19 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. So what? Nothing wrong with giving the Missus a little smack here and there when she starts
    nagging you too much.
    (OK,now I’m going to hell.)

  2. I would bet that if the Muslim wife called the police ( I know, she wouldn’t) they would never charge the husband under the domestic violence laws , simply because that’s just not politically correct. Our laws are based on political correctness and only Caucasians are held to account. Minorities exempt. What a sick system.

  3. Wife make an appointment to see her doctor because she is worried about her husband’s bad temper.
    Doctor asks: “What’s the problem?”
    Not to make light of the problem, here’s some topical humour:
    She says: “Doctor, I don’t know what to do. Every day my husband seems to lose his temper for no reason. It’s beginning to scare me.”
    The Doctor says: “I have a cure for you. When it seems that he’s getting angry, just drink a glass of water and start swishing it in your mouth, but don’t swallow it – just swish and swish until he either leaves the room or calms down.”
    Two weeks later she returns to the doctor looking fresh and happy.
    She says: “Doctor that was a brilliant idea! Every time my husband started losing it, I swished with water. I swished and swished and he calmed right down! How does a glass of water do that?”
    Doctor says: “The water itself does nothing. It’s keeping your mouth shut that does the trick.”

  4. Waiting for the response from the Canadian Feminazis….
    Waiting for the response from the Canadian Feminazis….
    Hello? Hello?
    Anybody there?

  5. I have a problem that only my Imam can solve. My wife is a nurse,and after she works several twelve hour shifts at the hospital, claims she is too tired to have sex.
    So,in fine Islamic tradition,I beat her with a 30 inch piece of 5/8 inch dowelling,available at your local Home Depot, (praise be upon them).
    Now,the next day she will claim she’s too sore from the beating to go to work, and still refuses sex.
    So, my problem is, do I beat her again for not going to work,or for refusing sex? Is it unseemly to beat her twice, once for each transgression? You can see my dilemma.
    Thank you my imam.I await your wisdom.

  6. And if the miswhack(?) doesn’t achieve the desired results,what then?
    As Mr. Zimmerman sang;
    ‘ Well,They’ll stone you when you’re trying to be so good
    They’ll stone you just like they said they would,
    They’ll stone you and say that it’s the end
    They’ll stone you and then they’ll come back again
    But I would not feel so all alone
    Every wife must get stoned’

  7. Beating whiny women “especially feminists”, hanging gays, beheading thieves and murderers – what exactly are we protesting again?

  8. Given the easy bruising many women experience periodically, it would be difficult to judge the strength of a blow on the wrist. So, if the beating leaves a mark can the wife continue to refuse sex? Should email one of the iman’s to get the official TROP solution to this dilemma.
    My guess is that the wise iman (praise be upon him) would state the wife is being disobedient in allowing herself to bruise so easily in response to being disciplined by her husband. Likely there are islam hematologists who would treat such a woman so that she could be disciplined in the appropriate manner without unusually easy bruising.
    Maybe misjudging the force applied with a misswhack is one of the primary reasons that most muslim women are hidden in tents?

  9. wife beating. Interesting. Quite apart from the fact that I was raised to never, ever hit a woman, it would take about 90 seconds for my wife to open the gun safe and blow me to hell..and she’d be justified

  10. Where is this lightly coming from? It’s not in the Chapter 4 verse 34 of the Koran.
    Is not following the Koran to the letter amounting to apostasy?
    The youngest wife Aisha states that Mo. struck her on the chest and it caused her pain. Are his actions the standard for all believers?
    Wouldn’t it just be simpler if Muslim women wore ballistic vests and carried Glocks?

  11. Why do they call it beating when in fact what these obnoxious bearded wonders, leaders of the faith, describe as beating sounds more like love taps. Liars maybe? IMO there are so many interpretations of their practices according to the dictates of the Koran none seem to have a clear idea about anything in it.

  12. Look, this is just a cultural custom, and all cultures are equal.
    Who are we to judge?

  13. Yeah well…
    I’m kinda like that old British Viceroy in India about the custom of suttee….
    “We have a tradition and custom of hanging those who burn women.
    Go ahead and build your funeral pyre….I shall have a gallows built beside it.”
