Reader Tips

Tonight Sparky Zong, founder and CEO of the Poop Head Foundation, asks for donations to help raise awareness for the cause, and encourages viewers to show their support by wearing a poop hat.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

31 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. This is odd. I clicked on a few minutes ago and got a message that said something along the lines that the site was either down (dated Jan.7), or I was forbidden for various reasons (but I was framed,I was framed,I never did nothing).
    Anyways,I’m here now and forgot why I came,hopefully it was just a glitch from my end,cheers.

  2. Mark Steyn, on gay marriage:
    “Gay marriage? It came up at dinner Down Under this time last year, and the prominent Aussie politician on my right said matter-of-factly, “It’s not about expanding marriage, it’s about destroying marriage.”
    That would be the most obvious explanation as to why the same societal groups who assured us in the Seventies that marriage was either (a) a “meaningless piece of paper” or (b) institutionalized rape are now insisting it’s a universal human right. They’ve figured out what, say, terrorist-turned-educator Bill Ayers did — that, when it comes to destroying core civilizational institutions, trying to blow them up is less effective than hollowing them out from within.”

  3. marc, the left has been trying to destroy marriage and the family since October 1917. The state is supposed to become your father and mother.

  4. marc in calgary @ 10:58 p.m. (quoting Mark Steyn):
    “That would be the most obvious explanation as to why the same societal groups who assured us in the Seventies that marriage was either (a) a ‘meaningless piece of paper’ or (b) institutionalized rape are now insisting it’s a universal human right. They’ve figured out what, say, terrorist-turned-educator Bill Ayers did — that, when it comes to destroying core civilizational institutions, trying to blow them up is less effective than hollowing them out from within.”
    As usual Steyn skewers the hypocrisy of the leftists. But the idea of “hollowing out from within” came from Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937). As one radical leader put it, “the long march through the institutions”.
    However, marriage is not a governmental “institution”, it’s a tradition, a recognition of two people committed to each other in a romantic/sexual relationship. It’s difficult for some people to get used to the idea of gays sharing in it, but it shouldn’t really be a big deal. Religions are private institutions, so they have the absolute right to perform them or not as they choose (note that that includes the right of splinter groups to form their own sect for the express purpose of doing so).
    The biggest problem is that it’s being used as a diversionary tactic, especially now in the United States. If the socialists can direct the country’s (and particularly conservatives’) attention toward gay marriage and away from their own depredations, they will have a much easier time with their destructive agenda.
    We can live with gay marriage. Indeed, Canada is already doing so. But we cannot live with the inhuman political system called socialism.

  5. If the state were a good mother and father, they would look after their children. That has never happened. The state only looks after themselves and their friends. The children never seem to learn a lesson from that. The children of today are just as stupid as they were in 1917.

  6. In the past week Xi Jinping, President of China was in the news as he visited Moscow to refresh ties between China & Russia, and maybe buy some jets, he brought his wife Peng Liyuan, who was noted by the press as elegant, happy, the usual First Lady accolades.
    Here is a photo of her singing “The Most Beloved People” to the chinese military after the Tiananment Square massacre, as noted in the article, she probably had to perform:

    Ken (Kulak), I recall among many outrages of the left, the canadian Liberal senator during the “national debate for universal childcare”, mentioning how parents were merely “minders” … implying how trained experts could certainly do a much better job.
    As an imperfect but loving parent, I do pee in her general direction.

  7. Banker to the Poop Head Foundation… EBD!
    A memo:
    The “Central Bank of Cyprus sent to bank CEOs on February 11, arguably to put them at ease, all we can say is “Oooops”
    “Mr. Takis Phedias,
    Acting Chief Executive Officer,
    Laiki Bank
    Dear Mr. Phedias,” … (Hey Pal, no worries, everything’s great!…)

  8. For all the Chicken Hawks out there the bills for Afghanistan and Iraq are in:
    Iraq, Afghan wars will cost to $4 trillion to $6 trillion, Harvard study says
    But at home, health care services to seniors are cut, jobs are sent to china, cheap energy from Canada is rejected, austerity is the new prosperity and 50% depend on food stamps – but we can support a couple of no-win protracted military farces. What a shambolic criminal cluster frig the last 4 Administrations were. Atlas has shrugged, folded up his operation and left town – Government must stop meddling in foreign nations, regain a healthy respect for the public will, stop counterfeiting and keep its nose out of our business and it hands out of our pockets. The mobsters running Washington are turning the republic into a war/surveillance cartel which is now turning inward on the public.
    Where is the new Goldwater or Reagan?

  9. nv53: ” Religions are private [– I prefer “voluntary”] — institutions, so they have the absolute right to perform them or not as they choose …”
    Uh, the state is increasingly intervening, to the point where I wonder how much longer Christian Churches will “have the absolute right to perform [marriage] as they choose,” in keeping with the Church’s 2000-year practice of one man/one woman marriage. I wonder how much longer Christian Churches will be able to invoke religious freedom rights guaranteed in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Have you been following court and Human Rights (sic) Commissions’ rulings lately?
    The gay agenda activists will stop at nothing less than the State’s coercing the Churches to marry them. They’re not content with the state giving them all the benefits of marriage; they want to batter the Christian Church into submission.
    Perhaps we can live with s-s marriage, nv53 — or perhaps you can, but you’re not a Christian, are you? For Canadians “to live with s-s marriage,” however, would have to mean no coercion of the Church by the State at the behest of a tiny, very aggressive, segment of the population. The religious freedoms of millions of Canadians are in jeopardy if the activist gays are given free rein to bring the Christian Church to its knees. This is what they’re trying to do. This kind of bullying goes completely counter to a free and open society and if allowed to go forward will endanger the rights and freedoms of all Canadians.
    The gay activists’ modus operandi seems to be “openness and tolerance for me but not for thee.” Are you not able to see this nv53? This is why s-s “marriage” is so destructive. The fight isn’t actually about s-s marriage — very few gay couples want it or take advantage of Canadian laws allowing it. It’s about the destruction of the rights of Christians and the Christian Church. Gays are mad as hell at the Church; they’ll take their ton of flesh if they can.
    You don’t find this alarming, nv53? You can live with this? Canadians should live with this?

  10. “Moscow Records Highest March Snow Depth in 20 Years”
    “During the week of March 17-23, 2013, temperatures in Moscow dropped to negative 55 degrees F. This was the lowest March temperature recorded in 50 years.”
    “2014 Winter Olympics Host City Fears Snow Shortage”
    “Organizers of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, are storing snow to assure there will be enough for the winter games that will take place in February.”

  11. Eco-journo-warrior’s Lament on His Lost Reins.
    “This is my perception, as I lay down the reins of environmental reporting.”
    “Man is fallen and will destroy the Earth – but at least we greens made him wait”
    “This will be my last week as Environment Editor after 15 years at The Independent.
    It has been a privilege to work for a newspaper which puts the environment first”–but-at-least-we-greens-made-him-wait-8554548.html

  12. ‘Not willing to leave my comment on the coercion of the Church by the state at the behest of activist gays. Where are you, nv53? … anybody? This is a serious issue and if the Churches’ rights and freedoms are trashed, who’s next?
    Here’s a powerful article by a former bisexual brought up by a lesbian mother about the massive demonstration in Paris against gay marriage which he attended:
    ” … gays cannot claim that they would be any kinder in power. They are in power, and they are happy to sit atop a police state. … Homosexuality is not a se*ual orientation, but rather an ideology. The LGBT movement is not a community, but rather a political machine backed by big business. …”

  13. Prison will be next and it is not far away. The format is identical to that used in the 1920s. Denigration, demonization, and then prison.

  14. batb @ 11:23 a.m.:
    I don’t see that we disagree on the subject of Christian churches and same-sex marriage. I’ve argued before that there are not so much “gay agenda activists” as Marxist / political correctness agenda activists, and I agree that they’re after the churches. But for the state to recognize civil same-sex partnerships (and even to refer to them as “marriages” and to treat them equally with m-f ones) is not the same thing as coercing churches into accepting and performing them. Yes, I do know what’s going on with regards to “human rights commissions”, i.e. kangaroo courts, and I agree that they violate human rights, which is the worst thing you can do in the alleged name of human rights. No, I don’t believe in Christianity or any other religion, but I will defend freedom of religion nonetheless, because it is a genuine human right.
    Private or voluntary, they’re not synonyms but both terms are – or should be – applicable to religious institutions.

  15. Thanks for your reply, nv53.
    You say, ” … for the state to recognize civil same-sex partnerships (and even to refer to them as “marriages” and to treat them equally with m-f ones) is not the same thing as coercing churches into accepting and performing them.”
    I agree, but the thing is — and I know, as I’m a believing, church-going Christian — the battering rams are out and gay activists are coercing Christian Churches to bless their unions and to out-and-out marry them. The pressure’s on and the bishops of mainstream Christian Churches are falling like flies. It’s very difficult for priests who believe in the teachings of Scripture/the Church to get any support from the hierarchies of their churches. Gay activists can be extremely nasty and vindictive and too many priests and bishops in the mainstream churches don’t seem to have the courage of their convictions — which are being watered down every day — to withstand the onslaught of pressure being exerted in the name of “civil rights,” with the collusion of the MSM.
    Whenever there is a question in our HRC tribunals or, now, in the SCC, between upholding gay rights vs freedom of religion rights, in the past 20 years, gay rights have trumped freedom of religion rights every time.
    The coercion — and punishment if they don’t — of Christians and Christian Churches to not only recognize gay unions but bless and marry gays is real and has been ratcheted up in the past few years.

  16. nv53, I’ve just responded to your reply, for which thanks. My response is being held in the filter. I hope it’s released … Coercion of Christians and the Christian Churches is real and ongoing. You don’t see it, perhaps, although the results of HRC tribunals and the latest SCC ruling are part of the battering ram.
