40 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. I think his handling of North Korea is perfect. Even Bush coddled them too much, responded to their threats. They’re finally being treated the way they deserve. You don’t respond to every temper tantrum. You ignore it.
    It’s clear buying their compliance does not work. The world is finally calling their bluff.

  2. The world’s hard men do regard His Foulness with contempt.
    Whether it is deserved in this case, we will see. But softness brings war.

    This pipsqueak is just trying to divert the attention of the masses who have been conditioned by decades of propaganda. He knows the peasants will concentrate on the great satan instead of his ineffective and despicable leadership.
    Oh, and the dictator Kim Jong Un is just a tyrant.

  4. Of course we are all now standing by to evaluate just how the North Koreans are going to eradicate the threat of the “Obama-Nation(tm)”.
    Clearly, the North Koreans have some Stalinist bread basket problems and are finding it difficult to compete with the Hyundai group of companies. Now that the NORKS have closed the Kaesong complex, the South Koreans should invite the ordinary North Koreans to shop in South Korea.
    Hey, the South Koreans have Seoul food!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. time for another Obumbles piece prize is what is needed
    Allen S , has one ever given thought to the fact that Obumbles has f*cked up every other situation that has come down the pipe, and Kim Krazy has seen this and decided that Obumbles is nothing but a bumbler and can therefore called on his bluff???

    BO: Hello?
    Xi Jinping: Wazzhapnin bro
    BO: Thanks for returning my call Xi, Uh about your demented cousin in NK…
    Xi Jinping: I know, I know, he’s gotten off the hook again, this is happening too damn much.
    BO: Ya Xi, but this time he’s threatening a nuke strike on my “hood” bro. I can’t let a squint with a bad haircut dis me like that in front of my crew and the local hoodies. I think I may have to bitchslap him.
    Xi JinpingXi: Be my guest bro, that chubby dork has been peeing in my chowmein for a year now, can’t have him POing my best customers and borrowers. Whacho got in mind?
    BO: Well I wuz thinking I’d use starwars to locate their nukes and military bases then use our nukes in SK, Alaska and on our subs to take out all their military capacity and then drop a daisy cutter on that fat dipstick and make him into last week’s stale chop suey. Leave most of the northern peninsula intact so you can annex it as a mineral resource.
    JinpingXi: Sounds like a plan bro, Gimme a head’s up before you bake the little snoid so I can give a pill to the general staff.
    BO: That’s a wrap Xi.See ya in the news.
    JinpingXi: Ditto dog!

  7. This is for sure a full alert… “Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) — The Religious Believers Council of Korea said in a statement issued on Tuesday:
    The council fully supports the important decision made by the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un, the supreme incarnation of love and trust, in connection with the fact that the U.S. imperialists’ aggressive moves to violate the DPRK’s sovereignty and the dignity of the supreme leadership of the country have reached an extreme phase.” http://www.kcna.co.jp/index-e.htm Juche 102 article#5

  8. When you are dealing with a weak leader, the will be taken advantage of by the opposition.
    Bin-Laden’s “strong horse and weak horse” comment is applicable here.
    Unfortunately for Bad Haircut Boy,it isn’t going to work in this instance.
    I channel General Curtis Le May in this circumstance. During the Cuban Missile Crisis he
    was quoted as saying ” Mr. president, give me 30 minutes and I’ll turn Cuba into a fuxking parking lot.”
    Words to live by.

  9. Actually BO has some latitude here as I don’t think the muslim Brotherhood has a horse in this race.

  10. Well, compared to what it was 50-60 years ago, the USA’s ‘standing’ has been pretty sad for quite some time.
    But, it’s just a reflection of the values of an ever-increasing of the percentage of the West’s population. No guts, no will, no principles.

  11. Yeah well I agree this began about 50-60 years back…I have zero confidence in zero…
    Western society no longer is willing to sustain ANY casualties.
    I recall the knashing of teeth and rending of garments over 33 total combat deaths in Gulf I….Keep in mind that Canada lost 1500 one morning, taking Vimmy Ridge and only next of kin blinked.
    Asians, especially communist asians are largely indifferent about losses until they get shorta reserves…..a situation that evolved in the korean War.
    The fat kid with the bad haircut, is indifferent to the safety of his subjects….he probably has a deep bunker to hide in.

  12. Sadly it has taken North Korea to be the ones to tell Obarmy he’s a moron. I mean somenation had to say it 😉

  13. Obumbles will have to print more money to buy off a Nork peace deal.
    Love to see him try to call-up/draft half a million libturds for combat due to a foreign threat.
    We rednecks with our guns and religion wouldn’t piss across the street for him..

  14. It is an interesting situation. Kim Jong Un has probably talked himself into a corner. I don’t see an obvious way for him to get out of this without some kind of a fight. As for humiliating His Foulness, Kim Jong Un hasn’t even said how Obama is to grovel and surrender. Embarrassing for the great man!

  15. Jay Leno had the best take, saying the Chinese told the NORKS that, whatever they do, MAKE SURE that NO Wal-Marts are harmed. LOL!

  16. I bet The Great Negotiator offers Kim a million tons of wheat and the Dear leader says,”okay,no war”.
    I don’t believe even Premier Kim is dumb enough to attack 28,000 Yankee troops in South Korea.

  17. Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?
    Sadly it appears the answer is no. So perhaps there’s more utility in imagining the post-Obama world…

  18. A renewal of a conventional Korean War is quite likely. Does His Foulness have the will to support the kind of grinding unspectacular successful campaign that Gen. Matthew Ridgway conducted against the Norks and the Chicoms? Or the balls to use nukes?

  19. “By mid-1950, North Korean forces numbered between 150,000 and 200,000 troops … .” In early November 1950 the Chicoms (plus Norks?) routed the Americans in the Battle of Unsan. It took Gen. Ridgway to stop the Americans running and rebuild 8th Army into an effective fighting force.
    So it is unlikely that 28,000 American troops – who knows which ones, in what sort of condition – will act as much of a deterrence to the Norks. The Americans + allies stopped them once, and can do it again, even with conventional weapons, if the leaderships of the various countries and especially His Foulness, have the will to do it. So in many ways it is coming down to Kim Jong Un against the Obama.

  20. Hopefully Junior is just looking for a paycheck. And if he must be paid, please let it be in yuan already. The states canna take it anymore captain!

  21. I doubt the Chinese will let any harm come to their best customer. Kim Jong Unctuous will be on a short leash.

  22. With all the apologizing that Oshithead has done all over the world it is quite possible that Kim the younger is offended that he has not been apolozided to enough.
    Come on Obozo – one more time……………..

  23. I think you are wrong about this.
    In recent months, the tension was high in the South China Sea, due to the disputes China has with Japan, Vietnam and other countries in the area. Of particular concern is the dispute with Japan over the Senkaku Islands. Japan has a defense treaty with the US which guarantees that the US will fight for Japan in case of a Chinese attack. That means WW3.But how to defend Japan if you don’t have enough ships, planes, radars and other equipment in the area? If you bring them to defend Japan, the Chinese will see this as an escalation. How to proceed? How about making little Kim utter outrageous threats that require a firm response? The US is now able to move all this hardware in the area without being accused of escalating the dispute between China and Japan. And the Chinese would be crazy to attack now. For his helpful behaviour, little Kim will receive lots of Swiss chocolate bars, or something.
    Of course, I might be wrong about this and tomorrow the Democrats could lose 1 million undocumented voters, after LA is hit by NK.

  24. “It took Gen. Ridgway to stop the Americans running and rebuild 8th Army into an effective fighting force.”
    William Manchester, in his bio of Gen. MacArthur, noted that detailed information on MacArthur’s tactical posture would have flowed from Washington to the British through the hands of …Kim Philby. MacArthur did stabilize his front, once the demands of battle prevented him from radoing Washington – and thus Philby – his tactical plans. And the losses he inflicted on the Chinese were incredible.
    It is worth noting that the man who rescued the US position in Korea was MacArthur, at Inchon, and that he vanquished the Japanese with miniscule casualties through brilliant campaigns based on maneuver. MacArthur was probably the most valiant general of WWII, and unquestionably the best Allied general both tactically and strategically.

  25. I think Chretien and Obama take a page from the same book, “A Narcissist’s Guide to Ruining Your Country”.
    North Korea will more than likely attack South Korea in a small way (ie- Yeonpyeong Island), if at all, as directly attacking the US (even with Obama at the helm) would be disastrous. China and Russia will see that North Korea never gets punished, at least not for any lengthy period of time. Let Japan, Taiwan and South Korea gather up all the arms they can and let China and Russia have it. There would be no North Korea if it had not been for them.
    Please see this:

  26. Likely the clueless Americans are laughing at the tiny yields of Nork nuclear devices and the inaccuracy of their ICBMs. However, there has been speculation that the Norks are really working on an EMP bomb that just needs to be detonated high over N. America to totally destroy the US electronically. Iran is working on an EMP bomb and the Norks are closely working with the Iranians. There have also been articles on Russian technicians working with the nork’s who have been helping them maximize the output of their nuclear device in electronic destroying electromagnetic frequencies.
    The Chicoms probably have mixed feelings about an EMP blast over the US as this means they won’t get paid back the trillions they’re owed and Walmart cash registers won’t be working. OTOH, they’ve probably already come to the conclusion that the US will never be able to pay them back and thus they might as well let a tiny country destroy the great satan. One estimate of the casualties from an effective EMP bomb on the US was around 100 million dead after a year given how totally dependent the US is on electronics. The chicoms also know that if the US retaliates with nukes, they couldn’t care less if the norks are obliterated and they can well absorb the population losses from a US nuclear strike. In the best case scenario for the chicoms, the US would only turn N. Korea into a glass parking lot and they’d end up as the primary world superpower.
    A US president who had even a modicum of intelligence would be aware of this potential scenario and do something. Obozo, as the first affirmative action president in the countries history, hasn’t the intellectual ability to reason with a retarded 5 year old and hence is currently trying to figure out who to apologize to in order to prevent the nork’s from attacking.

  27. It is believed that South Korea has an EMP.
    Obama has no ruddy idea how to answer a question for himself let alone navigate through the complexities of conflict on the Korean Peninsula. A little like the president in “The Simpsons Movie”, he was elected to read (if at all), not to lead.

  28. The North Koreans would probably be doing the same thing no matter who was U. S. President, I don’t think it’s an Ohbummer thing, although he certainly hasn’t helped his country’s stature.
    Can’t we get Dennis Rodman (or even better, Michael Jordan) on the hotline to calm Kim Awesome-kid down just a tad?

  29. Yep the ball is in Kim’s court….
    OBOZO…who the hell knows….if an EMP goes off over the USA he may apoligize or depending on who dies could wipe NK off the map…or anywhere between…
    OBOZO is a fool in this venue and it is difficult to predict what an idiot will do…..

  30. That’s a pretty slick analysis John. Seriously. But I hope you’re wrong on the WWIII thing.

  31. You raise a really good point on China’s populating being able to absorb a full strike. Maybe we need to start building nukes again.

  32. Re the Nork military assets: according to Wikipedia, As of 2013, with 9,495,000 active, reserve, and paramilitary personnel, [the KPA] is the largest military organization on earth.”

  33. The US armed services have studied the effects of EMP on their electronic systems for 30+ years, and hardened many systems of strategic importance, such as bombers, so that they would survive a nuclear exchange . It’s doubtful Obama has been able to reverse that.
    The one certainty of an EMP attack on he US would be the annihilation of North Korea. Attendant defensive moves by the US would make GWB’s post 9/11 war on terror look like a 5 year old’s birthday party, by comparison ( yes, an EMP strike would result in the removal of Hussein Obama from office).
    And, such a strike would result in the end of China’s relevance to the US, not the other way around, as the US would cancel its trade agreements with China in the aftermath. The day the US tears up its trade agreements with China, is the beginning of political revolution in China which will sweep away the Communist Party. The US debt mentioned by Loki, is, in fact, a non-issue to US interests, and China has bought it primarily to prevent appreciation of the renminbi, which would kill its competitive advantage in selling to the US. China acquires no leverage through its ownership of US debt obligations.
    The US should launch a first strike in the wake of this threat from North Korea, and, in its wake, Obama will find his efforts to disarm the US meeting much greater resistance from Congress – he has already unilaterally increased the interceptors based in the Aleutians in recognition of his untenable position.

  34. Let the South Koreans deal with them. All they ever do is complain about the American forces being there, just like all the other ingrates who have benefit immensely from being under the American protective umbrella all these decades, so let them fly solo from now on.
    As an American I can immediately think of another international border I’d rather have those 28,000 troops guarding.

  35. Yes, all US military electronics are EMP hardened with fiber optic cables being used for long distance communications on ships. The problem is that the US is an extremely vulnerable country when it comes to EMP and there appears to be no move being made to make the US less vulnerable. It’s not just the Nork’s one has to worry about; the Iranians are considering an EMP attack on the US and another Carrington event would wipe out US electronics in its currently vulnerable state.
    AFAIK, there’s absolutely no national early warning system of a potential EMP attack which would give people time to disconnect every computer and other electronic device from power lines. People who live in portions of the US subject to severe thunderstorms are very aware of the effects of lightning strikes on electronics but the majority of the population are blissfully ignorant of what an EMP can do.
    To properly prepare for an EMP event, the US should stock up on transformers, cell phone stations and replacements for remote electronics which can’t be easily turned off before an EMP. People should carry their cell phones wrapped in conductive fabric which will make it difficult for them to receive cell phone calls but will preserve the cell phone in the event of an EMP. Every cell phone not in a Faraday cage will be destroyed in an EMP event. The same goes for any WiFi device so one should stock up on wireless routers as just unplugging them from the wall is likely insufficient to protect them from EMP. Similarly, every GPS unit will be fried as the receivers are designed to pick up very low power signals from the GPS satellites.
    Micropower electronics are great, but now only military electronics are EMP hardened. Much of the EMP hardening is considered to be top secret although in talking to an individual in the military 20 years about about Tempest I found that this was a top secret project but he became distinctly uncomfortable when I asked him if using optic fiber for long cable runs was part of the Tempest specification. In the long run, we’ll have to switch to optical computers which are EMP resistant. While we’re using electronics which are so delicate in extreme electromagnetic fields, it would be appropriate to back up all data periodically and store the backup disk drives in Faraday cages. Even writable DVD’s should be stored in a conductive foil packet as any conductor will have a current induced in it by an EMP. Better yet, if you can afford it, make ones whole house into a Faraday cage and use fiber optics to isolate internet connections between the inside and outside and have an input power connection that’s capable of handling a lightning strike without frying the electronics inside. The best solution would be a shielded generator inside the house which could be switched to instantly and totally disconnecting the external power from the house. For Carrington type events, we’ll have a day or so warning given the number of satellites watching the sun, but there needs to be an early warning system for ICBM launches and, when such a launch is detected, to have people immediately start isolating and shielding all electronic devices.

  36. I’ve often thought that a ground war would quickly lead to the defeat of North Korea, not unlike Iraq in 2003.
    Remember the cartoon with the sign stating, “Iraq: home of the world’s 4th largest army”? Except ‘4th’ was crossed out and replaced with ‘5th’, then that was crossed out and replaced with ‘6th’, then that became ‘7th’, and so on.
    The same thing would probably be in store for Kim Basketball-jones’s finest.

  37. I have seen the cost of hardening electrical generation and distribution quoted as one billin dollars for the US, which seems far too low. Regatdless, it should be done. Loki, Has anyone tested the protective measures you suggest? EMP protection standards should be worked on by every engineering school in the country, but I have never heard of any program to develop such standards.
