobby groups. Economic development corporations.
    #7 He is a Trudeau.
    #6 It would make his mommy proud.
    #5 The schoolgirl crowds love him.
    #4 As he says “Canada is better served when there are more Quebecers in charge”
    #3 He is a 1% er, his daddy made him a millionaire.
    #2 he went to the best private schools in Canada.
    And the
    #1 reason He has nice hair.

  18. Frenchie is bang-on.
    If this ponce becomes liberal “leader”, then the gloves must come off and he needs to be called out on any and all stupidities when he opens his mouth.
    It is naive to think that most canadians who thought the sire of this fool was the country’s “greatest PM” wouldn’t vote en masse for the spawn, irrespective how moronic and unqualified he is.
    Simply mocking JT’s hair or making backhanded swipes at his illustrious career as a supply drama teacher won’t get the votes. His stupidity and utter inability to lead a country must be brought into the light, harshly and often, too. Canadians by and large suffer an inferiority complex when compared to americans; let’s not try to out-do them in the magnitude of fatal electoral mistakes based on the cult of personality.

  19. Pierre’s Pup IS modern Canada: shallow, self-obsessed, vacuous, effette and neutered.
