21 Replies to “The World Is Being Run By Crazy People”

  1. Obama and gang have just crossed from “really bad idea” to the land of “economic death wish”. Next stop: “Twilight Zone”

  2. Jeepers, it’s almost as if he’s trying to destroy the financial/banking system in the US as part of a long-term plan, or something.

  3. Probably just trying to increase the percentage of Obama voters who are dependent on government handouts.
    Shaky coalition right now, what with 35% of Americans depending on the dole and 20% depending on being employed by government. As the excrement hits the cooling device, more and more of the latter (employees) will be displaced. When that happens, target is to have 50-plus-1% surviving on freebies…

  4. People need to read Reckless Endangerment – Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner to get the facts on the whole project pushed by President Clinton and aided by legal representation Barak Obama to blackmail financial institutions into providing loans to NINJA’s (No Income, No Jobs, No Assets). Obama just refuses to admit they were wrong and pushes this bad policy.

  5. I fully support this measure, we can’t rebuild until it burns to the ground. The last four years have been painful, just prolonging the malaise, and there is no relief in sight. I say, let it burn, bring it on.
    It’s kind of funny that all of these policies, created by liberals, will actually hurt those who they were designed to help the most. What’s the sense in owning a home, with nothing down, if you cannot even afford electricity, heat or food?
    Oh well, I guess its a good thing in the end, you can only die of exposure and starvation in your own home once. The end will come soon, and since you have no retirement savings with the last collapse, its probably for the best.

  6. We go through this Captcha BS and comments still get ‘held’?
    -(No Income, No Jobs, No Assets). Obama just refuses to admit they were wrong and pushes this bad policy.-
    Maybe, but that’s history…
    Those illegal aliens* are going to need somewhere to live after amnesty 2.0. This plan is really very FORWARD(tm) looking./
    *I denounce myself

  7. Obama doesn’t care whether they can aford the homes, as they cost now. After the colapse, the government will decree that all those in a home can stay put. BTW those $350,000. homes will be worth about $35,000 if not $3,500.
    Anyone wishing this colapse happens in their life time, has no idea whats coming, it will definatly won’t be pretty. People will come for your things, what’s worst the government will, aided by the military. Tell me how you’ll keep them out of your house? Just so you know, they’ll have no quams about sending a drone over head.
    And for those of you thinking your gonna squirl away a truck load of cash away in the back yard, you’ll find that your currancy is no longer legal tender, or if it is they’ll accept it, once they knock off three zeros. $1000 = $1

  8. these should just give THOSE homes in Deeetroit to those who have no DP, fact some of those home could come with a cash bonus just so some one can divest themselves of those homes!!!

  9. Now that is a great idea. Take the homes in Detroit that they are tearing down and give to people providing they prepay the taxes maybe on a monthly basis.

  10. I don’t know what to say anymore, everyday it’s something stupider for Team Obama.

  11. Do the banks have a choice in who they give home loans to? Doesn’t the Community Reinvestment Act have something to say about this?
    Who was President when this was signed into law? Jimmy Cartier,
    Which Congress passed this? Tip O’Neill’s house…
    Which Senate passed this? Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd’s Senate. sorry, Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd,
    These people were responsible for bringing this act into being.

  12. It makes perfect sense and is a logical move –
    if you were steeped in anti-American radicalism all your formative years and you had foolishly taken on malicious unAmerican benefactors as patrons and are running a scripted treasury looting and economic collapse for them so they can buy the nation at 10 cents on the dollar.
    – then it makes perfect sense.

  13. WHen they decided that folks could use social assistance as income in qualifying for a mortgage it said it all for me. In piling the blame on unscrupulous banks (and coining the ridiculous term ‘predatory lending ‘) they managed to muddy the waters and avoid people putting blame where it belongs. If you want evidence that the whole thing is going to repeat itself look to late night TV infomercials. Remember when ‘making a fortune in your spare time with no money down in real estate’ was all the rage? It is creeping back. ‘Make a fortune ‘flipping houses’. Sigh.

  14. I don’t think he refuses to acknowledge. I think he knows exactly what he is attempting.
    He is a socialist, after all.

  15. Meanwhile poverty levels in the US are as high as they were in the early sixties.
    The war on it – formally declared by lbj in ’64 has been lost. And Obama was its westmoreland.

  16. Reckless Endangerment – Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner
    A VERY good read. Bought two copies, one goes to our local library.
    Loose lending requirements???
    Just in time for interest rates to go UP?
    Gold will easily hit $3,000 once this is well underway.
    A war will speed things up remarkably, good grief.
