Reader Tips

Tonight, legendary American songwriter Jimmy Webb (Wichita Lineman, MacArthur Park, Up, Up and Away, Galveston, and many others) teams up with Mark Knopfler to perform a song made famous in 1985 by a supergroup composed of Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings, and Willie Nelson, who named their group after the song: here’s The Highwayman.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

27 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. lament;
    -Flames trading captain (the man!) so they “get something”.
    -criticism of Harper for his tweeting support of said captain
    -sex selective abortion issue “not going there”
    -civil servant bonuses endorsed by government ministers
    -doctors told to take pay cut by government ministers
    -civil servant raises endorsed by school boards

  2. EBD, I need help, as my wife wants to trade me for Earl Okin. 🙁
    Seriously though, regarding dmorris’ Reader Tip from last evening, are any Albertans on this board or elsewhere taking Danielle Smith to task for going over to the AGW dark side?

  3. Looks like another hopeful has turned into a politician. She probably smells the carbon tax and all the tree hugger votes she can scoop up in good ol’ Edmonton. Very disappointing because I thought she could actually see through the bullshit.

  4. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    “A farmer hauls bags of coal on a sledge in Cumbria”
    “Britain’s colder than the Arctic: -10c freeze over Easter”
    “Though the clocks go forward tomorrow night, marking the start of British Summer Time, there is no end in sight to the bitter weather.
    This has already been the coldest March since 1962, the Met Office confirmed yesterday, and the fourth coldest since records began.”

  5. Canada to adopt Cyprus style forced Bail ins for Banks? Thought you were safe in Canada. The CPC are discussing having depositors refinance banks that fail in Canada. New Zealand has already adopted these laws. This is basically the same as what we saw in Cyprus. The one I am looking for as well is how they will treat folks with RRSP’s or Pension monies. Will they give us all a haircut on these monies as well. Like the Finance Minister for Louis the 14th commented on taxes, “The ART of TAXATION is the ability to obtain the most amount of feathers with the least amount of squawking”.

  6. Here we go again. Another 1.1B scarce taxdollars added onto the hundreds of Billions already spent to assuage the Gaullic Ego of French Canada. But what do you expect? Bilingualism was forced on English Canada without asking English Canada if we agreed. But that is how Canada is run. You have a PM, a man elected by only 40,000 actual votes in his riding speaking like and acting like a Monarch over 33M citizens. He appoints the Head of State for Canada the Gov. Gen. his own personal rubber stamp. He appoints all of the SCOC and the Supreme Court Judges of all of the Provinces. He appoints all judges, number in the thousands in all courts across Canada down to the level of Provincial matters. He appoints the Heads of State of each Province the Lt. Gov. He appoints all of the Senate or 50% of the Government of Canada. He appoints all of the ancient Privy Council, a 4th Order of Government that can levy tax, and make law with the stroke of a pen without review of our MP’s, the Privy Council has been banned by all Westminister style Parliaments in the world except Englands House of Lords and Canada’s Privy Council. He appoints the Heads of all Crown Corporations, basically pork barrel jobs. We elect our MP’s, and they swear on their mothers grave to do our bidding. But when they get to Ottawa, they ignore us like fresh dogshit on the sidewalk, and do as the PM or Party Leader tell them do do. We are left without a voice and on our own. They serve Ottawa and not us. Our Constitution was written by Trudeau and forced on us without our consent, not one man or woman out of the 33M citizens was allowed to say yes or no, after 100 years we were still too immature to make adult decisions ourselves. Bilingualism was written and forced upon us without our consent. We were not mature enough to make these kinds of decisions for our selves. The elite have bankrupted the country, we are around 4T in debt, taxes now consume more of the average Canadian Families budget than Food, Clothing and Housing combined. Taxes have risen 1800% since 1963 and they increase every year. The amount of regulation, laws and rules that the average Canadian must live by is equal to a stack of pages of paper that is over 10 stories high. Over 500,000 Pages of paper. All shuffled from desk to desk by union scale civil servants. Canada is an appointed Democracy. All democratic decisions that adults should make for themselves are made by one man/woman the PM. If I have forgotten some appointments, you must forgive, after all the Federal Government is now involved in over 700 Programs all sucking up taxdollars. Your Humble Servant, At The Oars Of The Slave Ship Canada. Robert.

  7. EBD, thanks so much for this. One of my fav songs and I have never heard this recording. You made my day.

  8. Neo-AGW PR.
    AGW Kills Easter Bunnies.
    “German Wildlife Expert: The Easter Bunny is Freezing to Death”
    “Young hares and rabbits are dying of cold in the icy weather this Easter, a German Wildlife Foundation has warned. It’s not just the snow that is making their natural habitat more perilous. The removal of hedges through modern farming is depriving them of protection. Some are opting to move into the city.”

  9. AGW-Neo PR : Ewe Killing Lambs Report.
    “It was pretty clear from the chocolate stuck to their wool who was responsible.”
    “Ewe greedy beasts! Lambs sheltering from icy cold weather feast on a quarter of a million chocolate Easter eggs”
    “Lambs tried to scoff a pile of a quarter of a million chocolate eggs being stored ready to be given to children”
    “You could call it an eggstraordinary story and ewe would be right.
    Two lambs have caused chaos at a tourist attraction in Somerset after they tried to scoff a pile of a quarter of a million chocolate eggs being stored ready to be given to children.
    The ewe and two lambs were found in the egg store at Wookey Hole Caves in Somerset early on Tuesday where staff believe they went to try to escape the unseasonably cold weather.”

  10. AGW-Neo PR : Ewe Killing Lambs Report.
    “It was pretty clear from the chocolate stuck to their wool who was responsible.”
    “Ewe greedy beasts! Lambs sheltering from icy cold weather feast on a quarter of a million chocolate Easter eggs”
    “Lambs tried to scoff a pile of a quarter of a million chocolate eggs being stored ready to be given to children”
    “You could call it an eggstraordinary story and ewe would be right.
    Two lambs have caused chaos at a tourist attraction in Somerset after they tried to scoff a pile of a quarter of a million chocolate eggs being stored ready to be given to children.
    The ewe and two lambs were found in the egg store at Wookey Hole Caves in Somerset early on Tuesday where staff believe they went to try to escape the unseasonably cold weather.”

  11. ” Teenage Boy Claims to Be Girl, Applies to All-Girl School ”
    I could get behind this guy (figuratively),if he was doing it to get laid or to emphasize how ridiculous the ‘gender expression’ argument can be. But alas,he is just another messed up kid. His parents named him ” Calliope “,he never had a chance.

  12. Letter sent today to
    Dear Corona:
    Your beer has been my favourite beer for over 15 years. Unfortunately, your latest commercial displaying environmentalists protesting against loggers offends me. You see much of Canada’s wealth and employment is derived from natural resources. When you attack loggers you attack my livelihood and that of many other Canadians. So, I will no longer be drinking your beer.
    You are frigging idiots to make a blatant stand on a political issue. If it is your intent to appeal the college kids, many of these are unemployed because of the environmenmtal movement. So they have the time but not the money to buy your beer.
    I will take your environmeental message to heart and buy local. Goodbye Corona, hello Sleemans!
    Have a nice day!

  13. PET Cemetery Report.
    This just in.
    “Two cars fall into sinkhole at Montreal-Trudeau airport parking lot
    CTV News – ‎2 hours ago‎
    MONTREAL—Two cars were damaged on Friday afternoon after a large hole opened up in the middle of an exterior employee parking lot near Montreal-Trudeau International Airport.”

  14. The CBC is reporting on Mr. Klein’s death.
    On their website they have links. The first one is “5 memorable Ralph Klein moments”.
    Three of the 5 moments are,in my opinion,derogatory to the man.
    What a shame,they have no class at all.
