14 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. 7/10 for me…I thought 3 of the hobos were profs. But I correctly identified all the profs.

  2. Hey! Lard sufferin’ Jaezuz! Go easy on the “sporting beards” dissing will ya. Not every old fart with a beard is either a hobo or a commie prof. – they may be SDAers

  3. I double dog dare these guy’s to make another Quiz, with female humanity professors and batshit crazy bag ladies..

  4. That’s quite a pantheon of hirsute hippiedom. 7/10 for me. The 5th picture, b&w with toque was a surprise for me.

  5. 8/10 hmmmmm. But who really cares?
    This isn’t a lesson not to judge a book by it’s cover.
    Seedy is as seedy does.
    It’s like being asked to sort the eccentric from the truly strange.
    I’m wondering, would a scratch and sniff version affect my score?

  6. And University of Toronto is a large university. Having completed the quiz and shared it among some friends, I found on the website of my own somewhat smaller institution sufficient photographs of professors of a certain age to make a second quiz of equal length.
    Unfortunately (or fortunately), robins111, those female humanities professors you mention seldom have their pictures up on the institutional website (or at least not a recent photograph).

  7. I only got 3/10 but, obviously, my methodology was flawed. Rather than guess, my approach was to assume the worst looking ones were all prof’s and all the cleaner looking were hobos. I really thought I would get a much better result!

  8. 7/10. But, hey. Except for the prof in a house with curtains, so obviously not homeless and the guy with the St. Olaf’s sweatshirt, which was a dead giveaway, they all looked pretty much like hobos to me.
    I see this with affluent people all the time. A lot of them walk around looking unkempt like it’s some kind of badge of honour: I can look like a bum if I want to, rather than the real homeless guy who can’t afford a haircut or nice clothes and can’t help looking like a bum.
    ‘One more sign of the decadence of our society.

  9. I have a shave and a haircut once every couple of years whether I need it or not. I could easily be mistaken for a professor.

  10. Alas! These are older profs. The younger ones dress more conservatively, though beards are de rigueur. I don’t wear a beard but I try to keep shaving to twice a week. And never before a meeting with an administrator.
    The younger faculty are really depressing.
    Female faculty? Oh my! Oh dear!

  11. 8/10
    I credit being an academic in my misspent youth as helping me identify the profs.
    Considering that I’m rather hirsute myself, why this focus on facial hair? Every “movember” an increasing fraction of the docs at the hospital don’t shave off their facial hair and the hospital is starting to get quite hirsute (except for the female docs none of whom I think have to shave). I guess once we all have beards the next step is to start wearing cowboy boots and hats to fit in better with the locals.
