15 Replies to ““Today me and my family are well-prepared.””

  1. At the risk of incurring the wrath of the moderator I am reposting the comment I made to EBD’s Tip.
    That Bosnian survivalist’s chilling words remind me of what my father-in-law told me, when he as a thirteen year old, and his family experienced off and on for almost four years from March 1917 until November 1920. At one point they sifted the grain sweepings from the granary to get the mouse poop out so that they had something to eat. One evening his older sisters jumped out of a bedroom window in the dark and hid in the bushes when some of Makhno’s men came looking for young women.
    On another occasion he and a couple of his sisters were watching out of the kitchen windows as some White soldiers about to execute some Red Army communist party members by the embankment of the large stream behind their property. Their mother noticed them and pulled them away from the window.
    Dogs and cats disappeared into the cooking pots.
    There are many more similar stories in a family book I wrote.
    Don’t kid yourself, as we saw in Katrina, civilization’s veneer is very thin. There are Makhnovists in your neighbourhood and it is only the thin blue line that keeps them at bay.
    What is appallingly galling however though, is that the same ideological scum that enabled these anarchists to do their work during those years are trying to create the same climate here, albeit slower.

  2. I read this about a year ago and have been preparing in earnest ever since..
    One thing that struck me that will be in high demand is matches..
    Since I don’t have a well I collect rain water and melt snow for all my needs to include my garden..
    My advice is to go long:
    1. Plastic garbage cans for water collection
    2. Plastic buckets
    3. Matches
    4. Duct tape
    5. Freezer bags
    6. snap lids
    7. shovels
    8. wheelbarrow
    9. sprinkler cans
    10. whatever equipment needed to collect wood
    For starters..
    Could go on and on..
    Good luck to all!

  3. Today we are all Cypriots. Tomorrow we will all be Bosnians.
    If you don’t have resources put aside to shelter yourself, feed yourself, protect yourself, store and clean water and have some stored assets that will be in demand enough to use as currency in the event of an emergency, you probably believe in the Easter bunny and stable ethical government/economies.

  4. Today we are all Cypriots. Tomorrow we will all be Bosnians.
    Well, the Muslim had it coming for what the Ustasha did to the Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia during WWII.
    There are Makhnovists in your neighbourhood and it is only the thin blue line that keeps them at bay.
    That ‘thin blue line'(NATO) was on the side of the Bad Guys in the Balkans conflict.
    The policeman is not your friend. If he were, he wouldn’t have disarmed you in the first place.

  5. The greatest problem I face is not having a large extended family around as, absent a means of eliminating sleep, one needs to have a group of people to facilitate survival in a SHTF scenario. Most people who I talk to about survivalism are dismissive as “it can never happen here”.
    Just realized that I don’t have enough fire starting means and will stock up on matches and lighters. Time to start hiding guns and ammo as well. Still haven’t found food that I could live on for months, but pretty much anything would taste good after starving for 3 days.
    Antibiotics I have in plentiful supply, but they would be a good barter item and so it means stocking up even more. If your doctor is a survivalist, I’d suggest getting a years supply or more of any prescription drugs that one needs. Some doctors limit people to a months supply of drugs to bring people back monthly for “followup”. I just write a prescription for a year for stable patients.

  6. Oz, you are one ignorant kid. Don’t talk about things you’ve only read about on Wikipedia.

  7. Blow it out your ass, blivet.
    NATO has been fighting for the Bad Guys(Jihadis) ever since the break-up of Yugoslavia. The Serbs were the good guys.
    Canada should get out of NATO and out of the UN.

  8. Oz, you don’t seem to know much of the history of that area. My Croatian mother taught me to hate Serbs from childhood and I’m glad that Croatia finally liberated itself from that Serb-run dictatorship known as Yugoslavia. There are still some contested Croatian territories that are Serb occupied that need to be liberated by the Croatians.
    As far as muslims go, the Croats and Serbs have usually fought together against muslims then gotten back to fighting one another. Kosovo is Serbian territory and that is one of the cases where NATO was fighting on the wrong side. If NATO hadn’t become involved in what was a purely internal matter, I’m sure that the former Yugoslavia would now be a muslim free zone.

  9. I meant here and now. If the the police were killed or ran away during an insurrection of some sort the scum of the earth would be in your house or in your neighbourhood pdg and a couple of shots from a .30-06 or some such calibre would not stop them for long.

  10. Oz, you don’t seem to know much of the history of that area. If NATO hadn’t become involved in what was a purely internal matter, I’m sure that the former Yugoslavia would now be a muslim free zone
    I know plenty about the history of that area. The former Yugoslavia being a muslim free zone would be a good thing.
    Canada being a muslim free zone would be a good thing.
    You should read up on what the Ustashi did to the Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia in WWII. Even the German SS were appalled by the brutality with which they perpetrated the attempted genocide.

  11. The fundamental moral principle of a civilized society, as formulated by Ayn Rand, is that no person has the right to initiate the use of force or fraud on any other person.
    This principle has been incrementally violated over the past several decades, not least through vast amounts of taxation. Citizen complacency is often achieved by promising them the “right” to the product of others’ labour — health care, housing, education, etc. These frauds have even been interpreted into our Charter of Rights by an ignorant Supreme Court of Canada, if they weren’t already there explicitly.
    Unfortunately the incremental decline of our rights can explode into complete destruction in a very short time. And some of the biggest foreboding today stems from the attitudes of police, for example their unwillingness to defend speakers under attack by violent left-wing goons while threatening counter-protesters at left-wing marches. All under the phony heading of “safety”, and likely stemming from their required “diversity training”.
    All any person really has to do in life is to find a productive activity he enjoys at which he can also earn a decent living. If his work is his primary source of that feeling of being glad to be alive, that’s terrific. If not, a person should at least find something useful he can do well that is reasonably interesting, and then find a serious hobby or interest on the side to keep busy. Most polls of retired persons, for instance, indicate the happiest are those who do manage to keep occupied. One gets the distinct impression however that those in the literal “Occupy” movement do not.
    Thus, most people who are attracted to collectivism are trying to fill up a big empty hole in their lives. The murderous worst of them are the power-lusters, the very ones who encourage, comprise and indeed attempt to lead the violent mobs.
    There is also a kind of intellectual conceit within many of them, to the effect that concern with the material is demeaning or degrading, and that thinking (which is far more mere navel-gazing following the intellectual vandalism of Kant and Hegel) is a “higher” calling. This is usually referred to as the mind-body dichotomy, and it leads to their elitist attitudes and their complete disdain for the business of production of goods and services. Nevertheless, if the economy tanks, the intellectuals don’t seem to realize that they will go down with it.
    Because the feeling of being glad to be alive is singularly absent from within them, these alleged intellectuals are not interested in teaching moral principles that can lead their students to happy and productive lives. Instead they propagate their venomous left-wing ideological swill for the purpose of ruling over the masses for whom they feel only contempt, despite frequent pious words to the contrary. Ayn Rand described this situation within the education system explicity in “The Comprachicos”, but it permeates her work more broadly than just the one essay.
