17 Replies to “Act Against Arms”

  1. Vell of course, you can’t shoot zem all, zo you abort zem instead.
    That’s why the latest movie plot is to level the White House, in the film “Olympus Has Fallen”.
    I mean seriously that is so 1812, when they managed to actually burn the place to the ground. Didn’t the Canadian government spend a pile of money advertising 1812 last year or did the Americans miss them?
    The war of 1812 Song (Original)
    I mean you’d think they’d remember why they had a 2nd Amendment; maybe Canada should invade and give them a reminder…boy would those ‘regressive’ types have a conniption then!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. I guess its now obvious to a lot of people who were previously oblivious to the fact arms/gun control/bans is an act of social and class bigotry. Gun control and the ability to launch an effective armed response against armed attackers is a privilege only for the elite. Guns are for the elite classes not for the soiled masses.
    The glaring hypocrisy we see in the Hollywierd crowd and cult of celebrity is admittedly oblivious to it partially due to their living in a tiny utopian echo chamber and being isolated from real world politics/life by their wealth and exclusive privileged life styles. However there is still an unhealthy spike of elitist bigotry in any privilege class wonk who wants to disarm common people while they enjoy enhanced security (primarily armed security)which they are denouncing for the common person. Someone needs to tell these pompous progressive anal retentives that gun control in the US was initiated as a racist agenda to keep black slaves and black free men from owning firearms. AFAIC, that bigotry never left the gun control zealotry.

  3. “…think about what’s logistically, realistically possible.”
    It might be possible to bankrupt every single one of these @$$h0les if we ignore them hard enough and boycott their stuff.

  4. Occam “gun control in the US was initiated as a racist agenda to keep black slaves and black free men from owning firearms”
    America’s greatest phobia – N-Words with guns. Gun control is most prevalent in largely black cities and rare in Whitieville. It has been a tool for repression of blacks. The reason so many states openly grant permits for open or concealed carry is the fact that a system that selectively lets rich people have armed protection while denying it to poor people in unconscionable.

  5. Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.
    This petition is a terrific campaign. It needs to be taken to all of Hollywood and the television and cable television industry, too.

  6. Piers seems to be the sort of chap one might
    cheerfully wave to while passing by, even on
    a little traveled prairie back road, and even
    after realizing he was alive, but also securely
    pinned under his flipped Rolls.

  7. Well I find these little productions kinda pointless and silly.
    Pointing out liberal hypocrisy is a mug’s game.
    A paint by numbers exercise in futility.
    It’s not even hypocrisy: it doesn’t rise to the level of hypocrisy which requires awareness.
    HOWEVER I found the glib non-reactions to the revelation about hs 4-year old daughter interesting.
    Tho not surprising.
    Film folk gotta stay cool, donchaknow.

  8. Does that AAA stand for Absolutely Appalling A**sholes? What a group of … a**holes.

  9. Phantom…Already there. Don’t watch CNN ever! Don’t watch Oprah ever! Have stopped watching any movie involving numerous liberal actors including Dinero…sorry Dinero. Sorry I can’t spell it any other way.

  10. People like these, and the stupid Colorado congress critter, are why we need multiple RPGs.

  11. Already doing that Phantom – don’t go to movies, don’t watch TV and don’t rent movies. Just need a lot more people to get on board.

  12. I’m on board with you, Loki, Phantom.
    Besides I’m getting tired of watching them in movies displaying absolutely no clue as to how to use firearms along with the mythical abilities hollycrap grants to firearms.
