26 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. ABC News:

    The Associated Press, the largest news-gathering outlet in the world, will no longer use the term “illegal immigrant”…..the decision is part of the company’s on-going (sic) attempt to rid their Stylebook of labels.

    Jay Leno:

    “They will now use the phrase ‘undocumented Democrat.’”

  2. Tony Merchant, ex Saskatchewan Liberal MLA, and wife, Liberal Senator Pana Merchant…
    (posted at Blazing Cat Fur too..)
    It does look like he “may have” done this in the aftermath of his monumental payout from the Indian Residential Schools settlement.
    It does look like, I mean, it may appear that this was done in order to hide it from Rev Canada. But I’m not a lawyer, I’m no expert, and I’m not a Liberal.

  3. You can tell he’s an actual Liberal though, by the way the money was sent in cash to the Cook Islands, in envelopes, including the $2000 yearly fee for having the bank process cash payments.

  4. US veterans are receiving a letter either telling them to appear for a “wellness check” or a questionnaire fishing for an excuse to bring them in for a “wellness check” (psychological evaluation).
    This is ordered by the VA and done at federal facilities where they are held (against their will) until some statist quack says they can leave – the purpose is to (with out just cause, reasonable suspicion, warrant, charges or a trial) confiscate firearms from vets who they deem psychologically unstable. Of course because there is no court or legal oversight this is a no-win game for Vets – if you say you are happy and well adjusted they say “we don’t believe you” and steal your guns – if you say you get angry occasionally (like most normal people) you loose your guns. Same thing was done in the soviet union to incarcerate political enemies – the science of psychology was abominated and expropriated by the state and used as a tool to condemn politically troublesome people arbitrarily.
    This is now happening on a daily basis in the US. The latest case involved a disabled Navy vet with a spotless record who was picked up by police with no warrant (like a “stasi” political kidnapping) and forcibly taken and held, drugged and interrogated for a “wellness check” against his will.
    Of course this is the product of years of federalization indoctrinating of police by DHS and their stated pogrom against Vets, Libertarians, gun owners and tea party/constitutional patriots – who they deem as “domestic terrorists”.
    I think the “culture war” has just escalated into a true bureaucratic/administrative civil war in the US – something will pop soon. It seems the federal security administration is picking a fight with red state patriots – provoking a violent reaction to its in-your-face injustice/bigotry/tyranny – or is this just another “conspiracy theory”?

  5. Directly related to the above, Stuart Schneiderman:

    “(F)ormer Obama administration regulatory czar and current law professor Cass Sunstein sees government officials as an enlightened ‘guardian class,’ as Plato called them. Somehow or other the great minds of behavioral economics cannot imagine that government officials can be self-interested and that their decisions are influenced by their wish to keep their jobs.
    “Is it unfair to say that public employee unions are out for themselves? Do they support political candidates who will offer them generous wage and benefit packages because they are disinterested public servants?
    “The proponents of expansive government are defending a class interest. The greater the power of government, the more important their jobs. The more important their jobs the more they gain prestige and income.”

  6. Giving credit where credit is due: CBC’s report about Tony and Pana Merchant (the story marc in calgary referred to at 10:17) used the word “Liberal” *in the first sentence.*
    Quite a change from their usual MO.

  7. EBD, I simply wanted to note more prominently that Tony Merchant, the primary recipient of said funds, was an ex Liberal MLA from Saskatchewan.
    I too, was surprised that Pana Merchant being a Liberal Senator was mentioned.

  8. Sorry Marc, I didn’t phrase my comment very well; I was simply noting that you had already provided a link to the story, but not the CBC’s version thereof, in your previous comment. The CBC’s…behaviour in this case was intended to be a separate issue/comment.

  9. As a parent, that was an extremely hard video to watch. That metro sexual purse wearin’ parody of a man got laid exactly 2 times in his whole entire life… They’ve got a cool van but it will never compensate for what they’re lacking in real life…

  10. This is unusual,a same day juxtoposition,courtesy of the G&M and Alison Redford.
    “Alberta’s bold plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions stuns Ottawa and oil industry”
    ” Alberta PCs’ finances falter in 2012 as Wildrose rakes in donations ”

  11. And then there’s the native Britons:

    Nearly 900,000 people who were on incapacity benefit dropped their claim to the payments rather than undergo a tough medical test, latest government figures show.

    Spit out that tit, young man:

    As well as the 878,300 who chose to drop their claims, another 837,000 who did take the a medical test were found to be fit to work immediately, while a further 367,300 were judged able to do some level of work.

    Looks like a lot of people aren’t finding themselves quite so jolly or so old…

  12. EBD @ 10:51 p.m.:
    from the linked Schneiderman article: “Thomas Sowell has responded cogently that government is made up of individuals and that there is no reason to believe that these individuals are of sturdier moral timber than the rest of us.”
    The only difference between government and private institutions is that government has the authority to use coercion. Government officials are not omniscient, they do not have magic wands to wave to solve problems, and they are often insulated from feeling the full consequences of their actions when they foul up, which is frequently.
    Thomas Sowell blows away the opposition. Cass Sunstein just blows.

  13. EBD, Kate, someone, why does it say “March 27th” at the top of the thread?

  14. Neo-AGW PR Update.
    AGW Kills: “The number of deaths caused by the cold last month are feared to have risen by more than 5,000 as pensioners and other vulnerable people have struggled to heat their homes.”
    “Britain shivers in coldest April day for 20 years”
    “It is normally a time for spring to be in full bloom, but yesterday much of the country was shivering on the coldest April day for at least 20 years.”

  15. Red-Green AGW/MSM Math Is Hard Cawntest.
    G-M Wins again…caw…caw…caw…
    “CP Rail says 400 barrels of oil spilled, not four”
    “CP oil spill in northern Ontario 100 times larger than first reported” (g-m)

  16. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “Shanghai begins culling poultry; one contact shows flu symptoms
    SHANGHAI, April 5 (Xinhua) — Authorities in Shanghai on Thursday closed a live poultry trading zone in an agricultural products market and began slaughtering all birds there after detecting H7N9 bird flu virus from samples of pigeon from the market.”
    “First Dead Pigs, Now Dead Ducks Foul a Chinese River
    gma.yahoo.com·6 days ago
    Rivers of blood: the dead pigs rotting in China’s water supply
    The Guardian·6 days ago”
    *Ex-Liberal leader Bob Rae’s uncle, c/o Red China.

  17. Robert W @ 3:54 a.m.:
    Rae’s screed should read more like this:
    “I am a Liberal because I like pushing people around, I like making them believe they’re clueless without my help, and I like making up a lot of fancy but fake terms like ‘social justice’ and ‘dignity’ for that purpose.”
    “I am a Liberal because I like spending tax dollars with minimal accountability except for a routine deception of the electorate briefly every four years.”
    “I am a Liberal because I can come up with unctuous sentiments like, ‘I believe in enough government to help us all achieve success, but not too much government to stifle initiative and creativity.’, and most people don’t catch on that government cannot help people achieve success without picking people’s pockets first to an extent that causes them far more harm than any ‘help’ they might receive in return, because there is a fat layer of bureaucracy to skim off the cream.”
    “I am a Liberal because I believe there is no way that people can provide values like health care, education and housing for themselves, so government must do it.”
    “I am a Liberal because I have yet to find a productive purpose in life.”

  18. And:
    “I am a Liberal because I believe that government never, ever, ever makes a mistake.”
    “Or anyway I wouldn’t, if I were in charge.”
    “And if I did, I would cover it up very well.”
