24 Replies to “QOTD”

  1. Interestingly enough, if the feds canceled the Equalization program, the budget deficit would be almost wiped out.
    I can live with that.

  2. O2 Tax – that would be asking the more socialist provinces to live within their means. It would involve asking the Ontario public service to not consider themselves as the most elite humans in the world. It would involve Quebecois facing reality for the first time since confederation.

  3. Well that settles that then.
    Next time they ask for their $8 billion hand out just respond “Je no comprehende le frog talk”.

  4. Just send them all a memo ‘NO MORE MONEY” you will soon hear plenty of English with a few “tabernacks” thrown in for good measure,and people in the rest of the country can hardly wait for the chance to elect an unemployable Quebec drama teacher as the next Prime Minister!atch the money flow into Quebec when that happens,courtesy of the carbon taxes paid by the rest of us.

  5. While the above comments resonate loudly for many west of Toronto (maybe even east of Quebec?) there isn’t a politician in Canada with the bollocks (male or female) to even entertain the idea. Sad that.

  6. What if they government responds by BANNING CHEQUES to QUEBEC?
    Loud utterances of “MERDE les autres!” will fill the halls of the ‘Nationale Palais’.
    Oh and have a “Bon Jour”!
    The could send politically incorrect seal skins and beaver pelts; that will raise the hair on their necks…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. OK, I can accept your srlf destructive bigotry, here ya go –
    Si notre langue nationale n’est pas assez bien pour toi n’est ni notre bien-être. Paiement Equilization au Québec sera désormais égal au montant de la tolérance pour les deux languags officielles affichées par votre gouvernement.

  8. I do not know anything about Canadian Politics in relation to Quebec (I am from a Country that is below Canada). If they wish to become independent, can’t you just let them become independent and cut off all monies. Seems like a simple solution, but simple solutions are only for common sense people. Not sure how that applies to this topic.

  9. Interesting tactic. The PQ appears to be trying to inflame separation outside of Quebec first, by making the anglos sick of them. Most of the people of Quebec are proud Canucks and don’t support Mzz. Marois and her irrational stance.
    Soon Canada will be having a “Do we want Quebec?” referendum. And, we all know what the results of that will be.
    Time for some tough love?

  10. ricktus “If they wish to become independent, can’t you just let them become independent and cut off all monies.”
    The ignoramuses are taught that the federal government takes most of the wealth out of Quebec and they believe it. Quebec is a basket case with very high taxation that discourages business so their buddies in Ottawa give them billions of our money because they can’t collect taxes on businesses that have been driven out to Toronto or Calgary. I don’t think many tears would be shed in western Canada if Quebec was punted. Mind you, in the last referendum on independence they were led to believe that all the cheques from Ottawa would continue. Idiots.

  11. Simple, ricktus. If the French Canadians want to leave Canada, they know where the Montreal airport is, and the sooner they get on with it, the better. Few English Canadians will miss them. They’re not taking an acre of land with them when they go. If they want Lower Canada they can fight for it like men—which they will not do, knowing very well they’d only succeed in giving loyal English Canadians the perfect opportunity to settle accounts with them.
    Of course, they won’t actually leave. No nation in its right mind would have them—not even France. Their fathers were illiterate Norman and Breton peasants, their mothers Paris streetwalkers of whom France was well rid even then. After the Seven Years’ War (Freench and Indian to Americans), France was only too happy to leave the Canadians to whatever fate awaited them at English hands. Even today only a few are fit for any honest employment more complicated than subsistence farming, cleaning hotel toilets for tourists too poor to go to Paris, and taking off their clothes for visiting American businessmen. (Even their women are utterly hideous, almost without exception, second in their repulsiveness only to Irish Catholic women.)
    Every other job a modern economy depends on had to be outsourced to the English, who transformed Montreal into the metropolis of Canada. The French, when they tried to take over the Quebec economy, only succeeded in ruining almost everything they touched, including Montreal, whose English inhabitants left for Toronto and western Canada at the first opportunity, and whose decline continues to this day. Even what passes for the French middle class leave the island as soon as their finances allow. In a generation at most the few white English-speaking Protestants left in Montreal will envy the fate of Detroit’s whites.
    The French Canadian who called his tribe “les negres blancs d’Amerique” hit the nail on the head, with all that implies. Someone once said that the United States would have been kept more of their liberty and been spared a great deal of misery, including the Civil War, if Americans had not been too proud or lazy to pick their own crops as Canadians did, rather than import Africans to do it for them. Canada and the United States both would have been much freer and happier today had we expelled the French from Lower Canada, as we did from Acadia, and opened Lower Canada to English settlement.
    As it was, the Quebec Act, by which King George, on the advice of his ministers, permitted the French to remain in Canada for reasons best known to the ministers, was the spark of the American Revolution, as English American soldiers who had been promised land in Canada got nothing from London but a knife in their backs. But for that British North American might yet be English, united and free from sea to sea. Oh, what might have been!

  12. It’s even worse, scar. That mineral wealth isn’t theirs. It’s ours—or rather the Queen of Canada’s. The French just happen to be squatting on the land that holds it.
    Look—the biggest undertaking the French ever accomplished on their own was the abomination on Mount Royal that styles itself the Oratoire St-Joseph, a tasteless monstrosity of which any self-respecting city in Europe would be ashamed, and to date hasn’t produced a loaf of bread, an ounce of iron or an ampere of current. Hydro-Quebec was stolen from the English, and the huge “sovereign” wealth fund called the Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec was funded almost entirely with money stolen from English Lower Canadians. (Quebec tax laws, of course, are only strictly enforced against the English.) “You didn’t build that” isn’t socialist propaganda when addressed to the French Canadians—it’s a simple statement of fact. We owe the French nothing, absolutely nothing.
    Given that, we should give them only what is in our best interest to give. That, with very few exceptions, is permission to pack whatever of their effects have purely sentimental value, a one-way plane ticket to hell or Louisiana, or whatever land is daft enough to give them refuge, with the understanding that the Queen could not guarantee the safety of any one of them who dared show his face in Canada again. If I thought they had any sense of gratitude, I would expect them to be grateful to be allowed to go in peace.
    Unfortunately for us all, I doubt that will happen while any of us are living. Gratitude requires a soupcon of humility. I’ll be willing to give them credit for humility when they’re prepared to admit what everyone else accepts—that they were always trash, they are still trash, and they will never be anything but trash, good for nothing but the cesspit of history, and it is only by the grace of God and of the English that any of them continue to draw breath.
    Then, maybe, they’d be ready to get on with learning to speak something resembling English instead of making the rest of us speak that jabber of theirs that even the French from France disown as an abomination, and stop begging the English for money the English had to earn. If Pauline Marois wants a thin dime from me, I could use someone to clean my cat’s litterbox.

  13. The separatistes want to become independent the same way every 13-year-old wants to become independent.

  14. That mineral wealth isn’t theirs. It’s ours—or rather the Queen of Canada’s.
    As an Albertan, I resent that.
    Canadian Constitution Act 1867
    section 109:
    All Lands, Mines, Minerals, and Royalties belonging to the several Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick at the Union, and all Sums then due or payable for such Lands, Mines, Minerals, or Royalties, shall belong to the several Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick in which the same are situate or arise, subject to any Trusts existing in respect thereof, and to any Interest other than that of the Province in the same.
    To sum: the resources belong to the people of the provinces, not the Queen and not the federal government.
    Few English Canadians will miss them. They’re not taking an acre of land with them when they go.
    This I can agree with. Their ancestors were defeated in war and our ancestors were kind enough not to deport them all to Louisiana instead of just a few.

  15. You had me until the “their women are ugly” part.
    Have to disagree on that account.

  16. I think it’s time for a referendum in Canada to determine whether we want to keep Quebec. I suspect that the overwhelming consensus will be to cut loose these whining bastards and let them create their froggist apartheid state. Curious how there seemed to be universal revulsion against S. Africa when the European settlers just wished to keep their culture intact whereas in Quebec the linguistic version of apartheid seems to be tolerated.
    Quebec, once no longer supported by money stolen from Canadians, will rapidly become a third world country eagerly welcoming any depraved portion of humanity as long as they speak the proper language. Their own original inhabitants, having forgotten how to breed, will likely be replaced by a mixture of rapidly breeding Haitians and Algerians who will bring the economy of Quebec down to that of Haiti. It’s time to start building a wall around the province to contain this utterly idiotic experiment in linguistic totalitarianism.

  17. “…can’t you just let them become independent and cut off all monies.”
    Sadly, or happily, or something, you are too normal and right-thinking. Which means that your assertion that you are from a “Country that is below Canada” can only be understood in the context of a map of North America. Assuming you are from the country directly below Canada on such a map, I can recommend, for your greater understanding, a couple of bodies of work:
    – “Yes, Minister”, along with its sequel, “Yes, Prime Minister” (a British situation comedy from the early 1980s, which appears in serial re-runs on PBS), and,
    – “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”, which, if I’m not mistaken, contains a certain sketch called, “The Ministry of Silly Walks”, in which John Cleese, playing the role of a civil-service mandarin in charge of dispensing government largesse, according, naturally, to strict standards of accountability, value-added, incubation only, blah, blah, blah, rejects a certain application for funding on the basis that, “It’s not a particularly silly walk…” Upon which, the screaming claims of discrimination, protection of vested interests, etc., spews forth from the aggrieved applicant…
    And now for something completely different. Consider that the Province of Quebec has conducted not one, but two, referenda on separation, or something — the “unclear” questions in both were deliberately diluted, through multiple, multiple subordinate caveat clauses, to create the impression that there would actually be no, you know, “disassociation” or “separation”. The first one in 1980 failed 60/40 against, while the second one also failed 50.5/49.5 against in 1995, whereupon support for separatism or sovereignty, or something, has fallen, according to every poll I’ve seen, to somewhere around 30 percent.
    I’m guessing, of course, that if we ever did what you are quite logically suggesting, there would, in fact, be a third referendum sponsored by the Province of Quebec, which would not be about separatism, sovereignty, etc., at all, but about their right to remain in Canada under the same terms and conditions as they have always had. And the entirely predictable result would be that it would carry, in the affirmative, by something like, er, 100 percent.
    Enter the two most important Prime Ministers in Canadian history, since 1891 — William Lyon Mackenzie King and Stephen Joseph Harper. The first one got the Liberal Party into the habit of talking out of both sides of its mouth (something about a, er, national referendum on the issue of national service during WWII, with a certain turn of phrase designed to placate both sides of the linguistic “divide”, whatever that is). The latter got most of us into the habit of not talking too much at all — the Province of Quebec’s current machination is designed to provoke Mr. Harper, whom I’m pretty certain will remain both implacable and quiet.

  18. Quand les autochtones du nord du Québec parlent au gouvernement d’Ottawa, ils se servent de la langue anglaise. Si la Belle Province partira, il est possible que les autochtones choisiront de rester au Canada.
    When the First Nations in northern Québec deal with the government in Ottawa, they use English. If la Belle Province leaves, it is possible that the natives will choose to stay with Canada.
    (La Loi 101 exige que le français ait la position supérieure.
    Law 101 requires French to have the superior position.)

  19. Indeed.
    For some reason, the Quebecois equate language with their unique culture. Algerian Muslims don’t have sugar shacks and are as likely to stand Mass as Dick Slater is (until he converts, anyway). They are cutting their own throats.
