8 Replies to “Fractional Reserve Speed Dating”

  1. Re: “Dating” as a metaphor for Fractional reserve banking
    That would be like a eunuch telling his date he’s hung like John Holmes.
    “the dollar is sound, the bank is too big to fail and I promise to call you again.”

  2. All these years and now I know why I’m still single. Still crazy after all these years.

  3. I’ve gotten to the “4” part… Aaron can’t hear me laughing, but I am.. Not *at* him, but remembering my own discovery at age 13?
    We phoned all the “massage” places listed in the telephone directory / newspaper. They all had names like, “tantalizing comforts”, “egyptian secrets”, and the gal answering the telephone seemed to have the same voice at all the different numbers, increasingly irritated as we ran through our list of 20 different parlors, all with the same gal answering.
    We actually thought we were the only ones that knew this.
    The comparison to fractional reserve banking is good though.

  4. fractional speed dating…some funny $hit for sure….brings back memories of when I travelled for a living:-))))

  5. Freudian slip there – “we got to meet 8 other women for 5 minutes a piece.” Surely the good captain should have used “apiece” vice the two words, otherwise the speed and repetition of his performance is impressive!
